Chapter 48

He is happy about his improvements getting close to a base level tilor means he has more of a chance to handle tilor at his best so for now he can sleep tighly falling on the grass floor closing his eye's as the day ends with the trio sweating and being out of breath after a good long workout saying they have improved there power and skills by a lot thanks to formu teaching who says they already had the skills to unlock more potential they just needed a good partner that's all with conn and tion also saying they are happy to know they can keep on growing and not just stay in the sidelines forever while oscar fights alone in their place formu explains that he just granted a student really selfish wish to fight singlehandedly so if anything happens to him it will be his fault for the rest of his life so he believes in his student oscar who will win this in the end with them three also being support pillars to hold the bridge to victory and end this stupid war feud from getting out of hand by giving oscar there trust all the way as they split up heading off to there own room to take a long needed shower and get some food to eat for dinner then head to bed for tommorow battle.

But tion who decides to fix and upgrade oscar outfits instead for tommorow match so he won't look beaten up and even look cool to show off his style in front of the enemy as he gets to work wasting no time at all like his life depends on it he makes sure every inch of the outfit is good both conn and formu just go take there shower and meet each other in the lunch room to eat today and talk while time goes by everyone goes to sleep except for both doc and tion who are working on thing's to help out oscar during his fight against tilor with doc working on medicine and tion on clothes while oscar rest easily with a smile on his face sensing them do there thing's for him that he sheds a tear for their kindness towards him as the night passes by making it already morning close to five am with formu being the only one awake to see how's the outside weather saying cold as always and sensing the huge army that is coming toward the temple in huge numbers with tilor leading the charge with a smile on his face and holding on to his dual whip weapons on the side he hits the alarm clock waking up everyone inside in a hurry to their station's so they.

Won't get ambush without returning fire as they all start moving the villagers follow the monk's direction to head into the cellar for their safety as tion, conn, and oscar wake up to hear the alarm they get up quickly gathering there stuff from there room to be fully prepared and dress as oscar see his new outfit trying it out first saying perfect as always tion who hears him from across the temple smiles from his compliment he then sees doc run up to him with a needle full of green liquid before he inserts it into his arm saying this is to healed him faster with oscar saying is it fine for him to have gotten a huge amount of medicine shot into him like this without atleast eating or drinking something doc say it's now or never with rocket hitting the side of the temple shaking the whole building from the impact as doc tell oscar to meet everyone at the temple entrance cause they are waiting for him already so move it pushing him out the infirmary room wishing him good luck on his match today he will take care of taro here who's not done healing yet as oscar sees he has everything in place he goes to his room real fast grabbing the last senzu bean out his hidden.

Bag compartment saying only for near death emergency before running out his room heading through the hallway seeing some villagers screaming and running toward the cellar with fear in there eye's oscar spots the store owner fall on the ground oscar picks him up telling him to hurry to the cellar he will take care of this bad guy for them with no more word's being said he leaves with the store owner telling him be safe heading to the back with everyone else as oscar reaches the front doors he see formu, tion, and conn talking to the monk's and giving them instructions on what to do in their post for today formu tell oscar that he has to take the lead from here on out and them two pointing to tion and conn will follow him to keep the soldier's busy and away from him while he will lead the temple monk's to fire at nearby enemy's coming towards them got it with everyone saying yes sir as oscar say let's do this guy's opening the doors to see the huge army shooting there guns making there way to them with tilor launching aura whip slash at the temple defense from afar saying there's my target with a smile in his face conn tell his buddy.

Let's go already we can't stay here forever as all three leave the temple safe place heading toward the army direction with there weapon drawn out already oscar cuts down the first couple rows of monk's down with ease using his force dagger move as tion and conn jump in the middle slamming there fist in the ground floor launching the monk's off there feet falling on the ground hard while cutting them down as the monk's are taken care of oscar head's fast towards tilor who calls him out saying what took you so long come and face him already let's see who is the strongest once and for all as oscar say fine he power's up to his full power in base form while tilor just stays calm watching him get closer and closer facing off about to start soon with him making the first move stepping on the snowy ground floor with his right foot causing a wave of aura energy to head toward him as oscar sees this he punches the ground also with his fist sending his own force energy wave move at the enemy attack that meets in the middle blowing up the nearby monk's out the way either killing them or wounding them bad as formu who stands on top of the temple roof telling his men.