Chapter 16

Third elder Nel Von Vermillion punched him in the head as he said: " You talk a lot!! You have never changed you become more annoying as you grow old!!"

Soon, all three laughed and argued as they headed for their outside, making the whole maids and butlers going insane. To them, these three always considered themselves rivals for 180 years they never changed. They can't understand how did they become friends all of a sudden.

Liam would have never thought that his simple act would cause three giant old nobles to go looking for him to "save him from assassins". All of his plans and plots were misunderstood by these men.



Inside an inn courtyard, there was a 4 year old kid with a golden mask laying on the ground with two women giving him a massage. Which looked very odd to everyone who sees it. A white hair young man entered the courtyard, as he was carrying a tray full of food. He asks the two women to leave as he wakes up the kid. The two women looked as if their life was saved by the white-haired young man.

When the kid wakes up, he looked annoyed at the young man as he said: "Veldora? Why did you wake me from this wonderful dream? And why did you send them away? That was my first time having a massage!! I am a prince now, I should relax and enjoy life!"

Veldora looked at the kid as he said: "Lord Liam, I am sorry but you should say my first week, my first 120 hours! The two women can't feel their hands anymore! Also, we have to leave immediately! There are two old men looking for you and causing loud noises all around the town! They even attacked the Medicine Master's guild to know your were about! They keep shouting that they are here to save the 9th prince Liam Von Vermilion from assassins"

Liam Von Vermilion looked confused as he said: "There shouldn't be anyone coming after me? What assassins? Did Thor and Ren do any of your stupid plans? Is it a new plan D or F???"

Veldora smiled awkwardly as he said: "We always follow your commands, my Lord. I am sure that they didn't act on their own! They are following your words and shouldn't have made a mistake!"

A white fox appeared as he said: "Thor and Ren will not make any new plan because Kurma and Veldora are not there! We have made a promise to….. Sorry, Veldora! Kurma is a bad liar!" Veldora looked at Kurma with furious eyes as he spilled the beans so many times.

Liam was going to give them a lecture about the importance of following his commands, but he focused on the more important things. He said: " Veldora since my escorting guards are missing and my carriage found empty. Someone might have sent them to look for me. You will act as my savior and my newly employed personal bodyguard! It's an opportunity to have you stay by my said without looking suspicious. Let us go and meet them." As soon as Liam finished his words Veldora went into the room to get all of their stuff.


Liam's POV:

As I was walking outside the inn with Veldora and Kurma, I saw the two old ladies who gave me a message pointing their fingers at me. This broke my heart as I really liked their message! Are they mad because I paid them to message me for a week? It was just one weak nothing much! Indeed you can't trust anyone in this world. I have to learn from this lesson.

There were two old men who were wearing luxurious clothes are walking with them toward our location. The two of them had their eyes shining with joy as they keep laughing like crazy. They were looking at me as if I was their life savior or their long lost lover.

When they arrived next to me, the shorter old man said: " Ohh young Liam!! I am grandpa Nel Von Vermilion, the third elder of Vermilion Royal Clan! I was so worried about you! Come give grandpa a hug!!"

The old man with a long nose said: " You old pervert stop!! I won't let you touch him!! Prince Liam, I am Count Audari Von Lynch, you can call me Old Lynch. We searched everywhere for you Prince Liam, I hope you are feeling well."

Hmmm… What are these two planning? My plans were going in a perfect direction without any faults or mistakes! They don't look hostile to me and they look genuinely worried. Should I speak or let Veldroa talk? I can't hide forever, let's test them out.

I step forward and signal for Veldora to stay behind me and alert at all times. As I look at a random direction upward, I say: " Third Elder Nel Von Vermilion and Count Audari Von Lynch, it's my honor to meet two great nobles! I always wished to meet the empire, Three Genius Politicians. Your plans in making the Northern Darkina Dynasty pay a great sum of money for our empire and send an apology are fascinating. It's unfortunate that Duke Renard Von Holt is not here with you. Also, Thank you for coming all the way to look for me. May I know your reason behind looking for me? I don't remember meeting any of you before."

The Three Genius Politicians is a title granted by an old emperor who was grateful to them. When there was an argument between the Vermilion empire and the Northern Darkina Dynasty, a dynasty more powerful than the Vermilion empire. They three prevented a war between the two countries by their schemes. In addition, they received an apology and a sum of money!!

Hearing me talk about their past, especially when they left politics for 180 years. Made the two old men immediately stop their carefree personality as they started to examine me calmly. After several minutes, Count Audari Von Lynch said: " Old Nel, it's no wonder they want him dead! He is not an ordinary child! Look at the pure sword aura coming from him! He is not simple!"

Third Elder Nel Von Vermilion looked calmly at me with respect in his eyes as he said: " Yeah, I know it's unbelievable! For such a genius to be abandoned by the Vermilion Royal Clan, it's really a shame No wonder Empress Dowager like him. Liam, we came here to save you from the assassins that other dukes sent after you. But, looking at you save, how did you manage to escape?"

I was stunned, when did assassins come after my life? Why would other dukes come after my life? I will use the other dukes as an excuse since it will help my plans. I looked at them as I said: " I was rescued by Veldora! He helped me fight against the assassins and cured my poison."

Looking at the two old men, Veldora came forward as he introduced himself: " Hello, fellow cultivators, you can call me Veldroa. I am his highness new bodyguard. It's a pleasure meeting you."

Third Elder Nel Von Vermilion, examined as he said: " Nice to meet you Veldora. Thank you for saving Prince Liam. We are grateful for your assistance, I will reward you when we get back. Your eyes are quite sharp for becoming his bodyguards, you can see what we see in him, huh?"

After exchanging a few flattering words between each other, Count Audari Von Lynch said: " Let's go to Secluded State, Duke Renard Von Holt is waiting for us there with his army to take down House of Lamonia who helped in your assassination attempt. As a prince and the governor of Secluded State, you should be the one leading us!"