chapter 4 bullsh*tting is my way

The fight began but Amphitrite was losing and the demon king was slicing her clothes and was making grave damages as the sword was

causing major injuries to her soul.Another half

week passed and both were severely injured and their fighting ground was completely turned to dust and large ravines was formed in some places and Amphitrite had the demon king's sword through her chest and she knew another attack would kill her.

That was a great fight spirit king but this is were it end do you have any last words.The demon king may sound alright but he lost an arm and was missing some bones in his body.

with a grin on her face Amphitrite replied yes

Endiku[also known as the chains of heaven]

bind him.As Amphitrite said that golden chains appeared from the gate of Babylon and sealed all the power of the demon king.As Am was standing up from the ground ,

the demon king was trying to get out put couldn't even move.

Am:This is where you die.Come Aqua and slay

my enemies.

Suddenly an energy blast occurred and a ball came into Am's hand and transformed into a sword and Am sliced the demon king in half.

(quest completed:defeat the demon king.

reward:700,000 sp , 10,000,000exp )

(quest completed:defeat the demon king's dungeon

rewards:550,000 sp,bloodline of the Sprit king of darkness, exp 5,000,000)

Am;Maria use the bloodline on me and buy me the shinigami bloodline

(bounding zampacto with aqua weapon)

(zampacto :

shikai locked

bankai locked)

Am went into meditation and created darkness spirits and shinigami spirits.Am inner world is now the size of the sun and the world tree is the size of 150 meters tall and 10 meters wide and the leaves had a rainbow colour on it.When going around the inner world Am was greeted by the spirits but this time she was not embarrassed about them calling her mother and being a 39 year old woman she kind of liked it.

level 155

name: Amphitrite midoriya

age:13 years 3 month (25 years)

race:100%spirit king of water

100%spirit king of earth

100% spirit king of light

100%spirit king of wind

100% spirit king of fire

100% spirit king of lighting

100%spirit king of light

100%spirit king of darkness



lifespan :50,900,000

free stat points :1,550



soul endurance:589




charisma:65 [from teaching quirkless people]



unique/racial skill

Earth arts max

Water arts max

fire arts max

wind arts max

lighting arts max

yin arts max

light arts max

dark arts max

yang arts max

life arts max

death arts max

Haki level max

Gate of Babylon max

close combat level max

singing level 10

fuinjutus level max

ninjutsu level max

genjutsu level max

senjutsu level max

kinlling intent max

weapons arts max[ mihawk is level 9 in sword]

weapons intent

spirit king's eyes fusion

1)spirit king's eyes

2)ethernalmangekyo sharingan:









Amphitrite went back home and went to bed she woke up 10:00 in the morning and she was heal due to the world tree slowly healing and improving her soul.After waking up it was time to give a speech that she prepared to give the quirkless population.

As she was standing in an underground facility.Today all the quirkless took time off from work to listen to her.She made more than a million shadow clones and each went to give a speech at the same time.Am smiled as she's about to do she wanted for a long time.

audience;when is she going to come.

Suddenly a swirl appears in the middle of the room and she comes out of it and starts her speech.

Amphitrite and all shadow clones pov

Today I came to tell you that we are going show youself to the world.Everyone of you thinks that I have a teleportation and a clone quirk.But today I am telling no I don't have a quirk and I am not even human.Am spoke with a smirk.

The audience was raging they thought that their hero had a quirk and knew that she was human and had a brother.

Some of you may be wondering how that is possible but you believe in reincarnation right.I was not supposed to be born a human but something happened and was born on this planet as a human.Some of you might not believe me but let me show you some only a spirit king can do.

As Amphitrite says that portals appeared hundred of thousand of spirits appear and starts to influence the weather in their own elements.After seeing dragons,Phoenix and other ancient beast following her order they began to believe as no quirk or human can do what Am did.

Listen when I first saw the quirkless all I saw was weak and useless people but as I trained you and saw the determination and the fire in your eyes I saw a new new from now you are no longer the quirkless you are the haki users

on the next exam you the haki users are gona participate in the hero exam and you will succeed.I gave you power now you've broken through destiny and now you are without one and only you can can write your own destiny.

pov end

Now haki users of the world stand up and take the middle name of D. as in destinyless.

You will prove that you are not different from the esper.Am gave them power now do whatever they wanted with it and prove themselfself and be the best hero and die with a smile and no regrets.

As they cheared as her shadow clones poofed out of existence and she returned home.she knew All might had met izuku today and so the 10 month training started.

All started just as the anime the now haki users were laying low and returned to their own life.After five months passed izuku went to Am and started asking her to join him training.

Izuku:hey sis do you have any plans to train.

Am:no why do you ask.want to hang out.

Izuku:No.I want you to train with me.

Am:nah.i have my own things to do.

Izuku:well I guess it's alright.But the training is

early in the morning please join me😢😢

Inko:why don't you go train with izuku it will be fun😢😢

Alright I'll go train just stop making those faces.Being defeated Am could only go train with izuku and all might.

Next day

Let's go Am we are going to be late . izuku said with a smile.

Alright lets go just calm down it's still early.

Am said with an angry look on her face.

(Maybe I can train him a bit.)

Arriving at the beach all might in his buff form and says good morning young children . it's

a fine day to train.Acting as if she didn't know Am asked so what are we doing in this dump as she throw a plastic bottle on the beach.All might was shocked as everyone would ask an autographe or a picture but she remained calm and even is breaking the law (illegal dumping)right in his face.

All might:You two are here to train by cleaning this beach and young lady you should not throw your garbage everywhere.

Smirking Am threw a soda can on the sand.All

might tried to stop her but Am used her conqueror haki mixed with killing intent so strong that all might started shaking.

Am:Touch me and I will kill you even if you are the number one hero.

Izuku:Sorry all might, she doesn't like it when someone orders her to do something she doesn't like.

All might:(how much has she killed to obtain such killing intent)It's alright.But young lady this is training you have to do it.Without help or using quirk.

Am;Alright I will clean the stupid beach.Death arts:large scale instant disintegration.

In an instant all the trash was turned into dust.Alright let's go home said Am with a disinterested look meanwhile all might and izuku knew that Amphitrite was quirkless had this face😲😲😲😲.