Chapter 2

After lula pass out in the twins prince castle they decided to take her to houdou planet to give her protection while they wait for her to wake up after a day pass lula woke up urgently and sees yin and yang by her side she ask them where are they they both turn around and explain that they at the houdou planet figuring out what happen to you, when she about to speak she hears her baby crying right next to her.

When she reaches for the baby the baby immediately recognize her and falls asleep in her arms yin and yang ask lula is the reason she was running away cause by that baby she responds by shaking her head up and down after the baby is sound asleep she puts the baby in the carrier while lula explains how she and a human had conceited a baby together even the twins knows it's forbidden for a god or goddess to have any relationship with each other the punishment is death for both the parents and child, after explaining everything they understand why she was running and hiding from the law enforcer after that the twins heal and clean her injuries and letting her catch her breath they were interrupted by houdou attendant delios he ask them that dinner is ready and to follow him to dinner room.

After they help lula and the baby settle in the dinner room houdou shows up and welcomes every one for coming and to take a seat while they eat lula explains her crisis to her lord houdou he stay in silent while taking everything they had told him in confidential he explains there's no way they can survive no longer than a week if the law enforcer are looking for her and the child so he ask his attendant to ignored all call from the citadel and prepare to drop off the little baby to the king and queen of Aztlan so he can protected while they come up with a plan to help every one after deciding how it going down they decided not to bring the bad name of the Supreme Commander by having houdou be with them when they get captured.

After hours of planning they had to sacrifice everything in order for the plan to work so lula ask yin and yang what kind of attributes do they have both twin answer yin had destruction and yang had creation in order for the plan to work lula ask yang to create a duplicate of her baby by doing so they can buy time for the twins to go back home after the trial lula knowing she wouldn't make it out alive she ask her four comrades to not speak of what happen to the baby boy and she would like to name the child blitz and ask the twins if it would be okay for the child to inherit there last name both look at each other and nodded with a smile, lula was happy to know that she had comrades to protect her son and help her in this crisis.

Once everyone start getting ready and explaining the detail to lord houdou and his attendant delios both saying their goodbye and regretting that they couldn't help with much else but lula let them know that she is grateful for a kind hearted god like himself to help her in her need saying there goodbyes lula with her fake at hand along with the twins get on a ship and fly out the planet into the stars knowing what about to happen after both deity watch there friends leave houdou give delios the word to call the law enforcer and tell them about there whereabouts, mikael thanks the god for their assist in capturing the rouge deity along with the culprits who help her while lula and the gang drift into space and prepares for the archangels arrival lula tells the twins that she has a inside man inside the law enforcer squad she tells them that they can help the twins solved the rising promblem of the aztlanians, but she then look both at them with a serious expression and tells them that they have to follow thru with the extermination of there race themselves both twins loss composure with a awww expression.

They ask her what they mean she then explains the dark truth about the two fates that they have to do in order to survive the first is that lula and the child will both die the second is that when the high council ask them to partake in the extermination of there race they have to swallow their pride and accept their there deal with no hesitation or they will know that something is wrong yin ask lula is that the only way for them and the child to live she shakes her head and explain that for troubling them and the aztlanians race she tells them about a device that can restored the aztlanians race both look at her with a curious expression she tell them that the gene of theirs and the humans are compatible enough for the machine to turn the whole human biology into a full blooded aztlanian the twins look at each other and shake there head in sync knowing there's no backing out of this fated deal.

At lord houdou planet houdou looks up at the sky and prays that they come out of this unharmed delios tell him that only fates can decided there outcome but he also decides to pray for there survival and hopes they come back again, back at the ship lula tells the twins that there already here they look outside the window and gasp as they can see a army of angel and the famous archangels gabe and mikael front and center they speak into the speaker and tells them that they surrender surprised by the outcome both archangels enter the ship they tied the prisoners and search the ship finding nothing they lock down the ship then they ask one of the angel soldier to open a portal to the citadel as they make there way into the city they are taken immediately to the court room by the archangel mikael.