Chapter 1

Yami magnus a menber of the worst prodigy crew finds himself in a island in the middle of the open sea waking up by the sand water hitting him in the face realizing that him and his teams have all went their separate ways waiting for the two year's training to pass by fast enough so they can once again meet each other and see how much they have grown since the team split up yami have been walking around the whole beach until he finds a open cave space to live in by the beach so he decides to camp in it for a while he soon finds out where in the map he's at making double sure that there's no nearby threat to this island so he won't be spotted by the injustice order leader jester so yami sneaks around the whole island for a whole week making sure there's no enemy to be spotted he only finds out that there's multiple town and village in the big Island full of harmless humans who can't bother him or be considered a threat at any means so yami takes this time to go back to his cave to train his body physically and mentally almost everyday to better adapt to his aztlan force saying that right now he has the potential to only unleash only about 35% and that's all he can drag out for right now.

So that's why he is training everyday with his body and attribute both are important to his growth as he spend the first couple month training like crazy he has notice some good growth rate to his skills and power being now able to draw out 44% of the aztlan force form with no pain to his body as he wakes up from his nap he suddenly hears things blowing up and people from the nearby town screaming in fear so he decides to head out and check what's happening to see if the town people are safe or in danger as he gets out his cave from his hidden underground tunnel seeing a bunch of pirate ships gathered by the town dock area with a unique jolly roger on their pirate ship flag as they all go towards the town attacking and looting the civilians of all there valuables stuff by force being knock down to the ground floor the pirate's gather all the civilians in the middle of the town with an open area as yami sees this he tries to see if they have any other surprises on there side as he waits for a bit he see someone wearing a huge pirate hat on top of there head coming out the biggest pirate ship with a wooden peg leg and eye patch making him excited to see a pirate captain with a parrot.

On his shoulder that copies everything he says where's the meteor, where's the meteor arrr the captain smiles at his beautiful bird fine word speaking saying to his parrot name polly on how they have a job to do before robbing all the valuables from this island and marking it on the map to give to their hires polly flies up in the sky heading to the village landing on top of the pole over looking all the prisoner's and pirate's the pirate captain arrives at the middle of the town asking his pirate crew to show them the mayor of this beautiful town of theirs as the pirate's crew grab hold of an old man from inside the pile of prisoner's by the arm's bringing him in front of the pirate captain who stands with a smile on his face asking the mayor that he should be honored by this fateful meet up saying that if it wasn't for his smart attitude he gave to his boss he wouldn't be so filthy rich right now and get double the amount by bringing him in alive to his boss the old mayor just looks at the ground whispering something softly in his breath one of the pirate member kicks him in the back of his head hard that makes him hit the ground floor face first as he gets back up.

The pirate captain looks angry at the crewman asking him why in the he'll did he think it was a good idea to kick a old man who can make them more money being alive than dead the pirate apologizes to his captain saying he won't do it again the captain tells him to go back to the ship and just keep an eye out for any sea soldier's or ships from the injustice order they can't mess with them yet they need more fire power and they don't have that at the moment the old man mouth is all bruise up saying he's lucky it was only a small cut on his lips and nothing more the mayor ask who is he and what does he want with there island valuables the pirate captain stands up straight saying he is a infamous pirate who has been sailing the seven seas for adventure and loots to upgrade there ranks and get a big fleet on their side to conquer the sea with no difficulty saying his name is pirate captain juan-pablo the 5th and he leads the 5th pirates all over the sea for treasure chest as the pirate begins to shout and yell loudly raising there gun and sword up in the air triumphly saying that's there captain taking risk with no fear in his single eye as the pirate captain get back to his questions.

Asking the mayor if he by any chance know the location of a rare material meteor that had crash into this island couple decade's back and asking if he knows about it properties from inside it the mayor says he has no clue what he is talking about there have never been a meteor crash spotted on this island but perhaps he can check the nearby Island for more informations about it yami waits patiently hearing their conversation about the meteorites that landed on this island and how it materials are rare even too them pirate juan-pablo walks close to the old man slapping him across the face with his backhand saying he has no time for games either tell them where he can find the meteor itself or show them any materials gathered from it and show it now or civilians will start to die one by one in front of him captain juan-pablo looks at him counting down from five saying when he reaches one he better have proof about the meteor being spotted on this island or else he won't like how angry he can get as captain juan-pablo starts counting down from five he tells them that if there mayor don't wanna save them he will give the town villagers a chance to answer his question honestly.