Chapter 14 Naruto

Returning home Naruto said that the villagers hurt him but Minato and kushina refused to believe that the villagers would hurt the son of the hokage.They punished Naruto by sending him to his room for 1 week.Tsunada , jiraiya and orochimaru came to train the child of prophesy and each took 1 deciple.

Then it started to change Naruto's sisters who used to be unseperable from Naruto now acted cold around him as they believe that someone may threaten Naruto to get to them so Tsunada and Jiraiya explained to Minato and Kushina that the child of prophesy should not be attached to someone this early and managed to convince them that they should put all their attention on the 3 candidate to becoming the child of prophesy.After convincing them kushina and Minato separated the three child from Naruto.Being young the 2 sisters didn't fully understand and kept their distance from Naruto.

Naruto was greatly hurt by this and started crying in his room while nobody paid attention to him.Their was orochimaru who tried to persuade them that they were wrong but failed and he only said don't come to me when you regret this.

Menma was always jealous of the attention of Naruto received from Kushina and Minato said when he got training from jiraiya he used what he learned to bully Naruto.Whenever someone would find Naruto being beaten up by Menma they would always punished Naruto and pampered Menma.Even his own sister who once adored him now turns a blind eye to Menma.

So Years past and Naruto got excluded to every activity and soon he lost all attachments to his family.It was on his birthday Naruto would get hunted by the villagers but today it was about to change

as while running from the villagers Naruto bumped into Am who grabs him and turns them invisible.

Am then covers Naruto's mouth with her hand and told him to calm down.Seeing the villagers run past them Am runs towards a forest and places a mid size house in the forest that she bought from the system and sit down with Naruto .

Naruto:(not being comfortable around people Naruto watches Am carefully noticing her fox ears and tails.) So you are the demon fox that the villagers want but how are you here you are supposed to be sealed inside my siblings.

Am:Kid I just saved you from that mob and the first thing you ask is this.To reply to that I am not the nine tails I am stronger than that fox by 100 times.See I got 10 tails, you can me do you want to eat anything I am a pretty good cook.(Am bought food wars knowledge of every big chef and made her own and it's better)

Naruto was about to refuse but got betrayed by his stomach.Hearing his stomach growl Am grins and Naruto turn red with embarrassment.

So kid what do you want to eat talk quickly or I might get sad you don't want your new friend to be sad don't you.Am said knowing that he couldn't refuse.

Hearing the word friend from someone other than the Sasuke and eating from somewhere else than the uchiha head's house. Naruto was happy and said raman.Hearing that Am grins and starts preparing Raman for 30 people.After an hour of eating Naruto could finally stop as Am didn't let him off the table until he finished all Raman and vegetables.

Finishing eating Am told Naruto to go talk a bath and prepared new clothes for him and just burned his old clothes.Coming out of the bath refresh with new clothes on.He was tired and so Am proposed to stay at her house for the night and return to his house tomorrow. Am and Naruto went to sleep.While Naruto was asleep Am went to his bed to find out what power he had.She was surprised to find out he had the rinnegan and the body of a natural born sage.So Am went into sage mode and started pouring nature chakra in his body to awaken his power.His body absorbed a lot of nature chakra and continued to absorb turning his hair white.Am guessed that his rinnegan has also awakened.All of Naruto's wound were healed and now his body seemed to be more refined as if he trained for all his life.

Itachi:Where is Naruto I can't find him. I knew I shouldn't have left for that mission.I guess he went back to that house again (hokage's house)

Next morning went Naruto woke up he went to the bathroom to wash his face only to scream to find out that his eyes has turned into something (white rinnegan).Naruto rushed towards Am to ask her what happen last night.

I guess he finally woke up.Before you say anything listen to me.last night I found out you were injured so I want into your room to heal you with nature chakra but your body kept on absorbing chakra that you awaken the rinnegan and sage mode last night.You just need training to control it.To disactivate it you just need to cut the chakra flow to your eyes. Am said

Naruto turned sad as his parents won't teach him and he didn't know how to do he asked Am .Can you teach me.

What about your parent.Am said

they won't care and I can't abuse the generosity of the uchiha.said Naruto

sure I can teach you but you must not show it to anyone not even your parent.Am said

Naruto agreed as only itachi's father wanted to train him when itachi was not here.So it was alright to accept.Naruto then asked what are you making for breaking.

I am preparing eggs ,toast and beacon with milk to drink.Come and eat I don't have to eat as I am a tailed beast so it's all yours.Now eat we are starting your training from tomorrow. While Naruto was eating Am was explaining the power of the rinnegan and made sure he doesn't summon the ten tails. Naruto asked which one of them was stronger and Am said she was a lot stronger than the jubi.Then Am explained the nature chakra and how Naruto's body now only produced nature chakra and how it will constantly improve his chakra pool and body.

It was time for Naruto to leave but before leaving Am gave Naruto a pendant which will guide him to her house.So everyday Naruto would go to the forest of death to train with Am and would go visited the uchiha and telling them about his new friend.Mikoto just listened and told Naruto to bring her one of these days.Soon a year past and Naruto only sends his shadow clone to his house now and always stay out of Menma's sight so that he doesn't hit the shadow clone.

name: Naruto namikaze/Uzumaki


nature chakra:high kage

taijutsu:low jounin

genjutsu:low jounin

ninjutsu:high jounin

chakra control:high jounin

During Naruto's academy he always got last place and barely enough to pass.He was mock by all the students but he simply ignored them.Only the uchiha knew part of his real strength and that is when he wears weight and can't use his rinnegan and sage mode.Due to Naruto getting last place again Am invited fukage,mikoto,Sasuke and itachi to her house.

Naruto went to pick them up though they asked for address Naruto said that they won't find it which made them intrigue.They made investigation on a person named Amphitrite with rainbow coloured hair and got nothing. When they were getting away from the village and toward the forest of death they really wanted to meet this person now.They all sneaked in and Naruto removed his pendant and started putting chakra into it and it started to point in a certain dirrection.When they reached a certain point Naruto removed ropes and tied everyone to himself and said Am placed a seal on this place so those that get close to her house will lose all sense of dirrection and going further from her house.

The uchiha now really wanted to meet such a person and after a fifteen minutes running Naruto stops and walk into a tree.which the others although shocked walked in the tree only to find a well kept house and from it came a delicious aroma.When they walked in with Naruto what they saw turned everyone except for Sasuke as he didn't understand.

What they saw was 10 tails swaying around while the woman in question had her back to them.They only believed that their was only till 9 tails but if that really is 10 tails then the village is doomed as the tailed beast seem to be a master of seals better than Minato and Jiraiya.

while they were stareing Naruto dragged Sasuke to wash their hands and sat down to eat.when Am turned around shocked them even more as she had an unknown form of the sharingan as it had 9 tomoes and circles in the eyes.They all went to eat but still look at her eyes.

Am:How bold of you.Youre eyes is weaker than mine yet people don't dare look in them but mine is 100 of times stronger and you keep on stareing directly into it . Don't worry I won't do anything as long as you keep quiet about me.

Sasuke:So how strong are brother is a genius that is compared to the forth hokage.

Am:Well it seems your brother is ill he won't be able to live past 15 years from now.

Mikoto,fukage,Sasuke and Naruto look at itachi looking for an explanation.Itachi could only say so how did you find out.Am replies by just pointing at her forehead and says do I need to explain more. I can cure you if you want.