Natsu's POV
After running after Lucy as soon as I caught her around the side street of the city, suddenly Lucy fainted and I'm guessing that she has a fever because for a while now her face keeps on getting redder. Sigh, Just when things are getting heated it was supposed to be Lucy's turn to be it and ran after me but now because she got all feverish we had to stop playing the game, Oh well Lucy's health is much more important, I'll just bug her later to continue where we left off.
I was so busy with my thoughts when I found myself in front of her apartment already and just when I was about to go inside, her fat-ass oops I mean scary short landlady appeared. "Hmm...What are you doing" She asked as she eyed me suspiciously and the fainted Lucy in my arms?
"Er...We were playing tag when suddenly she fainted" I said, which is true but why am I getting the feeling that there's something more to it.
"Hmmm..." She said as she eyed us again. "Oh well bring her in"
"Yeah. Thanks, old and fat...oops I mean Lucy's landlady"
"Mmm." She said, and just before she leaves "Just make sure to lower down your voice in order to not disturb the neighbors"
"Err...yeah sure...whatever," I said which is kinda weird...lower down our voice? That's one heck of a weird landlady, but that's just like weirdo Lucy. Pfftt. Just the thought of Lucy and that landlady's weirdness is making me laugh and then my laugh grew louder when I remember the time when I saw her wearing Lucy's clothes.
"Mmm" Lucy said. Oopps, I'm getting a little bit louder. Lucy should get plenty of rest so we can play tag later, and then I opened her door with the keys that Mira always lent us and gently placed her on her bed. As I placed her down, I can clearly smell Lucy all over the place, it's filled with Lucy's scent. I wonder if its some kind of aroma she's been using but lately, I'm finding myself getting addicted to this scent.
"Nngg" Lucy groaned.
I wonder if she's dreaming of something bad? Then I saw her cheeks flush again then I placed my hand into her forehead to check if she's still running a fever only to feel that her forehead is burning.
Crap! I said to myself. "Hmm...What was it that Erza always uses to nag when someone is having a fever?" I said as I try to remember the nagging Erza did when Happy had a fever.
" was...Ah! I have to change Lucy's clothes!" I said to myself, pleased that I remember it. Then I went to Lucy's closet to get her some phage of clothes and as I went to get her some pj's I remember the time when Happy found those weird clothing-string like collection Lucy have and decided to open it myself. Hmm...According to Gray this are types of underwear...Hmm...Wait! If I have to change her clothes? Do I also have to change her underwear!? I exclaimed to myself as I found myself lost in deep thoughts once again as I tried to remember what Erza did.
If I remember correctly. Happy wasn't wearing any string-like.
But Happy is a cat and Lucy wears strings...Oh well...who cares its just underwear! I can just remove it and change it later if I'm wrong. I said to myself as I headed back to Lucy's bed.
First: Change of Clothes. Check.
The next thing to do is...hmmm...
"You should wipe the body to remove the sweat and then change the clothes."
Yup! That's what she said, so first I have to get her a towel and a water basin, and so I headed to her bathroom to get her a clean face towel then I got some water then boiled it for a little.
Second: towel and water. Check.
So now I have to get Lucy out of her clothes and wipe her body clean. Slowly,I unzip the white blouse she's wearing and gently remove it from her body. Whoa, she's indeed sweating! I started wiping off her shoulders, her back and then her arm; all that's left is the front part and so here comes another dilemma. Should I remove her undergarment? or not?
I have the feeling that when Lucy wakes up she might kill me but...but right now thats not important! I said to myself as I clench the hand towel on my right hand. Right now she's sweating so much and she has a fever! Yup, this is the right thing to do. As slowly as possible I grab the clasp of her undergarment and tried to remove it. But heck this is harder than I thought because her hair is in the way! And so I decided to get her hair out but as I did, I whiff a strong scent from Lucy, I wonder if it's her body wash or something.
It smells so good that I can't help myself to take another whiff from it as if its some kind of drugs.
Yes, this might be a drug but right now I can't help it. I can't stop myself as I feel my senses turning into some kind of animal. I want more of this scent. I told myself and as I tried to get closer to Lucy, she opened her eyes. Crap.
She looks at me on top of her and notices that she's missing a shirt and is half-naked by now. So what do you think will happen next?
She shrieks the loudest I've heard so far and guess what? She sent me flying to the wall as I heard her curse something about season, mating, chastity and clothes. I understand the last part but the other four? Don't know a thing about it.
"Ow..." I said "Luce that hurts!"
"Huh!? What!? Do you want more beating!" She said.
Crap she's really angry.
"I was just trying to help," I said "You have a fever, and you're burning up plus you're sweating so I had no choice but to wipe off your sweat and change your clothes"
"Help!? What help!? were sniffing!" She said with cheeks red as an apple. I wonder if her fever is getting worst!?
"Well, I can't help it!" I said, "I'm getting addicted to your scent!"
And then she gets redder this time, her face is like a ripe tomato ready for harvest.
"Wha...what am I!? Some kind of weird animal! Wha...what scent!" She said as she tries not to stutter to her words, making her all flustered and work up which I find really cute.
"Besides Erza told me that the third step that you should do when someone is having a fever is to measure their temperature," I said making her eyebrows furrowed in a very cute way"Aren't I just checking your temperature"
Then thought of wanting to see more of her, I decided to tease her as I took a step forward, grab her hand and pull her into my arms "This...*sniff* scent" I said as I whispered it into her ears "I'm addicted to it"
"Uwaah...Aren't you finish checking my temperature!? Who told you to sniff out a patient!" She said, this time even her ears are red and I felt her temperature rising up, Me, being tempted by her red ears, I don't know why but I'm suddenly having the urge to lick it and so urges wins over logic and before I could think of why would I like to do that to Lucy's ears? I already found myself biting her red earlobes making her shriek in surprise.
"Na...Natsu...stop" She cried out like a little kitten with tears forming in her eyes and as she blushes mor, her temperature rises.
Everything about Lucy is tempting and I'm starting to lose my reasons. I don't know why but I'm desiring for her more and more. Logical things, explanation, questions..nothing matters now except:
I want to see more of Lucy.
I want to hear more from Lucy.
I want to feel more of Lucy.
I want her. Badly.
Only her.
This isn't just on impulse.
For a long time I already I vaguely know that its already a fact.
A fact that I need everything of this celestial mage, Lucy Heartfilia.
I started to kiss her neck, biting it, as I hear her moan with her angelic voice. "Are you hurt somewhere in your neck?" I innocently asked, only to heard another a sweet moan from her, should I take this as an okay? I continue to nibble her neck, as I smell more of her scent, making it intoxicating but at the same time a sweet scent. "" She said, "Please...ah...stop."
This time she's crying, but be it her tears or what-not, right now it feels like nothing matters except for my desire of wanting all of her so I continue to tease her in order to see more of her cute expressions, Yup, I just used the word cute.
If its Lucy then, I'll say no matter how many times.
"Stop what?" I said "I'm just checking if you're hurt somewhere"
"Argh! Sheesh!" Lucy said "Natsu! Go back to your senses"
"I'm in my senses." I said as I smirk at her "In fact, all of them are working"
"Oh yeah!? Well, don't you think it's working a little too much!?" She said As she tries to push me away
"Can't you feel it? You're acting waaaaaay too weird!" She said, "Haven't you realized it?"
"Realized what"
"You're under the Dragon's festival!" Lucy said, "All of your senses and dragon slayer magic are heighten to the fullest which is why you are having weird sex..sexual desires!"
"..." What is saying? If its sexual desire for her then I'm sure feeling one now
"Natsu." She said as she turns around to face me "Natsu...are you doing this because you are you? Or is it because you're under the mating season!"
"..." Mating...what?
What is right? and What is wrong?
What am I doing...?
Then I see teardrops falling down her cheeks, disturbing me from my thoughts.
"I...I don't want you to do these things just because a stupid dragon slayer like you is in HEAT!" She said as she puffed her cheeks like a little kid as she burst into tears. "I don't want*sniff* to *sniff*...bve... Na...tsu...But...not.. *sniff* like this!"
She wants WHAT!
"Lucy...what are you...saying-" I asked, then she wipe her tears away and with her small fingers she pinch my cheeks until it turned red and said
"Listen up! Stupid Natsu! Even though right now you're just a dragon slayer in heat who attacks any woman at sight! Or even if you continue to blast off things every time we're in a mission to the point that almost all our money went to the repairs or that you're such a dense idiot! or the fact that right now I'm about to lose my chastity just because you're losing your senses to your weird mating season...I..."
"I've...always LOVE an IDIOT like YOU!" She said making my eyes, widen in shock as she grab me by my scarf and the next thing I know is that,I feel her soft lips crashing to mine.
And though I don't understand half of what she said, aside from the fact that I'm an idiot, who blast up things...I know one thing,
And I understand it perfectly well...
She just told me she loves me, and I'm kissing her back.
Is it really Lucy who's about to be eaten!?
Or is it Natsu?
Who just lost his dragon senses to a KISS?