Chapter 20

Ready before he goes to the last object meeting face to face with the tent vehicle he has to pick up over his head for a certain amount of time to get the huge crowd excited on his performance as walter tries to peak a fast look to his right side he sees that he is still in the clear for now so he pretends to be excited like the crowd to merge with them to not draw any suspicion to himself as this plan looks foolproof he watches intensely at the strong man who has his hand touch the bottom part of the tank to get a good grip on thing's with everyone watching in anticipation while both wheeler and marillo talk among one another saying this is what people are getting hype about he can do that with one hand behind his back not sweat with marillo saying of course he can he is now an evolved human now with wheeler saying don't matter this is all a waste of there time being here while the other division force's get to do fun thing's and not babysit a doom city from getting destroyed soon as walter hears this he suddenly gasp a bit loud lowering his head immediately to not draw the enemy's to his side of the bleachers with both enemy turning to look.

Who made that noise they say it was probably nothing as they continue discussing there complain in public with the strong man seen lifting the whole tank out the ground slowly but he is actually doing it making the whole crowd and walter to play his part stand up to get a better view as the ringleader keep on adding more and more fire to his commentary to get the huge crowd attention on this act with no distraction to see one of a lifetime accomplishment by a normal human being as the two enemy see this they instantly just get bored of this act performance and decide to go check out the city outskirts for anything suspicious caused this is super boring in the first place as they walk down the stairs with only walter seen watching there every move closely to know if he's in the clear or not as he takes a deep breath calming down he sees that bobos jr has also calm down behind the tent who looks a bit better knowing the enemy special henchman are gone for good and not in his home base anymore searching around with the strong man still trying his best to lift the entire tank on to his chest who face seems to be getting red and have veins.

Coming out of his bald head that are about to pop from the intensity of him using all his muscle in one go as he tries to go over his limit walter can be seen relaxing on his backside saying he feels so much better now that they are gone for good but that means he has to be looking at his back and front every time he tries to do something outside of his hotel room trying to not get captured by the two enemy groups he in closed by as he watches the show to calm himself from over thinking himself to death he sees that it has been finally fulfil his performance act he did it lifting the entire tank above his head with both hands firmly gripping each side evenly to not let it fall on the side holding this position for about fifteen seconds he let's out a loud scream to let then know he has done it before dropping the tank in front of him saying yeah can I get a round of applause with the crowd going wild from this act that he has display in front of them as they start to chant his name louder and louder the ringleader bobos hops back on to the microphone saying wasn't that just incredible everyone what he just did with will alone and ton of training to have made it.

This far with the crowd still chanting there hero name strong man, strong man, strong man before bobos says if you like that then your gonna like what we have for you next ain't that right my next special guests of honor as strong man leaves the stage with the crowd sitting back down to calm themselves down from going anymore crazy today as bobos announces the next person's to come on stage who is known as both lion and elephant tamers to the stage please with them being on top of their perspective animal of choice calling out to the crowd to get there attention saying who is ready to see something wonderful my guests of amazing people the crowds who feel appreciated with the two tamers making them feel at home and more special walter still on his back is glad to not have been caught by the second enemy group watching the two animal tamers have there each animal partners as there loyal transportation bow down in front of the crowds before starting there act they can be seen for half and hour long doing cool stunts with there pets for the people to clap very excitable as they each land on top of there pets back with a bit.

Of flair and dramaticness that causes the crowd to wonder will he make it safely or fall over but they prove them wrong each time performing beyond even humanly possible as this goes on back with wheeler and marillo who hop on to there armor vehicle driving to the outskirts of the city to see if there's anything out of the ordinary to make sure the guest make it to michigan city safely with no deaths on the civilian side as they drive around for a while marillo ask wheeler did he by any chance sense those two high power levels inside the circus tent like he did or was he to distracted by the strong man lifting the whole tank as wheeler says he sense it too of course but he was not very focused on the matter at that time since he wanted to see what they would do either run or stay in there seats while they was chilling close by but nothing happen to draw there attention to them both so for now they watch and see who they are or what they want on this city since he's pretty sure it has nothing to do with them since they would've done something sooner by now if they lived here there whole life so they must be outsiders who have taken it upon themselves.