Quetzalcoatl appears

Hessian POV

"I report an urgent message from the southern gate of Uruk!" I turn to the guard as our meeting with the king was interrupted "The southern gate has been destroyed! A woman calling herself Quetzalcoatl has destroyed the gate with her bare hands!"

"New orders! Head towards the southern gate and stop that goddess!" The King ordered us

We sprint off towards the southern gate to see the Mesoamerican goddess juggling 3 men. Wow she is really good at that, I can't even juggle regular balls! Wait, is she dive bombing the guards now?

"Mash" I didn't need to say anything else, she should know what to do

"Yes!" I watch her stab her shield through the ground in front of the guards and intercepted the goddess with a fancy kick straight through a building. Dayum those thighs look thicc.

"Waoww! I give you forty points!" I see Quetzalcoatl standing fine on the ruined building

"Isn't that kind of stingy? Only forty points!? You need to add some for those thighs! That was perfect fan service!!" I yell out at her

"That's what you're concerned about?"

"Senpai, please focus"

"50 points then?"

"Ignore that please" Mash pleaded with the goddess to ignore her master's question

"Oh, are you guys servants?" She asked after taking a good look at everyone

"Then, is that cutie over there the Master from elsewhere?"

Huh I felt an odd chill, I turn to see Ishtar's hair turn gold for a moment. Wasn't that only supposed to happen at night?

"Indeed. That's Hessian, the Master of Chaldea." Merlin steps out "I know it's a little late, but I'd like to confirm. Are you Quetzalcoatl of the Three Goddess Alliance?"

"Si! I'm the big sister who came all the way from Mesoamerica to destroy Uruk a little, yes!" Oh she's doing a little dance as she introduces herself. I'm more of a posing guy but that was kinda cute.

"I'm still ticked off about the disrespect to the thighs! How about 60 points!" I am a man of culture, thus it is my duty to get justice for the thighs!

"Um, w-well. Mr. Master, when you stare at me like that, that hits all my buttons! So much so, you deserve a penalty! She said while acting all shy "If Hessian over there were to marry me, I don't mind being on your side!" Oi I don't think you should say that out loud

In that single instance, everyone felt the cold chill of death run down their spines as they all saw a red energy spear lodged straight through Quetzalcoatl's abdomen. I turned to look at Ishtar, only to see her hair turned blonde as she finished throwing said spear at her fellow goddess.

"SAY THAT AGAIN BITCH! SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" Eresh, please you're scaring me. The blonde shut off back to black as Ishtar stumbled around for a moment holding her head.

"Eh? What just happened?" Ishtar asks as she looks around towards everyone staring at her. "What?"

"Senpai, I'm scared" Mash said as she got behind me. Oi, it's supposed to be the other way around.

"Brings back memories" Merlin said as he reminisced back to his days as a womanizer

"W-well, since that just happened. I'll be heading back, yes!" everyone turned back to Quetzalcoatl as she removed the red divine spear from her stomach and flew off into the distance on her flying dinosaur.

"Would someone tell me what just happened!?" Ishtar cries out as she wasn't conscience when Ereshkigal took over

"Well this is quite a problem" The wizard of roses said as the group returned to the throne room. "Who would have thought that Quetzalcoatl herself would barge right into the city."

"What an nuisance! If she keeps tearing up the city, that'll affect the morale on the demonic front!" King gilgamesh spoke as he continued to tap his foot to show his annoyance

"The craftsmen and soldiers have left the southern market." Siduri informed on the side "At this rate, the King's little side project will..."

"Side project?" mash asked as she looked back to the king "King Gilgamesh, are you making something?"

After a moment of silence he answered oddly "...No?"

"So obvious!"

He ignored the outburst and looked at Ishtar "Hey Ishtar! she's one of yours! Make yourself useful and do something about her!"

"Who ever said she was one of mine!?" She retorted "But there's no doubt that she's a problem. With the way that she picks a fight with humans one by one."

"She said she would return tomorrow."

"Exactly 100 soldiers fell victim." Siduri added in "The corpses were carried off so we can't even give them proper burials."

"Senpai, do you have any thoughts?" Mash asked as she looked over to see Hessian with a snot bubble indicating that he was sleeping while standing with his eyes open.

"Hessian!" the king vocalized loud enough to pop the bubble, startling the young magician awake.

"AH WUT!?" Hessian started darting his eyes around in alert "What's going on?!"

"Senpai, were you asleep?"

"Chaldea's Master, do you have any plans to deal with that sun goddess?" the king asked

"Oh, well I think I know just the way to deal with her" the young magician spoke with assurance "In fact I'll go do that right now!" he said as he started to run off

"Senpai! At least explain to us your plan!" Mash yelled after him but to no avail.

"Then it's decided, all of you are to follow him to assist." The king declared as the rest of the group ran to catch up to the magician

"Good evening"

"Yo Eresh" Hessian greeted as he tinkered with his mystic code, illuminated under a soft light.

"Am I interrupting anything?" She asked as she took a seat next to him

"Not really, just getting some things ready for Quetzalcoatl tomorrow" he said as he didn't take his eyes off the device "By the way, what was that today? I thought you could only take over at night."

"Ah that, I was just so enraged that I had to show that goddess her place" She spoke with a happy smile

"Scary, also are you alright? Don't you have a pact that stops you from attacking the other goddesses?" this bothered him, since she should have lost her divinity the moment she violated the pact. The goddess shook her head.

"That was the other me who agreed to the pact. It has nothing to do with me, I'm technically free to do what I want." she said confusing him "Basically the Ereshkigal of this timeline is a separate person from myself" she tried to explain

"Huh, well that's convenient.... WAIT A MINUTE!" Hessian realized "Then why the hell do we have to fight!?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She pointed at him "I just want you. But you rejected me, so of course we have to fight"

"Why does this sound like an old couple's spat?"

"Plus you told me to wait for you to beat me and force me on your side right?" She smiled at him

"Couldn't we just do this peacefully?"

"Nope, you should be a man of your word" she happily retorted