Chapter 64

As yango calls out to them saying neo did it he found our there location he can start to transport them to the base soon tony tell yango to transport the most wounded daniel, michael, elijah, oliver and yuri are in need of a senzu bean now yango say sure transporting them one by one until they have arrived back at the base yango say he will take them next one my one so the transporter won't malfunction on them tony say he will be the last one to be transported yango say sure taking the crewmates one at a time while the other's protect them from incoming enemy attack as there's only four more left including tony he tell gabe to go now along with lucas and samuel he will defend there escape getting shot at once again in the left leg by another skilled sniper saying fuck he hates long range warriors asking neo to get him out now yango tell tony that he will soon hearing multiple footsteps at the top of the building he see that they have rocket launchers aim at him firing the rounds tony say come on dodging the rockets with precise accuracy and trying to get blown up into little pieces yango tell tony now transporting him back to the base in one piece neo gives him a senzu bean to eat.

He ask his grandpa how's david doing is he okay yango say david is doing average taking damaged there and there but nothing so serious like death threatening as they see the monitored for a call from david or message at least back to the generator room david is still fighting with commander execution and the extra reinforcement while X take down the enemy soldiers and troopers and leaves execution to david as they have started the 25 second countdown before the generators blows up in an blaze X is struggling saying he need another weapons so he can fight better david throws one of his sword at X saying catch out loud so that X can hear him as he grab david sword feeling the grip and quality saying it's a good trade telling david he can keep his shield david says he is a hardman to deal with but he will accept the trade for now firing shots at execution who just defends himself from any harm coming his way as david and X hear the alarm ringing they run away from the generator room telling them to leave the island or they will loose everything commander execution tell the men to go up and protect the civilians from any harm leave the criminals alone.

They will meet there end soon the generators blows up at the same time before execution can do anything to prevent it from happening watching the whole thing go in blaze jester contacts him saying did he kill the criminals but execution stays quiet shaking his head to the side jester say it's not his fault asking what is on fire Execution shows jester the generators in fire jester say so that means the island will start to fall soon as he finishes his sentence the island falls down toward the ground at full speed jester tell execution to stop the island from falling now forget the enemy they will get what coming to them they have the location to there base and sent john a couple hour's earlier for this reason he has the whole area surrounded there just waiting for the main guest to show who will not leave his dearest mom alone knowing what has happen today he will rescue her but he will soon find a paper letting him know where they at and john will do the right thing with no hesitation when david arrives alone laughing proud before hanging up david and X are floating through the hallway since the island is falling escaping to the top they see the people start freaking out but they can't worry about them now.

As they fly away surprised by not getting shot down at all by the still awake soldier's david flies with X on his side escaping the unholy place for good as david ask X where does he plan on going now X tell david that he did his part already now it's about time for him to leave the planet behind waving farewell at david telling him that the world he care and love is in his safe hands now so he has to protect it from people who try to cause any harm to it dissapering into the empty space for good david thanks him for the save back in the security room calling out to neo asking if everyone made it home safe with no major wounds yango say yeah they are just waiting for him to come back home david tell yango that right now he has to transport him to his mother house instead he's gonna bring her with them since he doesn't know where his dad and uncle are anymore so he has to protect his mom yango say no he cannot go see him mom right now he is being hunted by the world order and dark order alliance as david say fuck it he turn off his gadget heading toward his mom apartment now to see of his mom is at home as he flies full speed toward texas city reaching h-town in matter of minutes.

While back at the holy kingdom everyone is panicking falling towards the ground but jester reassures the other world leader's that his right hand man execution has this all under control execution focus all of his energy covering every inch of the island and forcing it too stop before crashing into the ground as everyone cheers for jester commander saying he save them execution fixes the generators with help from the mechanic he goes to where his boss is at saying it's being fix right now jester and the world leader along with darkoss plus the million of people watching this live that he tell everyone that starting from now on he will go back to the holy kingdom as there ruler while he will give someone trustworthy to lead the usa region he tell his world order comrades that he will make horward integent the next president leader of usa region while he also want to ask his comrades that he feels deep down that since they are working together now world order and dark order should no longer be two halves of the same coin anymore but a whole now jester wants to make a new order for benefiting the two order as one so he has come up with a new name for the new order.