City C Defense Part Six

Misaki's answer really stunned everyone in her team. "Misaki, do you have a plan? Because as of now I don't see any way of defeating a level 250!" Chiho was worried that Misaki planned to do something dumb that would endanger her life.

"Hmmm… Still working on it. All I can say is that the buildings are going to be a very dangerous place to be as well as the safest place to be at the same time." She said this because the buildings would give plenty of cover to deal damage without being readily seen. But at the same time if the boss decides to smash the building then it would also be a very dangerous place to be. "You guys do not need to worry about dealing with the boss. I only need you all to kill as many adds as possible. Tetsu I want you to head over to where Angel, Mimi, and Shinji are. You can watch their backs and protect them as you guys move from building to building."