It got dark out of nowhere. The atmosphere of the ball also heated up.
Luckily, Marianne met Mrs. Charlotte before leaving the bathroom. Ms. Charlotte, who visited the annex in a hurry at the emperor's sudden call, was surprised to see her there.
But she quickly and surely gave her a pass without asking further. Indeed, that showed her exceptional skill in coping with the situation as the former chief maid of the empress.
Her crumpled dress gently fluttered like petals. Her swollen eyes were moderately covered by dark makeup and the shade of the night. It took less than 30 minutes for Mrs. Charlotte to apply ointment to her slightly bruised knees, put new shoes and socks on her, and call out the maids who helped her dress up to remind them of the need to shut up.
As a result, Marianne returned as she initially appeared at the banquet hall. Though she was beautiful, she looked pitiable when her dress was dragged to the floor.