Chapter 40

{~~ The Day Before The Birthday Party~~}

Liam's POV:

I woke up early in the morning to go out and buy something to surprise my grandma and my little sister tomorrow. During the time that I spent with them, I have found out more about my biological mother and the royal family. Looks like my biological mother have been taken care of my sister secretly but Lily has told the maids by mistake. When the emperor heard this, he started to use Lily as a way to threaten her to follow his demands. So, my mother started to stay away from Lily to not cause her harm.

Hearing that she is kind, innocent, and didn't mean to harm me or Lily, didn't make me feel bad for cursing her all the time. Since she is from the main branch, she should have the ability to at least make her children stay safe in exchange for helping them with finding the inheritance. But, she has chosen to refuse the main branch and act cold. I might help her and keep her alive for Lily and old Liam. However, I will never accept her as my own mother. My true mother and father died long time ago...

My investigation on Dual Ying Yang Palace has finished thanks to Alice's help. I got the locations of all of their disciples who live outside the sect. So, I asked the shadow guards to take care of them. So, the only thing I need to take care of is the ones in the capital and the main sect.

After walking for a while, I arrived at a large building named {Mystical Sky Treasure House}. This shop is very well-known on this continent because it exists in every city on this continent with a long history that extended for thousands of years. They are well known for their integrity while doing business and never fight for territory. Every powerhouse in the continent respect them and never offend them because they only focus on doing honest business and gaining profit.

In the novel, the illegitimate daughter of the main leader of the Mystical Sky Treasure House was the MC's lover. She was hidden by the Mystical Sky Treasure House leader. He allowed her to work while hiding her identity in one of his shops. She then was taken by her grandmother from her mother's side, who helped her secretly until her grandmother died by some injuries. After several years, the leader lost all of his family except her from an attack caused by another sect. So, he focused on nurturing her to be the next leader. After that, she met the MC while traveling with her guards toward another empire.

I entered the building and noticed a lot of people inside the building. There were all kinds of people there from the poorest person to the richest person in Vermillion Empire. In this shop they don't discriminate between people, they welcome everyone as long as they are here for business.

A boy in his 16s came to me with a blush on his face as he said: "Li…. Hmm... Umm Sir, welcome to our humble Mystical Sky Treasure House. How can I help you?" He seemed she and happy.

It might be his first time working here. Whatever…. I said: "Take me to your top floor. I want to be some gifts. They are for two beautiful women. One for a lady in her 30s and another one for a young girl."

The boy nodded his head as he kept blushing while saying: "Beautiful….. Ummm yes Ahhhh Follow me…"

He lead me toward the stairs, we walked until we reach the third floor. When we were about to go to the top floor, we were stopped by a man who said: " The top floor is only for VIP customers, you can only go up to the third floor."

The boy went forward and said: "It's fine, I am with him. He wants to buy gifts from the top floor. He is here to do business."

The guard said: "I am sorry, I am only following the manager's orders. If the customer has a VIP card, then I will gladly allow him to go to the top floor. Otherwise, you will have to talk to the manager." The guard seem respectful toward the boy next to me.

I went forward and said: "Call your manager, I will talk to him."

Then I heard a voice from behind me saying: " There is no need. I am the manager. You can call me Lady Malot. May I know your name, Sir?"

I looked behind me and saw a middle-aged woman. I nodded my head and said: "I am Liam Von Vermillion. The king of Secluded Kingdom! I want to buy some gifts on the top floor."

She looked confused as she said: "Ohhh, so you are Prince Liam. You resemble Prince Liam's drawing from our information collectors. But, I don't remember there is a kingdom named Secluded Kingdom. When was it formed?"

Ahhh…. I forgot to announce it to the rest of the world yet… I smiled and said: "Not long ago, I will announce it soon. Enough talking I want to buy from the top floor. Make this guy move."

She smiled and said: "Since you are Prince Liam, we will welcome you this time because it is your first time coming to our store. But, the next time you will have to follow our rules. The VIP cards are only given by Mystical Sky Treasure House Leader and his family to special people or high paying customers."

I nodded my head then left following the boy to the top floor. When we reached the top floor, I can see many valuable treasures around the floor. Looks like there are not many VIP cardholders in this empire. I looked at the boy and asked: " Could you help me with finding the gifts?"

He smiled happily as he went toward the jewelry section. He then pointed toward a blue colored jewelry set and said: " I recommend this for the lady that is in her 30s, it only cost 740,000 low tire spirit stones. As for this young girl she will love this set which costs 600,000 low tire spirit stone." He then pointed toward a shining red jewelry set.

Wow, this dude is happy to see the red jewelry. It's as if he is asking me to buy it for him. The price is very. But, currently, I own low tier spirit stone and mid-tier spirit stone mines in the barren mountains I took. Hmmm…. 1000 low tier spirit stone should equal to 1 mid-tier spirit stone and 1000 mid-tier spirit stone should equal to 1 high tier spirit stone.

I then said: " I will take the blue jewelry set. But, I don't think she will like jewelry. She is too young to wear them."

The boy looked at me with an angry look as he said: "She will like it!! What do you know about women? She is not a young brat!!! She loves jewelry!!! Or are you buying a gift for another…." then he kept looking at me with questioning eyes...

What the hell is this guy talking about?? Does he know my sister or anything? Why is he angry anyway. I looked at him and said with a confused face: "My sister is only a 6 year old. I think she won't like them very much. Why are you so angry and yelling? Do you know her?

The boy started to sweat a lot as he said: "Ehhhh… So, it's for Lily… Ummm your sister!! Hehehee… Nevermind, Sir!! I thought you are buying them for…." Then, he started blushing and squeezing his hands together like a shy girl.

What is wrong with him? How does he know Lily? Did his mother or someone he knows worked in the palace before? With these thoughts in my mind, I ask: "Lily is not known by a lot of people. How did you know?"

He started acting weird while saying: "Mystical Sky Treasure House knows a lot about people. We sell and buy information here…. I think she might like this. It's a spiritual doll that can move and dance. It's very popular among noble and rich kids these days. But, this model is much more advanced than the ones in the market. It costs 250,000 spirit stone."

Hmmmm, they buy and sell information. This is very useful. But, I wonder why would they hire someone like him. He is very unprofessional. I nodded my head and said: "Okay, I will take the blue jewelry and the doll. Hmm here is 995 mid-tier spirit stones. Take the rest as your tip."

The boy smiled but then looked at me: "Are you sure you won't buy the red jewelry. Don't you like any girl? At all?" He looked anxious to hear my answer.

This guy is very annoying. Why does he keep acting and sounding like a girl?? I looked at him and said: "No! And finish preparing my gifts. I don't have a lot of time!"

He looked very disappointed as he lowered his head and walked toward the jewelry section to take the blue set. But, then he fell toward my direction because he lost his balance while walking. The moment I caught him, I touched his chest by mistake and noticed them different. Hmmm…. This is not a guy's chest at all!! It feels like a woman's breast. Could she be hiding like a man? I can notice some makeup traces on her face.

I said: "Hmmm You are a woman?"

She slapped me and left with blush and saying: " You bastard!!!"

Hmmmm….. I feel like I met her before because her voice sounds familiar, but I can't remember where. She is too rude. I don't remember a rude girl except for that one that came with Lady Lydia. But, I don't think it's her. Her grandma is strong and rich so why would she work here? Also, I didn't see her face because she was wearing that veil on her face all the time.

A moment later the manager came and helped me with buying the stuff I wanted. She said: " Please excuse our employee, he was sick so he had to leave. He is new here."

After buying the gift I returned back before anyone noticed my absence.