Chapter 25

For complaining about there own life that doesn't sucks by them he stands up heading into the jungle telling the rookies to be ready when he comes back he will gather more fruits so they will be left alone for a while and should be able to defend themselves without his help at all he dissapears instantly making pot and patty gasp on how fast he is compared to most people in the guild they are used to seeing pot turns to patty who is making sure they have enough supplies to last them until they have finally leave the dungeon behind for good he takes a deep breath telling patty that he is sorry for acting like a douche this whole entire time and not being a lookout when david left to gather fruits he should've taken charge and protected them both from harm patty just put a hand on his face then slapping him across the face telling him to get his shit together they know each other for so long that he should not be to worry about her to much he has to also worry about himself patty hugs him tightly telling him to quit with her so they can have a normal life with one another with no death or struggles david hears this while picking up some bananas and some apple's.

Telling himself he a little happy knowing to have help someone who is thinking about each other instead of one other saying this life is for people who don't have nothing to lose themselves or who want to make their name's grow famously david smiles to himself saying he has one goal in mind and that is to get much stronger and grow his reputation along with his crew so the world will acknowledge them as a worthy foe to be afraid of he grabs the rest of the fruits from the tree's he heads back to the camp spot watching both pot and patty talking to each other david uses his super hearing to see what they are talking about in secret he hear patty telling pot that for right now he wants to be friend's and that after this whole dungeon crisis is over she wants to go out on a date with him pot blushes a little having a hard time speaking he says sure he would like to start slow for right now david drop the bag full of fruits into the ground near them asking what he miss they seem to have gotten closer than usual since the toads attack pot stands telling david that they both are gonna retire early from the hunter guild's so they can go focus on school then college.

So they can have a wonderful job that pays for their homes in the future david says he is happy to know that they made this choice on there own with no one telling them what to do in the end he ask them both if they are ready to go home and talk to there parent's about there major changes in their lives patty says yeah while pot have some nervous look on his face like he is really scared to go home or something david grabs pot by the shoulders giving him a good shake to bring him back to reality telling him he has nothing to be scared of his parent's are both human's so what the worst they can do to you ground him or take away his outside time pot say they will send him to boot camp for a whole summer david laughs at this saying he is glad that he doesn't have to deal with human problems anymore patty ask what does he mean human problem david explains that he isn't human at all he's out of this world so to speak he tell them both that his mom and dad are human's while he is not saying the biggest thing that can ruin his happiness would be his dad getting in his life again to spend time with him or to catch up pot ask is that really bad to have a chat with him that doesn't bad.

David say that both his parent's are hunter who are we'll known thru out the USA region so his dad force him into training at the age of 1 year old pot and patty both gasp in surprise asking that has to be fake he shouldn't be able to do anything except crawl or atleast talk david once again explain he ain't human he is an alien from another planet patty say maybe he is right pot should not be scared of his parent's compared to david sad little childhood he smiles saying he likes to fight strong warrior's who get his attention so that's why he does hunting job to put evil away for good and get some training in so he won't get bored at home doing school work pot ask if he still in school right now he tell them that they started the second half of school he's a sophomore what grade are they in both say a junior level david is surprise by this saying they about become seniors in a couple of month's pot say he is going to be junior soon he should be happy for himself david just say he isn't planning on finishing school he has job's to do his dad doesn't much care about school either but his mom is a different topic she would be him up if she knew about him dropping out like his dad.

As they continued talking and walking david says he can see the entrance of the cave where they came from just a couple more miles and they will reach it in nightfall pot and patty both ask if he will be coming with them to the guild base to watch them retired in person so they know they isn't lying david says he only knows them for about two day's and half he know people are liars and betrayers he doesn't sense that from them both he can actually see that they want this to work out for the future pot and patty smirk proudly saying he isn't a bag guy like everyone talks about in the guild david turns around fast asking who the hell is talking about him he wants to know who pot says that everyone is except the guild leader he actually has respect for you some unknown reason david says him and his dad know each other or something like that he doesn't care what they say about him they feel threatened by his skills and achievements he join the guild when he was about 5 year old pot say he must've had tons of training and potentials to be a hunter at a young aged david just say it was hell for him to be waking up early in the morning and sleeping early just to train and push himself to his limits while everyone have fun and enjoy there childhood.