Crest worms

Hessian POV

"So you've already met Shirou and the group?"

"Indeed, it was a couple nights ago"

Currently we were in the living room discussing what had transpired so far in the war. Medea had already lured Shirou to the temple where Archer ended up saving him only to try and kill him soon after. Apparently I was lucky enough to be around while she was still there before she relocated.

"Hmm, so I'm guessing you don't know much else that's going on?" I ask as I continued to game on the console

"Apologies, Caster was never keen on keeping me informed on anything not related to guarding the steps." Assassin said honestly

"It's fine, I think I get the gist of it." I put down my control and stood up

"Are we heading to battle?" he asked

"No" I shook my head "I'm off to kidnap someone. Guard the place till I'm back" I order as I disappear in a flurry of pages.

Within a bedroom of the Matou residence. A curly blue-haired boy pushed the violet-haired girl down on the bed. "That damn Tohsaka thinks that she could talk to me that way!" he snarled as he was about to let out his repressed anger on Sakura Matou

"Just because I lost my servant, who was completely useless since she lost to Kuzuki-sensei!" he berated Medusa who died to Kuzuki "I'll show them! I'll find that damn priest and get another servant." he huffed as he unbuckled his pants while the girl laid still. As if she was used to this.

"But first, I'll relieve some stress" Shinji smiled wickedly


Shinji stopped for a moment as the sound of crunching could be heard in the room. There should be no one else in the house besides him, Sakura and their grandfather. He looked around panicked until he noticed someone leaning on his window. The man looked to be about 19 or 20, his hair was gray but it looked like it used to be black. His eyes were a shade of turquoise and he was munching on some popcorn as he watched them with amused eyes.

"Oh, go on." Hessian spoke as he stopped snacking "Tell me about how shit your life is. Don't let me stop you." He gave Shinji a smirk that sent shivers down his spine

"W-who are you! Don't you know where this is!?" Shinji shakily asked as he stopped his trembles from the dangerous vibes that came off the young magician.

"Oh, I thought I was in the Matou residence. Right?" Hessian's smirk never changed as he continued to look at Shinji as if he was an idiot

"That's right! If grandfather finds out you intruded then-" "Then what?" Hessian interrupted as he put away his bucket of popcorn.

"What will he do when he's pretty much dead" he asked as he raised up a floating sphere that had a single crest worm trapped. Not just Shinji, but even Sakura responded as she looked in disbelief.

"I'd finish the job, but I have use for that girl there." he gestured to Sakura who was still on the bed staring at the trapped crest worm

Shinji made to say something else but found that he couldn't speak. It wasn't just that, he wasn't even capable of movement. Sakura looked to see pages wrapping around her brother like a collage.

"Sakura Matou, nice to meet you" Hessian smiled "I was considering being a voyeur and watching but then I realized I'm supposed to be helping Shirou out." he admitted

"Y-you know senpai?" she asked shakily as she was still afraid of the man who was capable of defeating Zouken.

"Of-course, in fact I owe him a great debt. Which is why let me ask you." he came closer to her and stood her up from the bed "Would you like to be saved?"

Hessian POV

Dealing with the problem of Crest Worms within Sakura wasn't actually that difficult. There were three methods available, the first was invasive surgery in where I carefully removed the worm from her body and soul. The second was to just outright kill her, call her soul to me and create a new body for her. The third was to make a holy grail and wish it done.

I chose the second option as the third option might tire me a little. I have the prana for it, but it would tire me physically. "Congratz, you're a virgin again" I say as I allow the violet-haired girl to inspect her new body

Sakura POV

I can't believe it. After all those years of suffering, I could never believe I could be freed from that hell. All those years that I was tainted with those worms. The wriggles that I felt every single day when the worms wanted to make themselves known, it was all gone.

"Congratz, you're a virgin again." I hear the man that I now know as Hessian, inform me as I froze at the last part. I process his words as I look at him in disbelief. Then again he technically did kill me, I shiver as I look down at the corpse which was my former body.

I'm a virgin again? How? I check to see if it was true and it was! I have a hymen!

"H-hic, Thank you." I say honestly as I collapse to the ground and hug his knees in tears. For the first time, I'm actually crying in joy! Senpai wouldn't turn away my body now that it isn't tainted anymore right?!

"Heh, no problem. Honestly I'd usually feel you up by now, but It'd be in shit taste to cuck an ally. Plus I already had my fill with B.B and the other sakura-faces" he muttered as he stroked my head. I ignored the last part and allow myself this feeling of bliss to remain for today.

Exiting the room, Hessian stretched as he made his way downstairs. Sakura had been put to sleep so that she could adjust to her body better.

"Chibi Nobu!" he called out as a cartoon looking chibi nobu appeared from the kitchen.

"Nobu!" the chibi stood at attention. It was the same Nobu that Hessian created in the past.

"Take care of the girl while I'm out, she's still getting used to her new body so she needs some rest." Getting used to a new body for the first time takes time. Hessian knew this as he was experienced in working with new bodies from his days of blowing himself up.

"Nobuuu!!" the chibi saluted as Hessian began walking out

"Assassin, wanna go start some shit?" from the shadows, Assassin appeared with a smile

"I thought you'd never ask Master" Hessian could never truly tell if he was a battle maniac or not.