I give up


Ereshkigal watched as Hessian stood within the cage no longer affected by the divinity coming off the runes. His attire consisted of mainly black and white eastern robes. He now held a single edged blade that was rested on his shoulder. His entire demeanor seemed to change as she felt the instinct to run. However the most inconceivable thing to her was the sword, it was refining the runes.

"Hoh, to think that I would get to see the subjugation of divine power." The king remarked as he watched with interested eyes

"What is that sword?!"

Nanashi continued to greedily devour and refine the runes. As time passed, the calm suppression rose to an overbearing display of dominance. This pressure did not discriminate as it washed over everyone including Hessian as it threatened to drown them. However Hessian was used to such a pressure. The descending will that was naturally released from the zanpakuto was merely an after-effect.

The King and Gods were able to stand up to the overbearing pressure due to their inherent dispositions. However the demi-servant Mashu was having difficulties standing. Her breath nearly turned to a pant, until the tiny beast jumped on her head and relieved her of most of the pressure.

"Fou!" the sealed primate murder patted Mash's head

"I don't know what happened to you" Ereshkigal spoke as she stood against the might of the supreme will. "But you're still trapped, I specially made this cage for you." she was confident in the durability of the cage she made for him. It was even sturdier than the regular cages she made for the other souls littered around the underworld.

Hessian's didn't react to her claim, he knew it to be true. Of course he also knew that it didn't matter.

"Cleave" With one circular swipe, the cage was divided in twain.

Hessian POV

I feel incredible, no really I want to jump for joy right now. But I'll celebrate another time. I look down at the divine runes restricting me.

"Merely a god and she believes that this is enough to stop us?" I hear Nanashi say with some contempt. Wow dude chill, no need to be so toxic.

The blade gave out a low hymn as I felt the restraints disappear. I notice the runes being absorbed directly within the blade, however what came out was something different. From what I can see, the blade is able to take whatever energy is within me and refine it with it's own natural will. After refining, it releases this new power from the blade as small drops. The amount of energy needed for just a drop is insane. This could actually kill me if I didn't have infinite energy.

Unfortunately I don't understand what the end product is. I've never seen it myself or heard of anything like it. I'll do research later, for now.

"I don't know what happened to you." I hear Eresh speak as she seemed to have brushed off the pressure. Damn gods are OP "But you're still trapped, I specially made this cage for you." I honestly feel a little touched that she went through so much effort to make a cage just for me.

"Cleave" I still won't feel bad for ruining it. The drops of refined energy fused into strands on the blade as it cleaved through the cage like a chainsaw to a tree.

Okay, I now understand how I lost against Nanashi when I fought against him. The longer the fight goes on, the more refined drops are created. These drops are moving exactly how I want them to move, which means it's synchronized with my own will. The only problem is...



If I don't end this soon, I'm going to die by my own power. I give the cute death goddess a cold look as I bluff "Give up, it's over" plus I really don't want to kill her.

"I'll never give up on you!" oh god her yandere eyes are showing again.

I notice multiple red spears descending towards me. I flash step out of the way in front of her and bring down the blade like a chopper directly on her spear.

The ground broke due to the sheer weight of the attack. Apparently the reason the attack was so heavy is due to the will having physical weight. So the downward slash literally carried the weight of Nanashi's will with it. It's actually pretty terrifying, now if only she would give up with this. But I see the death goddesses eyes are filled with insanity. Dammit woman get your yandere checked out! See a therapist!!

You know what, I give up! She wins! I close in on her as I parry her attack. Our bodies are now in physical contact. It doesn't affect her as she brings her spear down on me again. I grab her waist with an arm and allow the spear to stab me through my shoulder as I give her the deepest kiss I've ever given a woman.

"What?" I hear Ishtar ask dumbly


"Finally!" King Gilgamesh seemed to have been waiting for this

"WHY!?" I hear mash shout as she attempts to process my actions

I can't help it, I give up. Eresh would not budge until I returned her feelings. I don't want to cut her down. So I give up.

"You win." I say after breaking off the kiss

Oh shit, she passed out.

"Mission accomplished. Good job everyone." The young magician said as they stepped out of the underworld with smiles at being able to breathe fresh air again.

"Senpai, will Ereshkigal be alright?" Mash asked concerned

When the group left, the death goddess was still knocked out. Removing the Goddess of Death's claim over the king wasn't difficult for Hessian as he was capable of soul manipulation through the third magic. The only reason he wasn't able to do it before was because Ereshkigal would have stopped it, but it was possible since she was unconscious at the time.

"Hey don't you think it's a bit rude to leave her like that? What if she wakes up and thinks you ran from her again?" Ishtar asked

"Were on a tight schedule. We have no time to waste on such trivial matters such as love." Gilgamesh spoke as he seemed to look off at something in the distance

Mashu noticed her master holding up a belt as he sighed "Senpai, will Onyx be alright?" she asked concerned as the belt was in pieces

"I should be able to fix him up, but there's no time." He said as he held up the black gemstone that was the core "For now let's head back." he said as he created a vehicle to ride back on

And with that the journey through the underworld ended and the fight on the demonic front continued.