chapter 28 chunin final start

Some time passed, Nagato and his friends were brought in pretty bad shape by Obito disguised as Madara.

Obito:So here is your payment for the 5 tail beast.The chakra of the tail beasts was enough to awaken 5 eyes of the gedo statue. What are you going to do with him and dead friends.

Am:Revive them of course.I have the rinnegan so I can revive dead people with only in exchange of a lot of chakra how about you wait for a few years and I will give you all of the tail beast chakra.

Obito:Well you already know my plan and even helped us so I don't see a problem.But are you sure you don't want to join.

Am:Too much work besides I am interested in the lady trapped inside the moon not the 10 tails.However if you fail I might have to get my hands dirty.

Obito:Well glad to do business with you.I am sure my plan will work.(lady in the moon so their is something else trapped inside the moon well I only care about the 10 tails). About the chakra thing I accept.Just tell me when to start.

During this time Naruto and Hinata became level 2 continent level danger and had to go through the heaven's tribulations lighting.Due to Am taking them to her training room and had to absorb tribulations lighting over their again and again to purify their body and soul.

The final exam was starting the entrance of the civilian and shinobi.They were all talking and they were saying how much Naruto will be beaten up.Their was however figures that was covered in a black cloak and a mask sitting on the roof.

Minato and Rasa was sitting in their position and with them were three shanin and the guard of Rasa.The match was announced and everyone was hyped to see the child of prophecy beat up the demon of the village.

The first match was Mito vs Naruto.

When Mito came out of the genin waiting room the crowd was cheering for her and when Naruto came inside the arena only a select few were cheering among them was Am and everyone was looking at the mystery person in anger.Some were shouting die demon,Why are you alive you vile being.

Hearing the scream Minato,kushina,Mina,Mito and the shanins were shocked they didn't think it was this bad.When Am said she saved him from a mob of villagers they thought she was lieing to them.

The fight began and Mito used Tsunada's techniques and the fight ended pretty quickly as Naruto just punched her in the gut and the force slammed her into the wall and was unconscious.The crowd screamed that the demon cheated and that he should be disqualified.However the jounin that saw this attack knew that this was brute force and he was clearly holding back a lot.

Temari vs shikamaru.Shikimaru wins because his bloodline was purer,stronger and was trained harder with the rest in the land of Uzumaki.

next was Gaara vs Sasuke.

Sasuke just beaten him with taijutsu and ninjutsu but didn't activate his sharingan.

next was Hinata vs Mina

The crowd was cheering for them and the fight ended quickly as when Mina used shadow clones to overwhelm Hinata.Hinata just used more shadow clones and won.

next was Menma vs shino.

Menma won having the nine tails in his gut(do you really care about this one)

Next match was Menma vs random guy [was missing a person for the grand torture]

Menma won by using the nine tails immense chakra that he received when it was sealed.

next match was sasuke vs Hinata.

Hinata fought for a while and Hinata just quit as they were too strong for the arena.

next match was Naruto vs shikimaru

Naruto won because shikamaru forfeited. Naruto was a monster and he knew it so even his mom won't have anything to say as the guy won after fighting hashirama. He was not hashirama not even close.

Next match was Naruto vs Sasuke and the winner fights Menma.

So Sasuke forfeited as he didn't want want to go and fight Naruto not when he is going to torture someone.He didn't want to be in the crossfire.

Random person 1:So they are forfeiting their matches what a cheap move.

Random person 2:We will see who wins against the child of prophecy.I bet he was cheating the first time.

Naruto entered the arena and the civilian started booing, they started to tell him he should die and they started spreading rumours on how he took the fiance of Menma his own flesh and blood brother.

Menma was entering the arena and the crowd was yelling kill the demon.Avenge those that died and torture the demon.Menma hearing this was laughing thinking what he is going to take from his brother.

Gaara that was listening to them was surprised as he believed that Naruto lived quite a good life being normal but now seeing how he was treated as a demon even though he isn't a jinchuriki.Rasa was also angry this boy helped his son and himself.He owned him a lot and that boy's mother also helped him in changing the landscape of the sand into a rain forest to help the economy.She even revived his wife but that was kept under wrap as everyone knows that his wife is dead.Since that day they changed for the better even Gaara.

Kushina was angry and Minato was barely holding back his rage.Hinata was going on a rampage but was stopped by Am that teleport Hinata to her and told her to calm down and let Naruto handle this.

Hashirama and the other that were connected to clan leaders and the clan leaders themselves was watching this from the roof.

Hashirama:So this is what happened to the village.

Tobirama:I thought that the uchiha was bad.I am glad I had this idiot as a brother.

Menma:Do you see this Naruto.I am the child of prophecy I will kill you today.It is my job to kill you demon.I will take Hinata you don't deserve her.She is just a slut she will come running to me when I defeat you.Even that dirty demon of a mother you have will serve me.I am the child of prophecy I am the most powerful.

The last sentence was quiet but Naruto and the others heard this.Hinata was ready to go down their and torture him but was stopped by Am.

Am:That kid is going to die today.

They all had their head down except for Tobirama.He knew that the kid went too far. He knew how much they loved each other. They already had enmity towards each other but this will be the last straw.All of them returned back to the forest of death as they didn't want to see what will happen next.

Am:Go do what you want to do I may be a demon but I am your mother.i am always behind you.

This was quiet but everyone heard it Naruto had a smile and the rest was wondering what did that mean.Menma was angry why did that bitch have to go for his brother.He is the child of prophesy he should have the best.He should have all the attention.

The battle began and Menma went to attack with taijutsu.Naruto kept punching him but as he put healing jutsu on his hand so when it hits and break his bones the healing jutsu will instantly heal him.Seeing what Naruto was doing sent chills to the jounin and higher as below that rank people don't notice those slight details.

Menma backed off and summoned the toad boss that jiraiya gave him.Seeing Menma toad boss the civilian were laughing and praising Menma and they starts yelling the demon must die over and over again.While the jounin and above were shaking their heads at Menma.Using a summoning contract as powerful as the boss toad against a person in just a small exam.

Menma:So the loser doesn't have a summoning contract.So the demon mother didn't give his son a summoning contract.

Naruto:So you represent the toad right.

Gamabunta:Yes why do you ask kid.

Naruto:You willingly form a contract with him.


Naruto:So if I were to get pissed and destroy the toad summon and all the toad back at that world I will not be my fault but the summoner. no do you want me to kill you.(wait why did I lose connection between the summon world)what did you do to me.

Naruto :Well I put a seal on you.Now you can't go back.

Gamabunta:So you are trapped here with me.

Naruto:No you are trapped here with me.(As Naruto was saying that he releases hundred of thousand of clones to mount myoboku. First the clone seal the space so nobody can interfere.Naruto then starts his massacre killing everything in his path and collecting their heads.)

Naruto then uses wood style to trap and take Gamabunta's chakra,seal his movement and strength.Naruto then uses chakra chains from the rinnegan to bind Gamabunta.(Naruto hides his eyes from view with a piece of goggles and his hair.

Tsunada:Wait he can use wood style how is that possible only hashirama could do that.

Minato:Well it seem we have a winner.

Rasa:The exam continue until the examinee is unconscious,severely injured or admit defeat so the match continue.

Jiraya:Well with his wood style he could learn sage mode like Hashirama. Let me go ask the great lord elder if I can teach him.Wait why can't I go back to mount myoboku.I can't even summon a toad what is happening.(Thinking of what Naruto said.)No it can't be possible right.

Orichimaru :I told you are going to regret it he has now turned to darkness.The snakes told me right about when Naruto was talking with Gamabunta thousand of clones surrounded the mountain and blocked entry and exit.They all had the same hair and outfit of Naruto and this is bad because this doesn't break the rules as the original Naruto is still here.

Next chapter Naruto yelling at the villagers to call him demon.