chapter 22 moving to the forest of death

Am:So the tsundere has finally spoken.

Hiashi:I don't know what you are saying.

Am:Don't act stupid I already told my daughter about the elders of the clan on how they were forcing you to make Hinata marry that brat.Also how every night father and daughter would go to her room and cry for hours you know that I have eyes on my daughter-in-law for a long time.On the outside you may be hard as a shell but you have a soft heart for your daughter and was scared for her when the elders of your clan would go after her like they did with your brother.

Everyone was shocked to find that the cold-hearted man turned to be the person that hurt his daughter to protect her.So he decided to make her daughter hate him as he knew that the elders don't like those that go against them.They then noticed that the head of the hyuga clan and the uchiha were standing behind Naruto.

Am:Stupid idiot why don't you leave the clan with those that follows you.Leave the rest behind,you know that your clan will be gone in a few years if your practice continue.Naruto , me and the uchiha could remove the bird cage seal in place.

Hiashi:Really 😢😢 fine I will reluctantly agree. It's not like I miss my daughter or anything.

(everyone now knew why Am called him a tsundere)

Shikaku Nara: I will take the Nara clan with me.(those fools why won't listen to the kid they are clearly saying they know what the Akatsuki are after and they also know that without the uchiha we would lose badly but now the hyuga this village is done but if we follow them we might survive.Plus I don't like the idea of Menma becoming the hokage.)

Naruto:So you are undefeated well I won't help you against the Akatsuki and Madara you deal with that and the war that will follow.

Hiashi:The part of the hyuga I will take will not join in the Akatsuki business.

Fugaku:The entire uchiha clan will not be involved in the Akatsuki.

Shikaku:I will not be involved with the Akatsuki and will need moving.

Hiashi:Well hokage it seem we three will be moving in together so the forest of death belongs to us now it seems.As the uchiha and Nara clan will be moving here.

Minato:Well I can't stop you.The end of the celebration is here so let's leave.

Menma:You will all regret the decision.i am the child of prophecy I will become the strongest.

Before leaving Am just said be back in 5 days time to repair and rebuild.Just as they were leaving they heard dying noises and things getting destroyed and when they turn their head the whole area was gone.The day passed the genins went on D rank mission *cough *shadow *cough*clones * .

So the wall was made by reinforced stone 5 meters thick then chakra infused crystal 2 meter thick then chakra infused steel 2 meters thick then chakra infused iron 2 meters thick 2 meters chakra infused diamond then 2 meters chakra infused gold then 2 meters chakra infused silver then 2 meters chakra infused bronze then 5 meters chakra infused stone and then the walls were covered with wood from wood style that will absorb chakra then supply it to the walls and seals inside the city.

The seals are seals that absorb chakra from attacks and don't let people climb the walls. The town was also built inside of it and their is also a portal in the middle that teleport in the Land of the Uzumaki.Am rebuild everything back and the library had been rebuild.Just with a massive amount of old and new sealing jutsu and massive amount of jutsu and knowledge.The land itself was moved further away from land and Am used elemental style to expand the land by a lot. The walls were built stronger than the forest of death and in the walls their were seals that would shoot elemental attacks at enemies.

The three midoriya and Sasuke went to the land of Uzumaki.Naruto and Hinata was wondering why would they come to such a place then Am told them what this place is.

Am:I am here to revive the Uzumaki,the Yuki clan,the kurama clan and your mother,uncle and aunt.

Hinata:oh 😢😢

Am:Alright lets do this.(As Am said that hundreds of thousands of bodies were created and among them Mito Uzumaki was present.Everyone of the clans that died within a hundred years were revived.)

They were all confused as they all knew that they were all killed or died due to old age but now they were at their prime.They were all glad as they found out that their was the Uzumaki clan,the kurama clan,the Yuki clan and three hyuga.They were all wondering where they are and how they got here and they started talking but ignored the three medoriya that had their 10 tails,horns,fox ears and a third eye.

The three tried to gain their attention but failed so they sat down and started playing cards.

Mito:I remember dying due to me giving me 9 tails to someone else another Uzumaki.

hinata's mother:I remember dying due to giving birth to my second daughter.

Other Uzumaki:We died in the surprised attack against our clan.

Mito:We only got too send reinforcement after a while but by that time everyone was already dead.

Uzumaki:It was not your fault . The attack was very sudden and organise I bet that communication was delayed so was reinforcement.

Yuki:We remember dying during the bloodline hunt in the land of rain.

person 1:Well their is a village near here we need to head their.

person 2 :Well lets head there it might bring answer.

person 3:Yeah its not like the answers are infront of us and we didn't pay attention to it.

While he said that suddenly a wave of killing intent rose and while they were looking what it was a voice said who said that.I am not going to kill you just separate your head from your shoulder.I have been waiting here for the past hour to give you an explanation but you completely ignored me.

What they saw made them scared and took a battle stance.Infront of them was 3 10 tailed beast sitting there playing cards.They were in human form but they had 10 tails and were intrigue as they know that their is only 1 to 9 tails out their.They were all about to attack when Mito came infront of them and said so where are we demon.

Am:wow chill we are in the land hidden in the whirlpool.My name is Amphitrite midoriya you can call me Am.Now my children introduce yourself to the angry red head with no manner both present name and past name.

Hinata:You need to calm down.My name is Hinata midoriya previously hyuga and my mother revived you.

Naruto:Yeah you need to chill life is short you need to relax.My name is Naruto midoriya. previously namikaze and Uzumaki.My mom been waiting for an hour you just ignored us.

Sasuke:yeah you need to live your life full of happiness and just be happy and lift your frown.My name is Sasuke uchiha it is my pleasure to meet you today😇😇.

[A/N :Uzumaki character Mito.Mito's mother Mia and Mito's father Masahiro(clan head), kushina's mother kushira, kushina's father kusha(clan head's brother)

As you found out I am bad at naming thing and people.


Yakumo kurama lets just say she died. yakumo's mother yakumi, yakumo's father yakuma (clan head.)

Yuki clan

haku's mother haki, haku's father kakara(clan leader)]

Mito:Uzumaki and namikaze so you must be kushina's son.Uncle, aunty this is your grand son.Mom dad this is your grand nephew.

kushira:Are you really my grandson.Are you my kushina's son.You must have brother or sister right.I know that you must have a great relationship with each other just like your grandfather and Grand uncle.

Naruto:No am not and leave me alone😡😡 ( Naruto left angrily and they all have a confusion was he their grand son.)

Am:Hey honey and Sasuke do you mind escorting our guest to the village.

Sasuke:Sure Aunty.

Hinata:yes mom.

Am just smiled and run towards Naruto.They were now confused was he their grandson. Then a person ran through the crowd and hugged Hinata.

Hinata:Hey mom 😭😭.

hinata's mother:It really is you my baby girl 😭😭😭

They were all confused now among them was the daughter of the hyuga lady does that mean that mean the boy is the grand nephew buy why did he ran away angrily. Did something happened that made him mad about his own family.They were confused and worried so they decided to ask the girl infront of them.