Chapter 49

Let's gang up on him with carl saying oh shit not again getting punch across the face by both writhe and droolev at the same time sending him flying through the forest crashing many logs on the way until he stops on the edge coughing up blood he get back up saying okay let's go again doing his fighting stance charging toward the duo he punches droolev on the arm knocking him back while he kicks writhe on the face who say good job on hurting him a bit before grabbing his leg spinning him in circle then throws him toward droolev who kicks him on the face making him do a backflip rubbing against the ground getting some cut and bruises all over moaning in pain he get grabbed by both enemy using there tail each grabbing a part of carl limb trying to pull him in half as they do so walking the opposite way from the other person carl is seen stretching from both side's his body start to break little by little making carl scream in pain but he don't give up just yet he grab writhe tail bitting it with his teeth hard making him flinch saying son of a bitch letting go of carl arm's dropping him off to droolev who gets beat up while writhe grabs his tail.

Cursing outloud in pain why did he have to bite his tail why complaining of all the ways he could've hurt him it had to be with his teeth as he turns to see carl and droolev fighting on even terms kicking droolev to the side hitting a tree with his back carl chases after him smashing his knee with his face making him bleed a drop of blood but nothing serious to him healing soon from his small wound he then punches carl on the stomach causing his eye's to open wide from the pain surging through his whole body making him crash on the ground but he don't stop there he charges toward droolev making used of his tough buddy so they both could go through the tree's together as they push with all there strength all over the forest with writhe following close behind he smacked carl on the back of the head with his two hands put together digging him deep into the ground floor droolev then plants both foot on his chest digging him even deeper to the ground both droolev and writhe jumping up in the air firing there dragon elements togther into one attack both remove and coal attribute merging into one poweful element that blows up the surroundings.

Both tree's and carl in the blast ranged causing a mushroom shape smokecloud to appear where he was last seen sending strong shockwaves to blast all around the farm lands that even felix and his two opponent's can feel the energy surge saying what the he'll was that just now all three staring at the smoke cloud up in the air focusing on there own battle instead kicking both warrior's on the face that knocks them back as writhe and droolev land back at the ground seeing the huge crater in front of them with ground debris flying everywhere suddenly the two dragon slayers spot there target carl crawling out the crater saying he managed to stay alive oh wow that was close he would've die for sure if he hadn't put up all his draco art to his forearm and feet to stand even a chance against the overwhelming attack force being blasted at him as he looks in front of him spotting the duo watching him from up close as carl stands back up he tell the duo he will win this fight even if he has to sacrifice his own life he will put everything in a stake as he finish talking he cross his arm over his chest that start to cause the ground to break into pieces.

As the dragon slayers see him suddenly start to change with his body muscles and veins start to pop out his skin that circle him like how nuon power up form did with him as the body part to enlarge two times there size making carl look a bodybuilder making them happy that he is taking this serious now what took him so long as carl body star to become even bulkier and taller around seven foot tall almost as tall as the two dragon slayers who admired his courage to do something so stupid that might kill him afterwards if he's not careful as carl finishes with his power up form on the other side felix can feel his energy has risen so high up almost close to nuon own power up form he has been training way harder than them both this is him with his resolution to win this fight no matter what smiling at him winning his fight already saying he can't fall behind when his buddy is giving it his all right now carl says with a deep voice surrender or get beaten up to a pulp ripping off his shirt and pants making them into shorts showing off his muscular body with veins being visible on his body saying one more time what it's going to be both dragon slayers talk.

Saying fight until the very end all three warrior's stare at one another with there full power form activated no more holding back this when the fight start to get serious carl appear before the two punching both dragon slayers in there stomach hard even though they have tough scales that protect them from all damage physical or energy based so what's up with them getting hurt by a mere punch looking at each other carl teleports so fast behind writhe punching him in the face with all his might dealing good damaged to one another with carl ignoring the pain he's feeling in his knucle punching all over writhe scale body trying to break his armor down into nothing remembering what droolev said about having almost no scales on there belly area so he should aim for that droolev jump toward carl who sees this kicking him across the face knocking him through the forest leaving a dirt trail to where he stop at writhe follows behind writhe trying to punch him but carl dodges every incoming attack coming his way grabbing both of writhe hand before hitting his chin with his knee then a spin kick to the stomach making writhe flinch in pain blood spewing out the corner of his mouth.