
Hessian POV

"I'm honestly amazed your still standing" Alice said from the side as I was on my knees, unable to stand.

"If I were to quit now, then I'd feel like I would have lost in some way and I can't accept that!" I weakly rasp out. My body was spent, I have learned that there's such a thing as too much sex. I underestimated the difficulties of a hentai world.

During our entire journey thus far, I have been stopped by endless waves of random monster girls ranging from slime girls, harpies, slug girls, earthworm girls, plant girls and pretty much anything you could think of. Of course with my pride as a trash protagonist that thinks with his dick on the line. I accepted their challenges head on until I tired each and every one of them out!

Unfortunately that means I've been wrung dry, and it shows with how dried up I look. Of course I could definitely rejuvenate myself or even make another body to handle these ero-encounters better. However if I did that, then I would have felt that I would have lost at something important to my character, which is why until Alice and I get to the next town. NO CHEATING AT THIS SEX ADVENTURE!

"Are we there yet?" I ask Alice tiredly as I struggle to stand up.

"It's just over that hill and if you're so tired, why don't you just stop trying to match up to a monster's sex drive? Granted I am impressed that you've lasted this far, for a human anyway." She seemed to find the fact that I could out last each monster girl's sex drive fascinating. Apparently the human males of this world consisted of mainly beta males who don't want to procreate with monsters due to some Illias commandments.

"If I were to shy away from the logic of a hentai world, then what kind of man would I be!?" I exclaim with resolve burning in my eyes.

"Definitely an idiot" Alice spoke in complete assurance at her conclusion of my character.

Speaking of Illias, I am getting pretty damn tired of the name 'Illias'. There's an Illias Village, Illias Burger, Illias Salad, Illias Temple. SO MANY THINGS ARE NAMED AFTER THAT DAMN WOMAN. I understand devotion to your god, but this is just obsession! Even now were headed to a town called 'Illiasburg'! At this rate I might just go commit deicide, because it's getting old at this point.

"Finally! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!" I wept tears of relief at the sight of Illiasburg in the distance

"Let's pick up the pace, I remember there was some amazing Ama-ama dangos here" she said with complete seriousness.

"You ate the entire journey here, do you even digest properly?" I asked because her gluttony could rival shounen protagonists.

"Idiot, those were just appetizers" she said as her body shifted into a more human form.

"Hold on, since were here I can take this." I say as I uncork a rejuvenating potion. My body returned to it's former glory as it went from a dried husk to a healthy glow. I did say that I wouldn't cheat until we got to the next town after all.

The duo of a young magician and Lamia stepped into the town of Illiasburg in chaos. At the center of all the commotion was a single monster girl standing above scattered groups of unconscious guards.

"This could be bad." Alice muttered with crossed arms.

"Yah, she's getting in the way of the chill time I planned on getting at the inn!" Hessian said with annoyance. Quite frankly he was tired of sex for one day and just wanted to chill.

"Who cares about that, if this keeps up then the dango place might close!" she also spoke with annoyance in her tone.

Hessian took a moment to examine the monster girl who didn't seem to be raping anything that moved. This surprised him since all his encounters with monsters in this world all led to sex. He also noticed that Granberia's cleavage was covered by a proper breastplate. No matter how he looked, she didn't seem to be obsessed with sex like the rest of her race. He wondered if it was just her specific sub-race that made her more inclined for battle.

"Think she'd leave if we asked nicely?" Hessian asked

"Idiot. That's Granberia, the Swordswoman of Fire and one of the four strongest servants of the Monster Lord!" she said as if Hessian should know who it was, but he wasn't from this world. Nor did he know what it was based off.

"Is that all?" Granberia's voice of contempt echoed out through the town "Can none of you humans put up a decent fight!?" she challenged while some of the guards on the ground were actually pretending to be unconscious to avoid having to face her.

"Well if no one's going to step up, then I will claim this city in the name of the Monster Lord!" she huffed with crossed arms at the weaklings around her.

"Hold up now, that's gonna get in the way of chill time." Hessian walked up to her with an analytical eye.

"What was that?" Granberia turned to the young magician and narrowed her eyes at his appearance. She took note of his shinigami attire, however her eyes were drawn to the blade sheathed on his waist. "Oh? Are you going to fight as well?" she asked the stranger as her eyes lit up a bit since she was disappointed in the quality of fighters.

"Wow, you remind me a lot of some other battle maniacs that I've come across." Hessian said as he continued to examine her. "Tell you what, since I've had enough sex for one day. I'm up for a contest of pure sword skill." He grinned. He was really in the mood for anything other than carnal pleasure.

"You're a confident one" Granberia narrowed her eyes as she raised her blade. "Let's see if you can back it up!" she yelled as she surprised Hessian a bit with her speed. It wasn't fast to the point that he was helpless, but he just underestimated her a little.

Hessian focused on deflecting each slash as he slowly adjusted himself to match her speed. He could end this fast, but his urge to fight has been steadily building up lately and he needed an outlet. So to make it harder for himself to deal with the urge, he limited himself to Granberia's abilities and fought her through pure swordsmanship.

"Not bad!" the dragonkin spoke as flames covered her sword. In just a moment, she had become faster and stronger than before. Hessian actually smiled at that, and prepared to adjust himself again.

"You're open!" She aimed towards the opening on Hessian's left. "Demon Skull Beheading!" she roared with a power slash.

"Nope." Hessian smirked as he left it open on purpose. He immediately parried the slash with a bit more force than intended, Granberia immediately found herself without her weapon.

"You're pretty good." Hessian praised as he could tell how much effort she spent on mastering the sword. Hessian had only recently focused on mastering his sword skills despite being taught by servants in the past. He was more focused on his magecraft back then.

"I...I lost." she spoke as if she didn't believe her defeat. "One more time!" She demanded with a glare towards Hessian.

"Sure, I can do another" Hessian shrugged as he was fine with it.

"Just you wait, I'll defeat you! Then I'll drag you back to the castle ravage your body until I can't stand anymore!" Granberia declared as Hessian blinked at the last part

"Wait, what did you just say?" Hessian then noticed that the bottom part of her light armor was leaking.

"I KNOW WHAT I SAID!" The swords-woman shouted with another fiery charge.

Hessian had learned that everything really was related to sex in one way or another.