chapter 9 peak of Rank 2

Ururaka:So you have a sister and is in this school so what class is she in.

Lida:yes what class is she in Medoriya .

Izuku :Oh she is in our already met her she's the one who came late and she is not human she's an elemental spirit king.She can control all elements.

Todoroki was surprised and asked what quirk does she have.Izuku replied she doesn't have one she's not human.According to her she was supposed to be born by the ocean and rule it but an accident occurred and was born here instead.

Needless to say everyone was shocked and they asked if she didn't want to go back.Izuku replied well she said someone else took her job and without the bindings of the Gods she is growing stronger and can now control elements apart from water and she said she kind of liked having a family and she likes it when our mom brushes her tails.

Everyone thought that it was nice to have a family but Bakugou said ha she's a monster in human form.Do I get anything from hunting the monster down.and started laughing.

Aisawa then strictly prohibited Bakugou from doing that and said that girl is very dangerous killing humans is like killing ants and the only reason she didn't kill anyone yet should be because of her brother and mother.

Meanwhile Amphitrite was talking with Maria. Hey isn't their a way for me to purity and strengthen my soul like cultivation or something.

Here it is called ETERNAL DIMANSION EATER it is a growth type technique that let you consume dimensions to purify and strengthen your soul but buying will use all of your points.Am relied buy it it can be quite useful.

After receiving the techniques Am creates a million shadow clones and send them to another dimension using the powers of the rinne sharingan.As the clones and Am are connected by the treasure in her inner world when the clones absorbs the dimension but it fast.As soon as they started Am could feel pain as if she was fighting her first demon king and was stabbed in the soul but she could feel getting stronger so she could only grit her teeth as she slowly got used to the pain.

Meanwhile with class 1A going to the testing ground.But why is such a villainous person in UA.One of the student said scared and the others agreed but Aisawa replied shocked them as he said we can't afford to make her a villan as she is stronger than all the heroes combined and she even threatened all the top.10 hero that if they hurt her family she is going to torture their family infront of them then torture the heroes infront of their family then kill everyone and she was strong enough to do it and even started laughing at their faces calling them wimps.

Everyone was scared even Bakugou was scared as even he won't threaten the top 10 heroes like this but Izuku had a bright smiled and Ururaka asked why is he smiling and izuku replied because she cares for mom and I but she acts cold so we thought she was getting bored with us I have to call mom.After telling Inko about the incident she was first worried but then started crying yelling that her daughter cares about her.

After they arrived at the training ground she was confused why were her classmates keeping distance from her only izuku was talking with her.Aisawa then tells his speech minus the quirkless part as quirkless has power now.Aisawa the points at Izuku and ask him how far could he could throw a ball and izuku replied 20 meters and Aisawa says to throw the ball with his quirk and got 1.5 kilometers.

This time Aisawa did not get angry and threatened to expel the last student as everyone was busy starring at Am that they did not pay attention and the test continued and everyone was doing a lot better than the anime due to Am constantly looking at them causing them to be scared and break their body limits.Aisawa was impressed as all of them got above average score and gave it their all just by Amphitrite starring at them and giving out a bit of killing intent as they didn't talk to her and she is forbidden to participate in the test so as not to break the students will for example Aoyama reached the end by just one Lazer and mineta used his balls as trampoline to jump across the field and many more.

But Bakugou tried to attack Izuku but the two haki users got in the way as they got offended by Bakugou saying they were useless.Just then the class learned that the quirkless now had haki which allowed them to compete against people with quirks.

The test results was

1st izuku medoriya

2nd haki user 1

3rd haki user 2

4th katsuki Bakugou

..... and others.

After class was over Ururaka,lida and kaminari approached Am introducing themself and Am simply smiled and said her name was Amphitrite midoriya the twin sister of Izuku midoriya.They were surprised to see her acting so friendly and guessed that she acts all evil when it comes to someone who goes against her family and after talking over the break they become friends.Everyone seeing this guessed that she isn't a bad person after all and for Todoroki everyone who messes with his father is his friend.

It's now the heroes vs villains everyone had to wear their hero costume and this time it was Am that made Izuku's costume and made it look like a black version of Madara's armor and had a face mask that passively purify the air and the material is at least 25 times harder than diamond,they were also shock absorbent enough to talk on a punch from all might and softer than wool.It even had a few concealed knives, a few paralysis covered one in his sleeves and Am taught Izuku on how to efficiently use them.When Izuku came out he look intimidating and like a ninja ready to go for war.They asked him who made this costume and he said it was his sister.All might was glad as he could tell this costume was better than even his and didn't notice the knives until he used them on Bakugou to paralyze him.All might was impressed as hidden weapon can be very useful against opponent that can't be harmed by punches and surprise attacks on villans.

Everyone gets to team up exactly like the anime and Aisawa fights against the haki users. Everything happens like the anime except Izuku easily defeats Bakugou easily and wins. Then against the fight against Aisawa the haki users win as they managed to distracted Aisawa with observation haki and armament haki until the timer runs out.Am was again not allowed to participate and Lida asked All might he said that Young Amphitrite here has already surpassed me and none of you are her opponent and we can't fight her as it will destroy the testing ground and possibly the school.The students even Izuku was surprised to find out one of their classmates has already surpassed All might the number 1 hero.

when returning home Am already reached peak of 2nd rank and got rewards as 25 chakra fruits , 10 ancient elemental seeds, demon king's dungeon key level 2 max and 10,800,000 sp.Am also found another bloodline she could buy as in the elemental titans bloodline they were all expensive as hell but guessed she's gonna have to grind all day for the new bloodlines in the dungeon over the 3 weeks training they will be doing right before the sports festival.However. As the first student she is gonna have to do a speech which she already prepared to go.She had dinner with her family and says she isn't feeling well and went to sleep directly and instantly her soul starts to change and stars to devour everything in the alternate dimension at rapid pace as before it devoured a small planet per day but now is was a plant per minutes.

next chapter Izuku medoriya is dead.