Chapter 26

Landing the strong attack on each other body that causes another explosion with the two warrior's still in the middle standing strong to not get push back as they try to overpower one another attack move since speck has more power he sends gabe flying back crashing through a few wall that he don't stops until he hit a metal wall as he does so looking around to see he's in the vault room full of money and gold that they have been collecting for over the two year's why not give it to the homeless so they can make a better world speck say the other warlord from texas land say she will keep a tight eye on him so he better not do something to embarrass the warlord title or rank cause that will mean instant death for him and his group and he don't want that at all gabe say don't worry this will all be over soon getting used to his enemy attack and speed pattern he has evolved and adapted from before saying good for him he charges toward speck who stomp his feet creating multiple cactus wall so he will be prick by the spines but gabe say fuck going through it coating his whole entire body with both physical and spiritual energy with his.

Right hand forward collecting energy for his attack at the same time going through the cactus wall he reaches him in no time saying normal fist attack swinging a energy coated punch at speck that doesn't touch him at all but does some serious damaged to him in his abdomen sending him flying back through one wall in the building as the smoke settles he can be seen walking back to his opponent gabe who just stares him down saying you good to continue speck say always stomping his ground to send another attack at him call cactus surge wave as gabe sees this he slam his foot on the ground saying normal wall to defend himself but in reality he plans to sneak around when the attack blow his wall down so he can get closer to land a good blow on him with the smoke covering their eyesight as the attack plan goes as he plan gabe moves out the way to get a sneak attack on speck who still seem to be distracted by the explosion thinking his enemy is either hit or down but in reality he has known about gabe attack plan saying he can see his opponent's movement's with his energy control all your movement's are nothing but from the.

Past and the future has shown him his victory already he turns and turns himself into a cactus ball spinning in circle before charging toward gabe who seen all too late getting hit in the face and upper body area crashing against the wall he is pin in feeling the spines dig deeper on to his body with each thrust by the cactus ball attack he gets all his energy to grab hold of him as he does so he then lift him up out the ground saying to him you bastard take this throwing him high up in the air like a volleyball crashing through the building roof he can see that speck took some damage as he is in the air gabe teleports above him in incredible speed saying normal dual stomp hitting with all his might on cactus tough defense leaving a small bruise on his armor sending him falling back with a loud thump as that happens many people from within the junkyard can feel it wandering what's going on who's winning or losing their battles as gabe land in the building through the same big hole he threw speck from as he spots his enemy who is still okay just sitting down on the ground with a smile on his face asking him don't be scared of who you are.

Young warrior gabe says what you mean he ain't scared of you or his group member's speck tell him that he ain't scared of him but his own self from becoming exactly like his two brothers warrior crazy maniacs who all think about is fighting ain't it gabe say yeah that's true he wanted to instead finish school and live a normal life with his girlfriend and hopefully marry her then have kids with a house to live in until there time was up yeah says speck that does sound kinda good but here they are chosen by the power source itself to fight one another either one of them going down for the count gabe say yeah he had hope to leave the crew one day in this two long year's but soon came to realized that everyone else has to be in the same boat as him from the start wanting to live normal lives and not be warrior's for the world sake but he had thought to himself no he was a coward all along from the very start he wanted nothing to do with this power only to get rid of as soon as he found out he was gifted this power he never wanted from the start but it has also become a part of him in his heart and soul through the long year's wanting to have a normal life may be.

Out the window now but he can still have a special life with a family of his own in this path he's on currently so in other for that to happen he has to beat you first in this battle to the death raising his fist toward the enemy saying let's go speck show me your own resolved as both begin to clash all over the half destroyed building with all there fight with gabe gaining the advantage speaking through his heart as he comes to term with who he really is punching hard on speck stomach causing him to cough up blood from his mouth before he absorbs it into his cactus armor for something bad he has a bad feeling about that gabe land's multiple normal claw attack on speck who can only defend himself for a time only before he spin kick gabe on the face making him fall to the ground as he moves out the way just in time to dodge few cactus shots heading to his direction aiming for his head but speck knew that would not land on his enemy so he knees gabe on the chest at the same time he predicted when he would move out the way as he catches him in his knee causing gabe to cough up blood from his mouth feeling the pain on his chest he grabs hold of.