Chapter 137.

In the afternoon Chakra was watching TV in the living room when someone rang Lova's doorbell. Lova's maid immediately checked who had come to visit.

"Who, Miss?" asked Chakra after Bi Surti returned from the front room.

"Mbak Lova's friends, Mas," replied Bi Surti before turning back.

Chakra moved forward to approach Lova's friends who were sitting in the living room. Arriving in the living room, he saw two of Lova's school friends sitting on the sofa. Chakra smiled in amusement when he saw the shocked look on their faces.

"Want to see Lova?" asked Cakhra pleasantly.

"Y-yes, he didn't go to school today," Sana said, somewhat stuttering.

"He's in his room. Come on! I'll take him there," Chakra chirped walking first.