Chapter 18

With his rat army and the human david ask is his ship by any chance fix or nope rattrap says he has gather most of the needed materials but he needs a huge power source to kick start the ship as he thinks about it he say will his own energy suffice for the launch he needs he say yeah but he makes a bit of a sad face expression telling david that he doesn't want to leave the rat army he help grow and evolved from their weak self david say can't he just take them with him to his home planet since there all rat's anyway but rattrap comes out saying his home planet people are kind off jerks to outsiders that aren't born from their planet and they will hate him and even banish him from his own kingdom for messing around with lesser rat beings that isn't from there planet david says he is a ruler he has so much power over his people that he can show them a brighter future with equal equality and no hate against other beings or aliens rattrap thinks for a moment to decided on his final answer he then look at david with a worry look asking him does he like his new home he says yeah it may not be his home planet but it feels like he does belongs here a his new home better than ever.

Rattrap say he will stay in this planet for a bit longer so he can help the rat army be we'll acquainted with the way his planet is ruled david says so he is not gonna bother the town people anymore he will train them to hunt for themselves and rely on each other instead of others david says thank god he has solved a crisis problem with no fighting or bloodshed at all but he does feel a bit sad though rattrap ask what is making him feel down in the slump david tell that he wanted to fight him for a while now and see how much he has grown in power and strength rattrap stands up from his chair grabbing his weapon and putting it into his back telling david that he will fight him for a bit so he can get some enjoyment out of this because he had also wanted to test out his own strength with another warrior from other planet's in the universe so this will be a great match david get up from his chair running to the exit of the spaceship so he can finally get a worthy match he has long for since fighting oni rattrap ask him if he wanna add any rules to this little match up david grab his chin thinking about any rules they should add in case to be on the safe side.

But he just says no holding back would be good idea and maybe no killing since he wouldn't want the rat army to get angry at him and take it out on the town ratrap agrees with the rules also thinking about adding some of his own but he just okay with the two rules he has said as they head outside the rat army stare at him with a suspicious look on their faces but rattrap just tell everyone that they will be having a small sparring match they are welcome to watch and learn from this fight if they want to everyone makes room for them two letting both david and rattrap to meet in the middle as the circle gets bigger for a all out fight to happen david ask if he will using the weapon in the cloth or he hasn't proven worthy enough to used it on him he smiles at david saying no he wants to test his fighting skills first then he will changed it up when the fight starts heating up david says that's not a bad idea he will also do the same raising both his arm's for his fighting stance technique getting ready and preparing for any incoming attacks that might head his way rattrap show off his special fighting stance in front of the crowd getting their attentions and leaving david a bit worry.

From this unique fighting stance that he hasn't seen at all he keeps his distance figuring out a way to attack thru his tight defence without making a bad play but before he can react to anything he gets push back by ratrap who was on the offense attack not letting his guard down david doesn't do anything rash that might mess up his plan so he keeps his distance and block's the closed attack coming his way he finally spots an open spot in his defense attacking at the right moment delivering a strong blow to the stomach making him stop his attack then david does a spin kick to the face watching rattrap land hard in the ground floor he gets up looking at david who's holding his own as they continued fighting against one another for a couple hour's both david and rattrap look beaten up and extremely tired ready to pass out at any moments but they raised there fist for another round but david is the first to stop the fight making the rat army feel fooled or confused since the people of this planet loves to fight david says if his people we're here they would say the same thing since there species are a warrior race who loves fighting more than anything.

Rattrap speaks for a moment he sounds like a perfect prey for the hunter who was hunting him he said he needs a worthy foe to hunt and collect to check their worthiness but david raise both hands on top of his head saying he wanna fight for fun not just because he's being hunted down by a real crazy alien from space rattrap tells him he's also from space like him and the hunter david scratches his chin saying maybe they are but this is different from his normal foes he's fought over the passing year's as a hunter he ask rattrap what kind off abilities or power dies this hunter have since they first meet in the call he explains that all he got from him was that he really a determined hunter who finds his prey no matter how far they are in the universe what else can he tell him about david ask in a serious tone rattrap sees this and explains that in his planet they don't get much news only the basics to keep up with the whole universe situation saying that a we'll known bounty hunter has captured another warrior species saying he's been going to other planet's collecting the strongest warrior for an unknown reason from different galaxies but he always taught since they lived in the outskirts of the main galaxies.