Chapter 28

Magaly get a basket full of chocolate chip cookies and brings it to his son and rynx who wait patiently for it with a cold glass of milk they have prepared as magaly put the basket down both guest bite into the cookies savouring the flavor plus drinking milk magaly gives her son a knowing look waiting for him to spill the tea of hiding his girlfriend from her but not his social life david explains how he met steffy and how they started dating for a while before breaking up with her david says that he saved the girl in freshman year from some bullies and he took her to the nurse office to get her treated and waiting with her until the bell rang to let them leave school as he about to leave he just gave a small note to tell the strange girl he just met sorry for getting her in trouble and not arriving earlier to protect her from suffering more damaged and he just never saw her ever again until his sophomore year where she recognized him in the luck line and ask if he was david aztlan he responded by saying yes steffy jump on him hugging him tightly not letting go after a while of talking it all out he finally knows what's her problem explaining that he saved her when they was freshman.

But he seem to have forgotten all about it until that day in the lunch line meet up david says he bought the girl a couple snacks from the machine to repay her for not letting her get her own food magaly smack david on top of his head saying he is like his dad both clueless of anyone falling for them david says at first he didn't know shit but after a while they started talking more and more until they went on a date he had plan out for them after that night they became a item keeping it a secret but they didn't really care about hiding there relationship sharing it with his brother and his friend's on having a beautiful girlfriend but he didn't really have to do put him on the spot magaly looks at her son asking did he really like her alot david smiles blushing a little bit on his cheeks he says yeah he did but he had to break up with her for her safety in the coming future rynx nod his head in agreement telling ms magaly that if she understood the problem that might effect her she would agree with her son decision on breaking up the relationship magaly says he doesn't get his whole hunter life style but she will let this huge decision of his slide until he is ready to tell her david smiles proudly of this saying.

He hasn't been to school for the exact same reason because he was not up for it the drama and the suffering for the girl he fell in love with and broke her heart put magaly put a cookie on his mouth to shut him up for a minute telling him to listen closely she has never told anyone this secret of his dad once upon a time they both broke up way earlier before he was born they had a harsh argument about the future and his job that he had to do at any cost so for a time they weren't talking to each other or seeing one another for a couple year's until his dad came to her house and started playing a love music outloud on his boombox that he beg for one of his friend to let him borrow it for the night as she went to see who it was she saw his father guilmer looking sad and regretted how the split up david ask what did she do after didn't her parents come out with a gun on there hands cause they thought it was a stranger no says magaly they we're just ignoring his boombox and went back to watching tv and enjoying the summer day but she was happy to see his dad outside the window trying to get her back even if he cost him his pride heart.

She open the window and went to him jumping from the second story house guilmer caught her in time before they she hit the ground as they spend the whole night talking and discussing on her house porch they agreed to start dating again and to not hold any secret between the ever again but magaly makes a knowing look expression on her face that david knows about already they had him and tony he left before he realize that he was a father again giving birth to gabe without him knowing about it for a couple years rynx says he has raised a we'll educated son who is kind hearted and nice even thoe he had a bad childhood to begin with magaly says she wish she could've stop the harsh training that he went thru everyday but guilmer was very into it making sure be was raising a strong warrior like himself that can fight against any for he goes up against in the near future david talks for a bit saying be hates his dad so much thinking what's good for them as a family even thoe they don't have a say in it follow his rules or get left behind.

We're the thing's that stuck with him until the end grabbing a cookie from the tray and eating it david changes the subject saying what was the whole dad story with the boombox about magaly says if they love one another they will pass this hard chapter in there life and once again meet each other in the end more stronger than before david says he knows all about it rynx then comes into the conversation saying to them both that they should enjoy the whole day together until david makes another excuse for not visiting again as magaly laughs at this she ask her son and rynx if they would like to go with her to the food store to grab a couple items on her list to make a special home made food dinner for her son today david jumps up from the couch asking her if it the special sandwich that she used to make in the holidays she nod her head making david smile happily who tell rynx to get up and follow them to the car so they can go to the food store and help out his mom rynx jumps on his back saying is the sandwich that good david stops in his track's turning his head to look back at him with a angry expression.