Always A Slave

 Drinks weren't Cassius's thing. Drinking, bars, and places that were off limits to a military slave were not his thing. And the last fucking place he would expect himself to find himself would be in a bar with three Remu and one Exteru. He wouldn't expect to be with his general and SWARM trying to bond over some alcohol.

That's where he is though. It's the most confusing thing he's had to deal with since Rexton wanted him from Iza.

When Cassius first walked in, he was hit with a haze that made it hard to think. It was a passing feeling that went away a second later. He looked around, a little disorientated, until Levi tugged on his sleeve.

He was glad Levi hadn't reached out and tugged on his leash. Even though Rexton was letting him walk around like he was a free man, he still made him wear the leash and collar. It might have been a reminder to him so that he didn't do anything irrational. Or it might have been a formality he couldn't get around. Cassius hadn't been expecting to be treated any better than he already was so it didn't surprise him. It did surprise him that he was being let out again to socialize. 

"It's the magic ward." Levi let go of his sleeve, giving him a small smile. He looked even smaller when he acted all shy like that. "Helps with hangovers."

"Are you planning on getting that drunk?" He scanned the place once more. 

It had a bar to one side, booths on the other, and another room in the back that held less people. The further they walked, the darker the place got, and the more it put Cassius on edge. There weren't that many people here, but the ones that were milling around, being loud and laughing over almost empty drinks were starting to give them looks. It wouldn't be long before they realized that Cassius was a Mekiah. He was only protected by their obliviousness for now. 

Levi gave him a flustered smile. "Maybe."

He looked off somewhere and when Cassius followed his gaze, he was surprised to see Kera leaning against the counter of the bar. She gestured to the bar tender, ordering drinks for them.

It wasn't any of his business anyhow. Though, he thought it must be hard on Levi when Cassius was sure relationships between SWARM members wasn't exactly allowed. Again, that wasn't any of his business. He didn't want to touch that kind of stuff and he wasn't exactly the type that was allowed to get close to people either. As nice as Levi was, when it came push to shove, he wouldn't think twice about throwing Cassius to the dogs. If his own life was on the line, Cassius would probably do the same.

No. He knew that he absolutely would. 

Rexton interrupted the dry conversation. He didn't so much as touch Cassius. He just met his eyes in that blistering look.

"We're sitting in the back." Then he looked at Levi. "Help Kera with the drinks."

Levi almost did a solute, but he dropped it halfway with a flush. Under Rexton's blank stare, he almost flew across the room to join Kera. Cassius watched with a pointedly not interested gaze. He tried to ignore the lingering eyes that seemed to trail down his throat and fall on the base of his throat. He pretended he didn't notice and that it was just an illusion of the light. The bar was growing increasingly darker as night descended on the Capital. 

"Come." The word was spoken with no malice. It was soft and almost lost to the loud voices surrounding them. Cassius looked at him then, no longer afraid of what might happen. That fear would soon be back when it hit him that he was falling into a dark pit that he would not be able to pull himself from. 

He couldn't stop his wandering eyes. Rexton looked just as good from the back as he did from the front. The planes of his shoulder blades were tempting Cassius's hands and if he weren't surrounded by curious eyes, he didn't think he would have been able to help himself.

This wasn't even close to the appropriate time to be thinking about it though. The more he repressed the images, the more they would try to break free. So, he gave in. He thought about what Rexton would look like beneath the jacket and then the black under shirt he knew was there. He imagined running his hands across Rexton's hot skin. He could feel the muscles rippling, the goosebumps that would raise up as Cassius's hands made their way down to Rexton's hips.

He imagined the low moan that would spill from Rexton's lips as he pressed his thumbs into the dips of his hips. He would kiss down to that spot and get lost in his scent. 

The scene was broken by a yell and then a loud laugh. He was brought back to the bar and the small day dream he'd let himself slip into was shattered. He understood his body's reaction--he was human after all--but what he couldn't understand was why he was so fixated on Rexton. His mind confused him so much. Even when he hated Rexton's guts, he wanted to use that angry energy to push the man down and explore his body. 

Again. This wasn't even close to the time for that kind of thinking.

The back room that Rexton lead Cassius to was broken off by a half-wall and a glass window that looked out to the rest of the bar. It was darker, the lights dimmed to cast a faint blue over the booth seats and the two tables. There were already a few glasses and alchol waiting for them as well as a table ice maker. 

Cassius raised a brow as he walked into the room. He glanced around. 

"Have you been to a bar before?"

He had to stiffle a choked laugh. He shook his head. "No. I can't say I have."

There was more that he wanted to say. He wanted to say how the fuck was he suppose to go have a drink like he was any other free person when he was a fucking Tracker who only got out to do the bidding of the government. The only time he had alchol was when he snuck some while they were out partrolling any area of an escaped Mekiah. That had been some five years ago. 

The words caught in his throat the moment he looked at Rexton's face. 

It shocked Cassius. Rexton was looking at the tables, a faint blush on his cheeks. For a moment, Casius didn't know what was going on. Maybe Rexton was sick and he was about to throw up all over the empty glasses and ice machine. Or maybe he had been hit with a poisen dart and this night was going to end up being very interesting.

Then, Cassius knew that it was neither of those things. 

The awkward silence was the first sign. Then he knew that Rexton was trying to make small talk. Small talk with Cassius.

It was too dumb to be real. 

He couldn't put his finger on how long they stood there in the impending silence. He was too mesmerized by the pink tint of Rexton's cheeks and the way he looked when he was most definitely trying to avoid looking at Cassius. He didn't want to say that it was cute. Because it wasn't. It wasn't even remotely close to that.

"Levi! Watch where you're going." 

Rexton took a step back from Cassius.

Levi fumbled through the doorway, carrying a tray of various shot glasses filled to the brim. Kera followed in closely behind. She had one hand on Levi's elbow, almost guiding him to the table. She met Cassius's eyes. She quickly pulled her hand away.

She looked up--not at all suspicious. "Be careful next time."

She sat down at the farthest booth. Levi shyly looked at her as he set the tray down on the table. 

The awkwardness was rising. Cassius didn't know how any of them got along in the first place if this was how they interacted. But he thought back to when he first came out with them. The dinner had been more open. Of course, he could see the wheels turning when it came to Levi and Kera. It didn't take much to see it. Even a blind person could see there were untouched feelings that were bursting to get free.

The only thing that Cassius wish would leave itself at the door, was Rexton's pentent to make his head go crazy when inappropriate thoughts. It was making it very hard to keep his distance and try to keep a clear head about the developing situation.

There was the girl to think about. And the demon. Both things which were higher priority than whatever his dick was thinking. 

Cassius sat on the inside of the booth. Rexton followed him, taking the seat at the end. Cassius was boxed in by Levi on his left and Rexton on his right, but he had no plans of trying to escape. Thinking about all possible exits was a knee-jerk reaction. He always had to know, not just for his own motives. When he was in the field and on a mission, he had to be ready for anything.

Rexton placed a shot glass in front of him.

Their eyes met. Rexton pushed the glass closer to him when Cassius didn't move to take it.

No matter how piercing Cassius's glare became, Rexton didn't let up. He didn't flinch. There was only stubbornness reflected in those eyes.

Cassius tsked. He grabbed the glass and threw back the shot. It burned all the way down. He slammed it on the table.


Rexton stared at him. He licked his lips and Cassius's eyes fell to Rexton's mouth. 

He reached once more across the table and took a shot. Cassius followed his hand, waiting for the inevitable. He had no idea what this was about. He had absolutely no idea why Rexton placed another shot in front of him.

But he was going to see where this was going. There was no doubt about that. 

The second drink hit harder than the first. He was slightly floored by it, how unexpected the spice mixed with the liquor hit the back of his throat and made him clench his molars. Something was happening between them that he wasn't quite sure he could name. He'd never felt this way. Like he wanted to murder, consume, but also protect at the same time. It must have been all in his head. 

Rexton took two of his own. He was all straight laced until Cassius saw the since of the corner of his left eye. He focused on that twitch and could help when the corner of his mout quirked.

He pressed his mouth to the rim of the glass, but there was nothing left of the shot. Their eyes were locked when Rexton took his second shot. He handled it better than he had the first.

The silent truce reflected in Rexton's eyes. Cassius has won this little game. However, the glint in Rexton's eyes told him this was only the first round.

There were no third shots. Instead, Rexton stood up without a word and walked to the bar. 

Cassius stared at his back for a moment until his line of sight was cut off by a group of chatting Remus. He could tell them apart easily. Exterus were tall, lanky in some ways, and were fair skinned. Their hair was always on the lighter side. It seemed Mattius was the exception to that rule.

Speaking of, it didn't seem Mattius was here with them this time. This outing was out of the blue for him. He wondered if Mattius felt the same way about the meetings that teetered heavily on the casual side. 

Levi knocked his drink over. Cassius grabbed the offending glass before it fell to the ground. He sat it up right and watched as Levi scurried to stop the spill before it spilled over the table's edge. Kera tsked, swatting Levi's hands away.

"I'll get it," she said. The look on her face said that she was pissed, but the softness in her voice felt like she was trying to soothe Levi before he had a panic attack. 

Levi meekly sat back. "Thank you."

Rexton was back then with two tall glasses of light liquid. The foam on top was just a little bit lighter than the drink itself. Rexton slid one of the glasses in front of Cassius. 

"Drink up." He sat and took a long drink of his own. Their eyes were locked again. Cassius couldn't look away. 

Cassius reached out for the drink. It was cold and the condensation rolled down the side of his knuckles. He licked his lips, already able to taste the alcohol. His magic reached out. It was like tentacles searching and feeling heir way across the table. He had half a mind to real it back in, to put a stop to this game, but he could squash the curiosity.

He'd always been fond of reactions. Since he was a boy, he loved to push the buttons of those who thought they had control over him. Iza had been all he could think about sometimes when he was alone in his cell. He imagined what he could do to rile the man up to the point he was screaming with his anger. The look on Iza's face sometimes was priceless.

This felt very much like that. Except he wasn't a boy no longer. He was a man and Rexton wasn't obsessed with him as much as Iza was. Iza was a rare bad seed that got off on abuse. Killing wouldn't have given him much pleasure as much as prolong pain did.

He didn't know Rexton well enough to know what Rexton's pushing points were. He didn't know if he could get away, get off with maybe a few lashings he had when he'd tried to run. Rexton just might be the one to pull the trigger, take Cassius out of this world as if he never existed here in the first place.

But that'll come later. Rexton still needed him. There were too many unanswered questions. 

The rest of the night went on the same. Cassius got lost in his drink while he sometimes—and briefly—would sneak a glance over his drink at Rexton. The fire blooming his gut told him to make a move, but that would have been suicide. Rexton was a strange man who was playing around for the sake of it. Cassius hated to admit it, but they were the same way in that regard. 

They loved playing games and dancing around the subject. Neither of them were going to take the bait. 

It reminded him much of Kera and Levi. One would have to be blind to not see the spark between them, but nothing was ever going to happen. Kera was too strong to let her feelings get the best of her and Levi was too unconfident to ever think someone would be interested in him that way. Sadly, neither of them saw how well they got along with each other. Cassius could see it and he hadn't known them for that long. He bet it was driving Rexton and Mattius up the walls.

The alcohol was getting to him. He knew when he couldn't fight he smile he had to hide behind the rim of his glass. He looked around the table, making sure no one had seen it. He avoided Rexton's eyes this time. 

It was time to cut the cord. This had been going on for too long. They were going to make the wrong move if they continued doing this. 

He could feel eyes on him. He glanced around the room, taking in the Remus and the occasional Exteru. There were no Mekiah. That wasn't a surprise. These kinds of places were for single Remus and Exterus. He doubted anyone rich enough to own a slave was going to be parading around in this place.

That didn't mean it was a shabby and rundown bar. It was by far the nicest bar he'd been in when he was on a mission. The one time that he entered a nice looking bar had been when he'd been tracking down a Remu who had been killing rich Exterus and spending their money. The Remu had taken upon themselves to endulge in the fruits the Exteru had been birthed with. 

Cassius couldn't quite blame them for wanting more than they had. He didn't agree with murder when it could be avoided. Though, he couldn't say either that he wouldn't have killed a Exteru if he was willing to throw away the rest of his life.

He would only do it if that meant securing his freedom.

He gulped the remaining mouthful of liquor. He didn't know the name or how strong it was. It burned almost as much as the shots, but it was on the sweeter side. He hadn't expected Rexton to be that into this kind of drink.

When he looked at Rexton's half full glass, he smiled once more. He'd been correct after all. 

The invisible eyes were on him again. 

His hand clenched around the glass. Something wasn't right. 

Before he thought the action over, he tapped Rexton's leg under the table with his foot.

Rexton slowly looked at him. His brow raised just a fraction. It was unnoticeable, but Cassius noticed every slight change now. He was getting more familiar with Rexton than he was with his own body. 

He'd just about had it with the strange feeling when Rexton stood up from the table, ending his and Kera's conversation about weaponry rights outside of the military. Cassius had no opinion on the subject since he saw no need for more weapons when he had none himself. He had his magic and that was about all he cared about besides his own freedom.

Rexton had closed off further into the night. Cassius thought he was cold and distant before but now he was as emotionless as a rock. He couldn't tell if it was from the drinks or Kera's opinion that soured Rexton's mood.

Either way, Cassius enjoyed it. He took one more drink before he called it quits.

"Let's play." Rexton stared at the three of them as if he expected them to know what the hell he was talking about. 

Cassius narrowed his eyes.

Rexton was tipsy.

He was a fucking idiot.

Kera snorted. "I'm not playing darts."

Levi jumped in his seat. "I'll play."

He tapped Cassius on the shoulder. Cassius moved away from the unexpected touch, but Levi didn't seem to notice it.

Rexton had. He was still watching Cassius as close as a hawk. It made his skin itch and his blood hot. 

He played with the skin on the bottom of his lip. He licked the wound he caused, peeling the skin back. He was disgusted with himself and with this need that made him want to crawl on his knees. He wanted Rexton more than he thought he would. The alcohol made the feelings more prominent. It didn't make them stronger per se. It just made it harder for him to ignore them.

The small smile tugging at the corner of Rexton's mouth made Cassius feel like he was younger. He felt like a teenager. He felt like he could fall into this lustful trap and still make it out alive.

Rexton spread his arms out wide. "Kera, you know you want to."

He was still uptight, but his mannerisms were fighting with each other. One side of him was still trying to be the hard-ass-general and the other wanted to let loose.

Cassius bit his lips to stifle a laugh. 

Kera looked mortified.

That was exactly when Mattias showed up. He held darts in one hand and a drink in another. He sat the drink on the table. He continued to stand.

They all stared at him.

He answered with a grunt.

He threw the darts onto the table.

Rexton slapped him on the back. "Who's first?"

Kera proceeded to groan.