chapter 33 first day

Things happen just like the anime but none of the four really tried to hit kuro and wanted to see the fun of watching just like their wife or mom said.They had to admit though it is quite fun to observe people and their stupidly from the shadow.

karasuma:So we can't kill him so Goodluck and any questions.

Am:(so you three know the plan)

kaguya:(this is much better than ruling some planet.)

Naruto:This sound fun.But it is sad that zetsu can't join.

Hinata:Yeah zetsu is a good big brother.

Am:So you are telling me that only those weapon can hurt him.

Karasuma:Yes.It has been teated.

Just as karasuma said those words 4 kunai with energy inside of them stabbed and destroyed one of kuro's limb.

Naruto:Well that doesn't seem the case.

Kaguya:Yes we clearly hurt him.

Hinata:You said you tested metal right.

kuro:Why do you carry kunai on you.It even got impaled inside the wall.How strong are you four.

karasuma:(karasuma removed one of the kunai and stability kuro but the kunai melted on contact.)How can you hurt him with metal but us we can't.

kaguya:That is just because.

Days passed and it was time where Nagisa went suicide bomb.The four didn't try to stop it but after kuro finished explaining things just like the anime Am summoned a chains that grabbed onto Nagisa that startled all of them.

Am:You are quite good but not trained.So an unpolluted diamond so we will train you no argument.

Nagisa:Yes I will tain.

Naruto:Good we will have fun.

After school Nagisa went home with the four as today was the first day.Am kept on healing him after training and even gave him Uzumaki bloodline and senju bloodline.Naruto trained him using chakra and Hinata on ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu.Am also made him learn sage mode.

Nagisa was very confused at first and we made him keep silent about what we teach him.With the Uzumaki and senju bloodline Nagisa can summon 220 shadow clones. Training went smoothly and with 20 shadow clones Nagisa was very good at school.

Am:Made Nagisa bath in medicine to improve his body and purifying pills to remove his impurities. Nagisa was very good talent and after 2 year spent in the training chamber where 2 year is 2 hour he was already at mid kage level.

Days passed and Sugino went to kill kuro but was unsuccessful and Nagisa didn't care and already had his first kill a few days ago. Nagisa was intrigued to the Assassination business and was earning money with his clone.Am has also been teaching him wood sage mode and made a small improvement.

Kuro helped Sugino and Nagisa intervene unlike the anime he cut the limbs and catch Sugino as he falls.Kuro was surprised that he got hurt and decided to be more careful around Nagisa.Things went like the anime afterward and the class knows that Nagisa hurt kuro.

After school Nagisa goes on high rank assassination mission and he is earning a name for himself as the blue haired reaper.He had a perfect record and the short while he operated he already made his way to the top 50.Sending shadow clone to go to school whereas the original would go on missions around the world.

It was the day karasuma joined in as a P.E teacher.Except in this one Nagisa was selected to fight against him.Nagisa used his techniques and agility to finish the match in before karasuma could even react.

Karasuma:Kid you are good.Who taught you those skills.

Am:Of course we thought him.It was quite long training but he is also a good talent.

Karma appeared and went towards kuro and managed to injure him and everything went like the anime except Nagisa is better than everyone.Karma tries to torture the teacher but fails and uses a suicide jump to make kuro at an obstacles either his life or his student.It ended in a failure as kuro saves both of them gaining the respect of karma.

Meanwhile Nagisa was ambushed by the number 1 and 2 assassin.Nagisa defeated both of them and their small army and military grade equipment.Hearing the news the government wanted to hire two more teachers to kill kuro.They already got Irina and now they sent a group to talk to the blue hair reaper

Irina reached the school and started her assassination attempt but this time she couldn't kiss Nagisa as he evaded the moment she approached.He still gave her information about kuro but she didn't listen.It continued just like the anime and Irina change her approach due to karasuma and became a language teacher of class 3E.

Days later class 3E was going to the main campus.Am was pissed as she was never treated like this in a long time back into my hero academia before going to UA.

Am was leaking killing intent and was ready to kill those that try anything.Kaguya was also angry so Naruto and Hinata were the only one trying to comfort them.Seeing that two students were releasing thick killing intent karasuma and Irina were first shocked as it required a lot of murder to reach this type of killing intent.

Am:Karasuma sensei and Irina sensei do you mind if we walk out if things go bad because I don't think I can control myself.

karasuma:Well if you need to.We wouldn't want you to go on a rampage.

The government made research on the 4 students that suddenly appears out of nowhere and found out they are part of the Medoriya family.They only have 5 members and they are the richest families.

They were trained in arts of killing since childhood so they are superhuman in anything they are considered as very dangerous. Karasuma was very on edge since that day about anything concerning the 4 students.

The class 3E was made fun of and Am killing intent was on a rampage and Naruto, Hinata and kaguya could barely hold it back but when Kuro appeared and helped them Am calmed down.Things resumed like the anime but a few students and their family were found tortured and dead by the end of the school week.

The principal came to have a chat with kuro and the faculty.Am knowing this bought all the shares of the academy and year ago and is its owner.Am also bought shares of many successful business and invested in upcoming business using his future predictions skills.

Principle:...So you understand kuro.

Am:Now.Now what do we have here.I want that seat.

Am paid a visit to the principle 3 month ago to make her and her siblings part of class 3E.

kuro:What are you doing here young lady.

principle:Yes here have my seat.How is your day miss midoriya.

Am:It has been fine but my shoes are a little dirty.

Principle:Yes let me clean it for you.

Am:So you do understand social status don't you.Disobey me and you have no future. Wouldn't want you to become homeless now.

Kuro:Who is she to talk like that to the principle.

Karasuma:She is the owner of this school and all her investment always comes out with massive results.

Irina:In short she is the big Boss of the school and is considered an investment and economic Goddess to businessman and businesswoman.She doesn't make any loss and stands far above the government.She is also a student of class 3E just because she is very violent and kills anyone that disobey her.

Kuro:So we got the richest girl in my class. Can you give me a raise.

Am:You heard him raise his salary by 10 times got it.

Principle:Yes miss.

Am:I better get to class.So see you later my little pet.

The principal couldn't say anything else than be on all four.He is a principle but yet he can't compare himself the the top.He could only grit his teeth and agree to her.

Principle:This is the peak of society.They treat people as bugs.

Irina:You must have pissed her off.She really treats everyone as friend and even gave them share to companies that suits their strong points.

Karasuma:Yes.It will be given to them after graduation.

kuro:Well it seem that their futures are set. Even I got a raise.

Time passed so did the mid term and first place were tied between Am,Hinata,Naruto and kaguya with a perfect score in every subject.The rest also got a boost as Am gave them a drink that permanently increase memory, intelligence and physical capability.