Some chill time

"So what was your plan after... you know?" A familiar magician asked the tanned loli as he didn't take his eyes off the screen

"Well I'd take her place and momma and papa wou-"

"I am pretty sure they would see the difference between you two. Seriously you two are basically different color pallets." Hessian retorted as he blew up a mob of zombies leaving the tanned loli frowning as her concentration was disrupted.

The two were currently sitting on bean bags in front of a large flat screen while playing co op zombies. After the whole mess and apologies, Hessian decided to give the demi-servant a place to stay while she figured out what to do. Plus the young magician was capable of creating mana filled sweets, so she was using him as a battery dispenser. Of course, Kuro was still apprehensive about Hessian but he didn't dissect her immediately after capturing her. So while the two weren't exactly friends, they were now roommates.

"Besides, why wouldn't they accept you?" he continued his line of questioning, never taking his focus off the screen

"Because they sealed me. Why would they want a child that they sealed off?" Chloe asked self depreciatingly

"They probably didn't even know of your existence after the sealing. In the end you and your counterpart are basically sisters, so you don't actually need to kil- FUCK THIS IDIOT IS GONNA GET ME KILLED!" he raged as a random online teammate led a horde of zombies from the other direction to him.

"I still think I hate them for it, even if they didn't know" she responded being completely used to his random bursts of rage as she picked up an insta kill buff.

"Trust me, you don't truly hate them. Mad? sure, but hate? Definitly not." Hessian replied as he used the insta kill to knife the hoarde to death.

"How are you so sure?"

"Most of your resentment for your dad probably comes from the class card you used. I may not have cut you open, but I did do some basic scans." he indeed checked on her discreetly as he carried her home.

"You know the heroic spirit I'm fused with?" she asked interested

"It's an alternate version of your brother turned counter guardian."

The info of her using her brother's power, even an alternate put a smile on her face. Then she realized something

"Wait why would the resentment come from the card then?"

"Well, that version of your brother is pretty tragic. It's a long story." he responded as he upgraded his ray gun.

"Tell me, we have time." She said as she was camping in a choke point. Servant reflexes let her effortlessly headshot everything that came at her.

Hessian explained the tragic tale of that version of EMIYA to the best of his knowledge while still keeping his focus on the game. From the Fuyuki fire to the grail war, all the way to his execution. He never regretted his choices until after he became a Counter Guardian.

"Hic Sniff*" The tanned loli began to tear up and get depressed at her brother's story.

"Also, you technically aren't Illya anyway" he said

That actually made Kuro mad "What do you mean by that!?"

Hessian finally sat back and looked at her as they lost after 437 rounds.

"You're a combination of the current Illya." He raised a finger "EMIYA" he raised another finger "and Justeaze's memories" he finished with a third finger.

"Quite frankly I truly am interested in your body, but I'll refrain from invasive research."

"Then who am I." she asked frustratedly then looked at Hessian who got much closer to her face and became surprised as he ruffled her hair with a smile.

"You can be anyone you want. Whether you name yourself Illya, Kuro, Chloe. Please don't pick Illya, the name would be so annoyingly confusing to me when we meet with your sister." he pleaded until it finally put a smile on her face

"That's a better look for you than all that depressive shit" Hessian grinned "Oi, Nobu! grab some drinks for us please!" he called out to the chibi Nobu

While the tanned mini servant still wasn't sure about her new roommate, she felt that he wasn't so bad atleast.

After Kuro left for bed, Hessian took a few moments to himself as he sipped some sweet tea from a cup. The time ticked by until Hessian opened one of his eyes and looked towards the door.

"It's unlocked" he said out loud

The door opened up as a man that looked to be in his mid 40s stepped in. The young magician was cautious, he hadn't actually known for sure that the man was there. His bounded field didn't detect anything, it was only the fact that his senses were attuned enough into the dimension that caused him to feel tiny ripples in reality.

"He really was telling the truth, you are incredible! To be able to feel the smallest fluctuations in space at such a young age. Honestly it makes me envious." the man praised as he took a seat in front of the young magician.

Hessian narrowed his eyes. He didn't respond for a moment as he was thinking deeply until he finally relaxed. "I didn't think you'd look so much better than my own gramps" he said

"I'm a bit younger than him yes." The man chuckled

Hessian realized that this man was this dimension's Zelretch. He seemed to be younger than his own Zelretch. At first he didn't recognize him as his hair hadn't gone completely white yet, only an incredibly pale sheen of blonde that was on the verge of going white.

"So, what can I do for you? I'm guessing the thing I needed to help with involves you." Zelretch originally said that he needed him to help with something

The younger Zelretch nodded his head and a small portal opened with a wave of his hand. Hessian saw two familiar girls fighting eachother for whatever reason. He knew them as they were his sensei Rin Tohsaka and Luvia Edelfelt. He had never met Luvia personally, but Rin never had good things to say about her when he was under her tutelage.

"These two are candidates to be my apprentice. However their behavior leaves much to be desired and they don't have the mindset needed for a true magician." Zelretch sighed as the two started to actually shoot spells at eachother.

"Well magi are incredibly narrow minded so it's not surprising." The thing with magi are that they think in absolutes. If something is impossible then it's impossible. Everything has rules that it follows and everything is known. They take a scientific approach to it which is why it's magecraft.

But true magic does not work on logic and common sense. While someone could be an excellent magus, they would be a terrible magician. Nearly all magi's ultimate goal is to reach the root while a true magician wouldn't want to. Not because they already have a true magic, but they know that infinite knowledge isn't all that's cracked up to be.

A magus could get true magic from the root and be incredibly limited in it's uses because of their mindset. Hessian was a magician before becoming a magus so he didn't have that issue.

"Correct, but if that were the thing I was worried about then I wouldn't have asked for help. I fear that with their behavior, they wouldn't even survive in the coming trials." he admitted.

"So you want me to teach them?" Hessian raised a brow as he believes himself to be a terrible teacher. Zelretch shook his head.

"No, simply help them out in the future. You can choose your method, just try to get them to be less like water and oil." he explained as Hessian nodded

"Alright, that doesn't seem so hard. If the situation gets too bad I'll step in, if not I'll just be the chill neighbor next door that knows too much" Hessian smiled as he leaned back.

"That's for the best then. Now then I have other business to attend to." He disappeared after that

Hessian closed his eyes and sighed as he still wasn't proficient enough to simply pop out of existence like that. Then his eyes immediately opened as his face was hit by a falling water balloon. Hessian incredulously just stared at the ceiling for a moment.

"He really is gramps after all" he sighed.

Within the sea of memories. Hessian didn't speak much today. Instead he was pleasantly surprised to find that his sword spirit wasn't just meditating today. Instead the sword spirit pulled up a memory from beneath the waters to watch. He was watching bleach. The sea of memories didn't only have memories of Hessian's current life but his past life as well.

Of course getting memories from Hessian is essentially impossible as they would have to get through his mental barriers and head which is filled with crap from the kaleidoscope, then make it into his reality marble which they would have to actually have Hessian's permission to view memories.

Watching his zanpakuto's blood red eyes silently focused on the screen in front of him, Hessian made some pop corn and watched with him.