Grandpa shows up again


a tiny little creature in a mini black uniform and hat called out as it raised a tray of tea towards the busy magi.

"My thanks" Hessian said as he grabbed the tea and gave the chibi nobu a headpat.

During his time researching, he's found himself incredibly busy to even make his own food and snacks. So he made himself some chibi nobus to do chores and keep him less lonely. Like a pet, except the pet was capable of mundane tasks and materializing muskets.

"Nobu no nobu!" he heard the chibi say

"A guest came to visit me?" he asked

Oddly enough he's come to be able to understand what the hell the little things were saying after the first week.

A water balloon flew towards the young magician's head but the mini nobu jumped in the way taking the brunt of the watery projectile.

"CHIBI NOBUU!!! NOOOOOO!!!!" the young magician cried out as he held the tiny chibi's body in his arms.

"Well this is a quaint little place you got here" a familiar old voice echoed as Hessian lifted his head to look at the old man.

"Old man, it's been awhile." Hessian said as he looked at the smiling dead apostle intruding upon his current residence.

"Indeed, I'm happy that your mastery of the 2nd has improved since we last met." he chuckled as he took a seat.

"Let's cut to the chase, why are you here?" Hessian spoke seriously

"What? I can't visit my own apprentice?" the older magician said as he still kept the same grin

Hessian shook his head "It's not like you, normally you would simply watch without interfering"

"Well you're right, I came here to tell you that you shouldn't try porting back to you're former world." the dead apostle's tone never changed

"Why not? wasn't the portal thing supposed to be safer compared to ripping space?" Hessian raised a brow.

"Correct, but you've already managed to get on Alaya's naughty list so she would notice you now. Unless if you were to phase into reality or make a deal with her, she would most likely send her dogs after you the second you step into that dimension." he explained.

Hessian really didn't want to connect his being to the multiverse, too much fear for what it might do to his outlook. As far as making a deal with Alaya, he really wasn't sure what he could offer. Then again, he doesn't have to go back to that specific world/timeline/dimension. He could live in another, but he already decided he would help the wannabe hero of justice with the war like a gary stu character since he owed him for the plumbing.

"Well thanks for the warning, I'll figure something out eventually." he said as he got back to his research.

"Oh right, one more thing. I have a place you can stay until you figure out what you want to do in the future. But you would need to help me with one thing."

"What would I need to do?" Hessian asked

"That will be explained when you go there." the vampire grinned "I've already uploaded the coordinates on you're belt. Well then I've got people to mess with" and just like that the vampire popped out of existence before hessian could respond.

"A quirk that allows observation of up to a hundred people including their location and weakpoints, this could be useful for young Tomura" All for one said as he removed the quirk from the captured female hero.

All for one wore a simple black suit along with a gas mask that looked to be attached to a life support system around his neck. His quirk "All for one" allowed him to steal quirks from other people and use them as his own. He had been around since the emergence of quirks, most likely due to taking some type of quirk that stopped his aging.

"AAAAHHHHHHHH" the shrieks from the captured hero echoed throughout the facility as she felt her quirk being ripped from her being.

"....please..." She spoke out in a small voice in pain which caught his attention.

"Oh? You still have the ability to speak? Unfortunately your pleas won't stop me." The heroes have not found his location yet. The building was being used to create the 'Noumus' in batches.

"" she spoke out a little louder through the pain.

All for one was naturally confused at who she was calling out for.

"There is no one here to save you. Rest assured, you still have use as a possible noumu in the future"

"I think I've seen enough"

Through sheer experience and instinct, All for one raised his quirk enhanced arm that morphed into a shield. It wasn't enough to stop his body from being sent flying but it saved his head from the impact of a super-fast punch.


As the dust settled, All for one looked up at the assailant who managed to ambush him through all his other sensory type quirks. The familiar figure of the villain who defeated heroes in combat could be seen holding the green haired hero in his arms. He had failed to complete the process of taking her quirk.

"I have to admit, a quirk that can actually see through my magecraft is impressive." Frost spoke out as he looked down at the girl that was able to see him with her quirk.

"..Thank you" were her words before passing out

He turned back towards his fellow villain.

"It's an honor to meet you, All for one. I thank you for showing me the process of how you extract quirks, although I interrupted it, I get the gist of it now." he honestly said as he was happy to observe and study the method in which quirks are moved.

"Frost... to what do I owe the pleasure of our meeting? Do you plan on opposing me?" All for one was cautious and could not sense his opponent.

"Well that depends, will you let me leave? or do I have to force my way through?" Frost replied as the surroundings started to become encapsulated in blue crystals.

To All for one's confusion, he could not sense the presence of any quirk. He had lived for a long time and had been in the presence of many quirks. But this, this power is not the work of any quirk. He was sure of it. All he could feel from the man in front of him is nothing. Nothing but his oppressive power bearing down on him.

"Why save that hero?" he wanted to confirm his intentions.

"She managed to sense me. So she has some use to me. My reward to her will be her salvation" he honestly replied. If he could figure out how her quirk was able to see through his stealth magecraft. He could improve on it so he could better hide in the future.

"...Very well, I will not stop you as long as you do not stand against me with those heroes in the future"

Hessian nodded as he never really planned on personally being a pro hero in the future. He was a magus and a magician. He was more busy with other things than going around saving people like a certain family of Emiyas.

All for one watched as Frost disappeared from view. He wasn't completely sure of his victory against him. His instincts cultivated from decades of experience told him that frost was incredibly dangerous. Even if he won the fight, it would be a pyrrhic victory.

Tomoko Shiretoko felt like she was in a nightmare. A long and dark nightmare that would never end. She felt nothing but primal fear from the number one villain when he stood before her. As her quirk was being extracted, it felt like her soul was being ripped from her body. A part of her that she would forever lose. Feeling helpless realizing that she couldn't stop him, she became desperate. She activated her quirk at full force, attempting to find anyone or anything that could help.


Her screams grew louder, both from the pain of having her quirk ripped from her and from her frantically searching for anything. Just when she felt all was lost, she saw it. A silhouette of a man standing nearby. Just watching. He didn't look like he would help as he looked on with his arms crossed. His visage became much more clearer as time ticked by. But despite that, she still called out to him.


The next thing she knew she was looking up to his helmet. His singular socket that looked like an eye in the middle of his face shimmering warmly at her.

"..Thank you"