Chapter 16

Tok, tok.

There was the sound of somebody tapping the timber around the edge of the sofa with his fingers. Marianne came to her senses at the man's carefree voice. She just opened her mouth to ask what she just heard, but she couldn't move her lips or tongue freely.

"So, what you just said was that His Majesty asked me to marry him, right?"

When she asked back hesitantly, that man who sat on the opposite sofa and snapped his fingers nodded slowly. Wearing a hooded robe almost upside down, he looked like a black demon from head to toe. As a messenger that the emperor sent, he looked very weird and unusual.

"I'm sorry to say this, but I wonder if Sir Colin conveyed my message to the emperor incorrectly."

She told him what she really thought in spite of herself. Though it was a rude question, she had to ask because she really wanted to know if the emperor got her message right.

"Did what I asked Sir Colin to convey to the emperor sound more like a love letter?"