chapter 17 regret

It was the day of the final test.Menma who after knowing that Hinata was no longer the clan heiress didn't care for her now.

[A/N:I am changing things up the yang part of kurama was sealed up in Mito whose teacher is Tsunada , the Ying part of kurama was sealed in Mina whose teacher is orochimaru who is not a bad guy in this one and Menma got the soul of kurama whose teacher is jiraiya]

Menma:So the loser is going to fail today and run away to cry to mommy and daddy oh right they don't care about you.

The civilian were laughing but the clan heirs were pissed at Menma as they know hard it is for an Uzumaki to control his chakra and in Naruto's case nobody taught him and still can keep up and barely pass.

So the results were in the male division 1st was Sasuke then Menma and the last place was Naruto.In the female division it was 1st Hinata then Mito then Mina then Sakura.They all went towards the school gate and Kushina and Minato was happy as today is the day they are going to become a whole family again.They are going to talk to Naruto bring him to eat raman and they are going to teach him.

Hinata went home directly as she knew that Menma would force her to go to his house using his authority as the fourth son.Naruto just walked out of the gate and was going towards Fukagu ,Mikoto and itachi as they were celebrating at their house.Before he could make his way towards them Kushina, Minato,Tsunada,jiraiya and orochimaru came infront of him.


Seeing that the hokage was talking to his son the clan leaders and the civilian both stopped and wanted to see what was going on.At this time Menma,Mito and Mina was watching and both Mina and Mito was happy that is was the day that they would get their brother back.

Naruto seeing them turned colder than ice and a tone that would freeze the most heart warming smile and then did something that made all of them shocked Naruto bowed and said:hokage Sama,kushina Sama and shanin Sama.what can I do for you kushina Sama.

Naruto's word were like knives slicing their hearts except for orochimaru as he knew this would happen as they neglected Naruto over years and even if Naruto was getting beaten up by Menma with no reason they would still punish Naruto not Menma.They couldn't say anything and they knew that it was their fault for neglecting him.

kushina:won't you come to dinner with us (she was now bitting her lips and scared to here Naruto's answer)

Naruto: I'm sorry kushina Sama but I can't as I have to go to the uchiha for celebration today and besides I can't interrupt your family celebration. ( Naruto said with a voice full of hatred but still cold)

Menma was now angry and said: You should be honor to be able to eat with us.You are such a villainous person to talk to your own parents like this just to get attention.Just like you stole Hinata from me.You last place don't deserve her.she is better than you who got last place.She is just a slut .

Naruto:You can talk crap about me but talk about her like this to her and I will break every bone of your body you hear me (releasing conquerors haki plus killing intent)

The civilian were starting to criticize Naruto for threatening his own brother and the clan heirs and their family knew how Naruto lived were angry at Menma and his parents to let their younger child steal the girl that the elder brother like and the worse is that they like each other it is Menma that is messing their relationship.Naruto didn't care to do anything else and just got up and was walking towards the uchiha but noticed Am was their with a genjutsu on her ears,horns ,tails and third eye.

Menma was angry that Naruto was leaving but didn't care and just went towards his parent happy as he was in the spotlight not his brother . Kushina, Minato ,Mito , Mina and the shanins were still watching Naruto leave but were saddened more as Naruto started smiling and ran towards a woman who they don't seem to know.

Seeing Naruto smile like this to that woman but not at them made them angry at themself but were now on the verge of crying hearing Naruto saying mom see I barely passed and got last place.Am replied sure honey lets celebrate and tomorrow will be your team placement I bet you know who are in your team mates already.

The next day the teams were placed were as follows:

team 7 kakashi Hatake




team 8 kurenai yuhi




team 10 Asuma sarutobi




team 11 itachi uchiha and kushina Uzumaki




The day before Am placed a seal behind their neck and it allowed them to communicate with telepathy.Now Am told them to go out and return in three hours and 1 minute and say what I say this is going to be funny.

Kakashi enters the room after waiting three hours hiding and was about to fail the three of them for not taking this seriously but after he was about to body fliker away but the door open and they said by turn.

Naruto:sorry sensai but I was lost in the path of life.

Sasuke: I was helping an old lady by carrying her bags.

Hinata: I saw a black cat so I had to take a detour.

All three of them:So what is your excuse.

At this point kakashi was angry as they took his lines and used it on him but also told him to tell them one.But at the same time it seem as they did their homework on him so he said my name you already know it from your stunt and meet me on the room in 5 minutes.When kakashi used body flicker and arrived on the roof only to see the three already there waiting for him.

The three of them said at once: You're late you should have come here sooner maybe you could have saved your collection(they said while pointing at a pile of ash at the same time)

Naruto:Kakashi sensei do you want this(while removing the last remaining book) we even paid a big breasted lady to ask for his signature do you want it.

Kakashi:Ha jiraiya won't sign.

Sasuke:Guess he doesn't need it.(burns the book Naruto is holding with s fireball)

while kakashi was distracted by the two boys Hinata went behind him and knocked him unconscious.Waking up kakashi found out that he was in his underwear and was tied to a metal poles created by the rinnegan and couldn't use his hands or feet as Hinata paralysed them and Naruto made chakra seal. Now they forcefully activated his sharingan and starts introducing themself while destroying more of kakashi's collection.

[A/N:They are talking and burning the collection of books kakashi got over the years]

My name is Naruto midoriya.I like my mom, Hinata,raman,my only friend and the uchiha. My hobby is to train with mom and spend time with mom,Hinata,Sasuke and his family. My dislike is my birth family and those who abandon and neglects people.My dream is to travel with my future wife Hinata and my mom.

My name is Hinata midoriya.I like my mother-in-law,Naruto,my friend Sasuke and the uchiha. My hobby is training with my mother-in-law and spend time with the same person as Naruto.My dislikes are my father and Menma and also those who neglect their family also those who abandon their friend.My dream is to travel with my future husband and my mother-in-law.

My name is Sasuke uchiha.I like my family and my friends.My hobby is training with my aunt and spend time with my family and friends.My dislike is those that abandon their friends and those that neglect their family.The night that my friends,my parent and my brother forget to put a silencing seal in their room and go at it all night long .My dream is to be like my brother and have a girlfriend.

Kakashi was surprised when they said what they hate especially what Sasuke said and started glaring at the two couple while cursing them in his heart.

Kakashi:ok their will be a test at eight in the their and do you mind releasing me.

The three of them looks at each other as Naruto Increases the power of the seal,Hinata fully paralyze him and Sasuke put a gag on his mouth.While leaving Naruto suddenly comes back and burn his underwear and kick him in the balls.