Levy's POV.
Nngh... My head hurts. What just happened? Where am I? I tried to look around me to see if there's anything but from the looks of it, I'm inside a sealed room with no light or whatsoever.
I tried to search my pockets to check if my pen was taken and yup...its gone but it sure is a good thing I've hidden some under the sole of my shoes. I stomp my left foot three times and the sole of my shoe opened, I smiled at how genius the maker of my shoe is and that my 357,000 jewels are definitely worth this soles.
Smiling, I grab my Wing-J Pen. I love this pen cause it has wings at the end of the pen.
(A/n: Once again in the human world is just your ordinary Gel pen. jut put a pair of wings, J for Jelly-Gel and just a bit more magical than your ordinary pens, I know but please bear with it xD)
In the air, I write the word Light. And the whole room was illuminated with light and I am very shocked to see that the room I'm in is a cube.
Metal cube to be exact. Sighing, I wrote another word in the air. CHAIR. As the chair pops up, I sat down and sigh again, remembering the fact that a few minutes ago I was abducted by a mad Gajeel.
This is a big problem.
Levy thought, now that she's being locked up by some weird possessive and also sexually frustrated iron dragon slayer she definitely can't stand up alone at him.
Not like she plans on getting away only to be in a half-death state and I surely don't want to have my chastity taken during a mating season, I mean...its not like we're dating or anything so...
Fwiiiish~ Levy blush madly at the thought of her and Gajeel dating as she feels her face getting redder by the second.
Levy! You just didn't think about that!
She said, scolding herself from that thought. I Can't be having these weird imaginations! I bet this is...all that Attraction pheromones that Freed said and the mating season, yup...that's it. That's the reason for this disturbing thoughts I'm having.
I took a deep breath as I stood up from my seat, then I pinch my cheeks to stop these weird thoughts, cause weird or not I obviously don't have the time for this. TIME! What time is it? Immediately I wrote the letters CLOCK in the air then a wall clock appeared it says 12:36.
Not Good! Definitely not.
With the time at hand, I bet the full moon is fully out and that means any minute now Gajeel might burst inside and...and do things like this and that!
I pinched myself again as weird embarrassing thoughts started to pop inside my head again.
Not Good! Levy! Not good and again I took a deep breath. Okay, first of all, I need a plan,
First: I need to check the premises of this iron cube.
second I have to see if Gajeel guarding the whole cube.
third: I need an escape route, a window or a door any will do.
fourth: I need a cloak and the scent-free perfume!
fifth: Get the hell out of here with my chastity intact and go to where Lu-chan is.
I bet she's worried sick about me.
Okay, Levy, you can do this! inhale, exhale.
I closed my eyes for a minute to sort out the things I'll be needing, First I need some binoculars.
Then I wrote those letters in the air and blue binoculars pop into my hand, then I wrote the letters for a WINDOW, A large stylish glass window appeared.
Then sneakily I opened the window and poke out my head a little to see if anyone's around guarding the place or if I'm still within the range of the forest.
Guarding the place? Any Gajeel around? Nope, none at all.
Still within the woods? Yup. and so I opened the fancy glass window, then with bold, capital letters, I wrote the words CLOAK then a black one appeared. As I wear the cloak, I fish out my pockets to see if I still have the perfume I got from the flunk market and as soon I felt the small round shape of the perfume. I drank the whole content of the bottle.
Yup, I drank it. Just because its a perfume doesn't mean I have to spray it and this is one of the reasons why I love flunk markets, they sell a lot of useless things but sure the rare ones are really useful and unique. I sure am glad that I bought 8 of this and with a bargain at that.
After a full minute the perfume potion finally took its effect and so before I jump out of the window I wrote the words D-O-L-L-TYPE-LEVY-MCGARDEN then a doll that looks like me appeared and then I place it to the corner of the room. Hoping that it could fool Gajeel for a moment. Not until I found Lu-chan and the others.
As soon as I landed down the ground, I ran and ran, faster and faster. I feel the adrenaline kicking into me as I ran faster, away from the iron cube. Not until I heard a voice. Panting for breath, I tried to listen once again. Just where is that voice coming from!?
Is it an enemy?
Is it asking for help?
or I just misheard it and its just the work of my imaginations?
I heard nothing. Only the voice of some animals. But the moment I decided to take another step, I heard something. No, I heard someone crying out for help.
Its a woman's voice!
Is it Lu-chan? It can be? Natsu right? or maybe its Gajeel!?
Feeling scared, I follow where the voice is coming from. I headed to the west part of the forest and with every step I take, I'm hearing the grunting voice? of a girl. I hide behind a huge boulder of stone and with the binoculars, I tried to see what's going on. Then I see a blond, Could it be!? Lu-chan!?
Then as I tried to look closer, it was not Lu-chan who I saw but...its...a very familiar blond-haired guy, and as I pointed my binoculars to him.
I couldn't help but gasp as I saw Laxus!
What is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be under a spell from Freed's runes? What is happening? I asked to myself. Then I remember that when we went inside the forest cave, the whole place is a mess. Could it be...Laxus escaped? But who will help him? Unless someone attacked it from the outside...
Its Gajeel!
Why!? Is it their instincts? As a fellow dragon slayer did he felt the need to help him? JUST WHAT IS GOING ON?
"Aaaah! No... !" I heard the girl cry out in fear, this time I focus the binoculars on that girl under Laxus.
I can't see it clearly the girl's hair color but I know it long and wavy, I sighed in relief. Its not Lu-chan.
"Aaaaah! No...mooore!"
The girl said crying out, I wonder...who the girl is? But somehow I'm familiar with her voice.
Is she from the guild?
Just who is this girl!?
*GASP* I widen my eyes as I realized something...
I froze on the spot.
That weird laugh I'm awfully familiar with it!
As I felt him touch my shoulder, my whole body got stiff that my binoculars fall into the ground
and then the moment it disappears...
I turn, around only to see that my nightmare is here.