No-no more jobs. This...This is my first time seeing the job request empty! Usually, the request board has so many job requests that it's falling off the board but now..why now of all times does it have to be empty out like this!? I feel my knees weaken in shock as Levy-chan is out cold on the floor. Argh..what do I do!? Come on brain cells, work for me! Work and think! Think of something!? Should we stay at my place for a while? Oh no! No! it's still no good! That idiot Natsu can always manage to pop himself in my place. How about Fairy Hills? Argh...still no good! That place is still under renovation after what Erza did.
Where should I go?
What should we do!?
No one is around and I bet they all went too far off missions to run away from this beast.
Magnolia is no good! They can sniff us.
Aaaargh...Levy-chan doesn't just pass out on me like that! I said as I scream in frustration then suddenly I heard footsteps coming near. Cou-Could this be the master? Erza? or maybe its Mira-san. Maybe she went back to say that she's just kidding about the whole mating season thingy! I hopefully thought but as I turned around, a very familiar voice and pink hair are within sight.
My eyes widen in shock as I started to feel myself passing out too, but then again with the thought of mine and Levy-chan's chastity is in the line. I immediately grab Levy-chan and jump towards the bar counter as I desperately tried to hide both of us from them.
"Heeeeeeeeeey!? Anyoooooooone here!?" Natsu yelled as his voice echo throughout the now-empty guild, making me gulp in shocked upon hearing his voice.
"This is weird." I heard Gajeel said. Damn, I thought with Natsu's stupidity we can fool them then leave as soon as possible.
Weird? What is?" Natsu asked
See!? If Gajeel's not with him then we can definitely fool Natsu. Sigh.
"Are your eyes blind?" Gajeel said.
"Hmmm?" Levy-chan said, "What's going on?"
"Shh." I said, "Quiet down, Natsu and Gajeel are here!"
"WHAT!?" Levy whispered but the shock is apparent in her eyes as her face started to place when she heard Gajeel speaking.
"Lu-chan! What will we do!?"
"I..I don't know," I said, honestly speaking with things like this I don't even know how can we get out of the guild without them noticing. "But right now our only chance is Natsu's stupidity and denseness!"
"Mm..But it seems like, with their flow of conversation, Gajeel already notice that something's up" She said.
And yes, if only Gajeel's not as sharp as usual I was really thinking that we can somehow leave the guild without them knowing that we're here but this iron dragon slayer is being too suspicious!
I was busy with my thoughts when suddenly Natsu yelled and said "Oy! Happy! Mira! Ice Freak! Erza! Gramps!" Natsu said as he yelled out their names as his voice echoes around the big guild "Luuuuucy!"
Upon hearing my name, echoing throughout the guild I felt my heart jump out of my lungs then Levy-chan shot me a look that says -Your-boyfie's-looking-for-you look. Making me blush in anger! Okay!? then I look at her and said "He's not my boyfriend!" and then she gave me the "whatever you say" look
"OOOH! The board request is empty!" Natsu said making me and Levy-chan flinch upon the mention of the board request.
Then as we heard the two of them finally noticing the strangeness, I feel myself feeling cold sweat all over as me and Levy-chan felt our hearts thumping louder and louder to the point that we can't even hear their conversation anymore.
Then as I close my eyes, I continue to pray ' Dear Mom and Dad in heaven please help me get through this. Then suddenly I felt Levy-chan's handgrip harder as I heard this very familiar laughter, "Gihi" I felt Levy-chan's hand tighten her grip more "I see one bunny girl and a little puppy" then with my eyes still closed I heard her shriek. I was about to open my eyes and see what's happening when suddenly a very familiar salmon colored hair appeared in front of me.
"Oh! Found You! Lucy!"
My heart literally stop for a second and then as I look up, I see him grinning goofily making me jump in surprise and also shriek in the process. Wrong move Lucy.
"Wrong move!" I thought as I saw Natsu's goofy grin turned into a sly smile as he continues to step forward.
It seems like he's saying something but my heart has been beating louder and louder by the second so I can't really hear him well and then I notice that Levy-chan is also the same.
He continues to take another step and me? Well, let's just say I'm turning redder and redder. While Levy-chan's eyes started swirling as if she's about to faint again.
The two of us kept quiet. Even though we want to say a lot of things or do a lot of things such as run away from here really fast, my knees are feeling weak as I continue to see that stupid Natsu.
Damn it! I said to myself What's wrong with ME!?
Why am I blushing like this!? Why does my heart go pitter patter-ish because of Natsu!?
Why am I seeing roses behind him!?
Why is the hell is he oozing with sex appeal! Why is he oozing with that damn pheromones! I said as I started to feel my head heavy by the minute.
Then suddenly I heard Natsu said "Really? Is that it?"
It? What is it!?
I mentally screamed but heck upon hearing It! I know! I just know that it's not something good!
"Well, then why don't we four play Tag!? Since it feels like those guys won't be back yet! So why don't we play tag!? We'll be the It so...Ready...start" He continued.
Tag the four of us!? Eh!? Eh!? Eh!? What's happening!? Then suddenly I felt Levy-chan's hand grabbing mine again then the next thing I know is that we're running faster than the speed of light. Then Levy-chan said "Lu-chan! Let's run! run or else! We'll lose IT!"
the word "it" continues to echo through my mind then it snaps me from the oozing pheromones of Natsu as I ran faster, doubling our speed. "Lu-chan! You're going to fast!" Levy said "No! Levy-chan we have to run faster! Our chastity is at stake" I said "Look! Natsu and Gajeel are already behind us!"
"Eh!?" Then Levy looks back to see those two smirkings and acting all smug, as if they're about to devour their prey and they are the predators with a complete upper hand with the current situation.
So what does a girl gotta do to protect their CHASTITY!? The only option left for us is to run as if our dear life is on the line.
"Lu-chan!" Levy said, "Let's run to different routes!"
"Eh? But if we do that..." I said as I tried to protest as her idea
"If we DON'T do that, the worst-case scenario is that the two of us will be caught!" Levy said, which makes real sense but still... "No! It's still too dangerous"
"I'll be fine," Levy said "We'll be fine!? right?" Then I look at her and she's smiling while brimming with confidence. "Okay." I said "As soon as we lost them one of us should contact the other one"
"Okay," Levy said then she handed me a card with her face and name on it. "This! Use this...Cana-chan made this for me." and then I search my pocket and also found the same card but with my face and name on it "Here's mine" I said, "Call me if anything happens!"
"Mm. Well, then Lu-chan see you after this!" She said as she headed in the West forest, while I jump into the crowds of the city market and ran with all my might.
Then I heard Gajeel saying that he'll go after Levy-chan and then as I decided to look back only to hear Natsu laughing and said "Haha...Go on! Keep Running" Making me kinda pissed as I glared back at him only to shrug off my glare and said"Cause as an IT, I'll definitely catch you. Lucy!"
I'll definitely catch you Lucy...
Definitely...catch you Lucy...
catch you...
His words continue to echo to my head as I hear him say that making my flush cheeks (from all the running) even redder. NOT! Snap out of this Lucy! Snap out of it! It's just some weird pheromones you're seeing! It's just because of the mating season that's been going on so...SNAP out of it! Your chastity is on the line! Damn it! My subconscious said making me focus more on the running.
Now that I've calmed down, once again I decided to look back again to Natsu to see whether I'm gaining the upper hand or if I've lost him.
But then as I look back I realized something,
you see...not everything can go according to plan.
Not when...he has ME in His arms. Now.
So how long till I'm eaten!? T_T