Story Time

With the sounds of crashing waves by the shore, Nanashi sat patiently atop a large boulder. He had been here for a few days, but days were like seconds to someone like him. His form remained in tune with the universe. Invisible ripples flew his way as he opened his eyes to reveal resplendent light. The one he had been waiting for was here.

A hundred feet from the boulder, a familiar gray haired magician appeared as if he had teleported. However he had only taken one step to reach this location. When he turned his gaze towards him, his eyes matched Nanashi's light in intensity.

"How surprising, I was sure you would appear in some sort of nonsensical entrance like usual." Nanashi broke the silence.

"Eh, for reasons I have to start driving more responsibly. I'll tell you bout it later." Hessian responded with a shake of his head.

Nanashi examined him a bit longer before nodding his head in approval. "Your eyes, do not seem lost anymore. Have you finally accepted it? Have you found your own answer?"

Hessian's visage seemed to have undergone a transformation. He now seemed like an old man that was tired of the viscitudes of life. However he shifted back in an instant to the same chill demeanor he usually had. "Nope." he casually responded

"Nope?" Nanashi looked incredulously at him

"Nope" Hessian nodded "I haven't come to a real answer but. I'll take it one step at a time." he wryly smiled. "Ultimately, I think it's better to just be myself until the end."

"To be yourself?" Nanashi repeated. "I suppose that will have to do. What brought about this change?" he asked unsure of how Hessian had gotten his shit together so soon.

"*cough* Well..." Hessian awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "Eresh is pregnant." He dropped a bomb.

Nanashi seemed to blink at that for a moment. "Oh... I suppose that does make sense." he nodded at that reasoning.

"Yeah, so I sort of have to just keep moving forward."

"As long as you continue to climb. I believe we will reach the answer we failed to attain."

"Well, let's get this out of the way then." Hessian spoke as the world began to fade into the Ocean of Memories.

Standing at the center of the world, Hessian took a moment to stretch.

"You wish to battle here?" Nanashi rose a brow

"Nah, well maybe. For now, I figure to get my shit together. I'm going to have to face the past whether I like it or not." Hessian spoke as he gestured for the water to rise.

Atop the highest peak, the four spirits seemed to be eavesdropping like children while the adults spoke.

"Once upon a time." Hessian spoke as the water began shifting forms. Nanashi raised a brow at his words.

"Is this truly necessary?" the sword spirit asked.

"Yes, I need to cope somehow and what better way to face the past than to tell it like a story? Now shush!" Hessian shushed him as he cleared his throat to continue

"There was a fucking dumbass kid without a name. His parents died before they could even give him a name." The memory shifted to show a young child sitting on the side of the street begging for coins.

"He was a pretty nice kid, he had a decent feel of how harsh the world was. One day an old man who was drunk out of his mind, dropped a pendant." The memory displayed the old man wobbling side to side from the beggar. Until all of a sudden the old man seemed to realize he needed to be somewhere and quickly flew off at incredible speed dropping the pendant.

"The pendant seemed incredibly expensive, the child could live the rest of his life in luxury if he were to sell it off. However the child merely kept it on him."

"A week later, the same old man came back and seemed to be searching for something." It showed the child seeing the frantic old man

"The child walked up to the old man and returned the pendant. Apparently it was a memento of the old man's late wife."

"Taking a liking to the kid, the old man took him under his wing. Then began his ascent to the peak of the martial world!" The scene changed to a montage of the kid training diligently and making bonds and allies through the world. Along with bonds, he had also made many enemies. As the child grew up, he continued to face constant tribulations like a protagonist.

"The boy received a name once he was taken in by the old man, he was named Xu Jin."

"In his travels, Xu Jin eventually found true love." The memory shifted to a man and woman discussing the dao together. "However, the boy who was now a man knew of the cruelty of the world. So he strived to become stronger, strong enough to protect everything he cared for."

"Eventually he had accomplished it. He had reached a level where he stood at the Apex of all worlds. The moniker he was known by was the Nameless Immortal." The scene changed to see him standing at the peak, looking down at the world.

"He was a true Immortal. With a grasp of his palms, he could sunder the heavens. With a fist, he could shatter all concepts. With his blade, he could cut through the Myriad Grand Dao. With a thought, he could create and destroy the universe." Hessian grandly spoke as the four spirits that were watching from above enjoyed the memory that acted like a movie screen.

"But at a certain level of power, comes the knowledge only few are privileged to." Hessian began to speak lowly and gave out a self depreciating chuckle. Nanashi's eyes seemed to dim a little as well.

"The end of all things. A final calamity that would always come without fail. No matter how many worlds, realities, timelines. It will all disappear in the end..." The image disappeared to nothingness.

"The Nameless Immortal did not know when such an end would come. A million years? A billion years? Perhaps even a trillion years? In the end, there was only one thing he resolved to do. He would continue climbing." Hessian started to laugh darkly, fortunately he had already cried the night before so his eyes were dry.

"He continued accumulating power over the years, he researched all methods, he even sought out the hidden masters that lived in obscurity in the world. He knew he was not truly the strongest, there must be some incredible hidden monsters out there."

"He continued to search for an answer to confront the end, he began to drift from his loved ones in his madness. He eventually found a true master that made him feel like an ant despite all his power. He had asked the master to enlighten him, unfortunately he could not accept the answer he received from the master."

"His obsession for the answer grew stronger. His conviction to stop the end drove him to insanity. It did not matter what methods he used, he would find the answer. He sacrificed worlds, realities even those he loved! All in his insane quest for the answer." Hessian dropped to his knees as Nanashi closed his eyes.

"It mattered not whether he looked in the light or dark. With one thought he was the benevolent light, with another he was the all consuming darkness. This would continue as eras and epochs continued to pass by."

"Then... the time had finally come." Hessian didn't continue as it was a bit too difficult for him. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to Nanashi who continued for him

"In that last moment, all methods were rendered useless. Whether it be manipulating time, escaping to other worlds, creating new life, and even brute force. I failed to stop it."

"No, 'we' failed to stop it." Hessian chuckled sadly. With a moment of self depreciating silence, Hessian continued on.

"The Nameless Immortal had failed to stop it, however perhaps because he feared death or his will to cling to life was just that strong. His soul survived the end."

"However he as a person was empty, his dao heart shattered, his will to continue on wavered."

"He attempted to live a simple life of a mortal by the name of Hessian, however he could never get rid of it. That urge to continue climbing, that desire to give himself meaning. Unfortunately he was too broken and afraid to climb again."

"So he had decided, to rid himself of his memories and start anew. He walked outside his front door naked and through his understanding of the universe, he trolled it with his perfect T-Pose and got himself killed." Hessian and Nanashi both smiled a bit more light-heartedly this time.

"Like a new person, Hessian Aversis would continue to live life doing things. However deep within his core being was that feeling to become stronger. To continue climbing. He could never rid himself of it no matter what he tried."

"Unknown to Hessian, his former memories were too incredible to simply be erased. Which led to Hessian's Origin and Element to manifesting as 'Memory' along with the magic he had received."

"The 'Memory' continued to grow more aware and in fear of remembering, the soul split itself apart with that memory into a Zanpakuto. The Nameless Immortal did not know what to think of his failure to even erase himself. However, as he continued to watch his new self continue forward. He felt excitement, perhaps even he could climb again if he did not climb alone."

"Hessian Aversis von Schweinorg would continue to climb and when he had become a god. Even the Nameless Immortal could not stop the memories from returning. The two who were originally one, continued to synchronize as the memories flooded in each night. Then Hessian was sent into the same depression that Nanashi was in. Unable to find the will to climb, knowing the end would eventually come again."

"Now with a wife and a child coming soon. Hessian Aversis von Schweinorg, The god of doing things. Formerly known as the Nameless Immortal had to keep moving forward. One step at a time."

Hessian finally finished the recap of events.

Hessian POV

Shit, that was a long story. I even tried to shorten it, did not expect it to take this long. I'm sort of out of breath now, but I feel so much better. Also, I need to make a magic crest soon since I'm gonna have a kid. Oh god, I need to think of names with Eresh! I was never good at coming up with names, it's like making a new character on an mmo all over again!

"Right then, let's get this over with." I say as I look over to Nanashi.

"Are we not done?" he raised a brow and I shook my head in response

"Before coming here, I said that I would wreck your shit! And I am a man of my word!" I declared like the baddass I am.

"And how will you do that without a sword?" he questioned with amusement

"Hah! I thought of that, which is why!" I whipped out a black handle and flipped the switch. A black light blade flashed into existence.

[Master Hessian, I do not believe this will be enough to match up to him] Onyx informed, completely unsure of my decision to do this.

"Nonsense! The author originally intended for you to be a Kaleidosaber anyway! Which means WE HAVE THE POWER OF THE AUTHOR ON OUR SIDE!" I shouted with complete assurance.

[Master Hessian, I believe your insanity is showing again]


He did his usual silent routine as he readied his blade. In a blur we disappeared and the sounds of our clash could be heard as we climbed towards the peak.

I would think of baby names later.