Chapter 27

"You asked me if the Marquise's tea party was an important ceremony, right?"

Marianne nodded, dropping her tea cup on the tray. Mrs. Charlotte sighed.

"The daughters who lost her favor at that tea party ruined debutante balls without exception. Entrepreneurs lost their clients. Some nobles saw the rank of their knights reduced. There are quite a few artists on the streets who couldn't sell their works. Young daughters often found it difficult to find their mates because their ruined reputation."

"That's ridiculous. It's just a tea party. It's not a test."

"Nope, it's a test. And it's only the marquise who decides to give them a pass or fail. Once they lose her favor, that's it. It's no use donating huge wealth or offering to serve her like a maid."

While listening to her, Marianne made a very displeased expression.

"She is too harsh."

"But she has maintained such a domineering attitude for decades. You have to accept it."