Ki was an important lesson Ray needed to learn. So far, everyone he had encountered who could use Ki had completely overpowered him—Harry, the dark guild, and Delbert. If he couldn't unlock his skills, then he needed to learn to use Ki.
The old man made Ray stand about a meter away from him before beginning his explanation.
"Before we start practicing Ki, you need to understand what it is and how we can use it," the old man said. "Ki is very similar to how mages use mana. Mana is a force borrowed from the world. A mage's mana pool determines how much of the world's energy they can control—how many spells they can cast or how powerful those spells can be. So, if mana comes from an external source, what do you think Ki is?"
"Ki is the power from inside our bodies," Ray answered. They had learned the basics in school, so he assumed the old man was just testing his knowledge.
"Good. Then if a mage's mana pool determines how much force they can borrow from the world, what determines how much Ki we can use?"
Ray hesitated. He didn't want to guess and get the answer wrong, so he remained silent, waiting for the old man to continue.
"The strength of our bodies," the old man explained. "The stronger your body is physically, the more Ki you can hold inside. This is why it is forbidden for children to practice Ki—their bodies simply can't handle it. Using too much internal force in a weak body would cause it to explode."
Without warning, the old man started to take off his shirt. To Ray's surprise, the old man's body looked like it had been sculpted from stone, his chiseled muscles resembling those of a Greek god.
"I want you to hit me in the stomach as hard as you can," the old man said.
"Are you sure?" Ray asked.
"Do you remember the dark guild member you fought? He was using a type of Ki, which I will now demonstrate."
Ray clenched his fist, stepping forward with all his power as he struck the old man's stomach. The impact was like punching a solid wall of metal. The old man barely moved, sliding back no more than an inch.
The old man suddenly jumped toward Ray, grinning. "Were you using Ki just now?"
"No, I just punched you as hard as I could," Ray replied.
The old man's smile widened. "Boy, you have the strength of an ox. Let's sit down for the next part."
The old man sat first, and Ray followed.
Maybe he should have held back. He already knew that absorbing the beast crystals had made him stronger than others his age, but he had wanted to test how his strength compared to a Ki user.
"The Ki in our body is a flow of energy," the old man continued. "That flow can be used to enhance our own cells. Just now, I used it to strengthen my body, making it as hard as a rock. Those who master Ki can even slow down the aging process—some can even reverse it."
"If Ki is inside our bodies, then how does sword Ki work?" Ray asked.
"The flow of energy can be extended beyond our bodies to the objects we touch, almost as if they become part of us. Everything in this world has a flow, and we can use Ki to either strengthen it or disrupt it."
"Can mages also use Ki?"
The old man shook his head. "There is a reason mages are so highly valued by the kingdoms. Unlike us, they can increase their mana pool by using magical beast crystals. The stronger the crystal, the more mana it can store inside them. Knights, on the other hand, are limited by the strength of their bodies. The only use we have for crystals is to forge weapons and armor."
"So, no, mages cannot use Ki. Just as we cannot borrow mana from the world, they cannot tap into the force within them. Perhaps this is the divine beings' way of balancing the world."
Something about that explanation stuck with Ray. If what the old man said was true, then wasn't he an exception?
If he eventually unlocked his skills, he would be able to use magic, which relied on his mana pool. He didn't have any mana now, but with his new skill, it was only a matter of time. That meant he could wield both Ki and mana.
He had to ask.
"Are there any exceptions to this?"
The old man's eyes lit up with interest. "I'm starting to like you more and more," he said. "Yes, there is one well-known exception—the Shadow Plague.
"When the Shadow infects a person or creature, it grants them mana. That's why infected creatures and humans become far stronger than normal. No one knows how the Shadow does this without destroying the host's body."
The old man stood up and moved behind Ray. A moment later, Ray felt a warm hand press against his back.
"The best way to learn Ki is to experience it firsthand," the old man said. "In a moment, you're going to feel a warm sensation spread through your body. Don't be frightened. Your cells will feel like they're on fire, strengthening your body. I want you to remember this feeling."
Just as the old man had said, his hand started to grow warmer. A strange energy pushed its way into Ray's body.
Then, suddenly, a notification sound rang in his head.
Something changed.
The energy flow shifted. Instead of entering Ray's body, it felt like it was being pulled away—drained from the old man instead.
Ray's eyes widened. "Old man, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.
The old man let out a pained grunt, his body tensing as if he was struggling against something.
Ray didn't hesitate. He jumped back, breaking contact.
The old man immediately collapsed onto the floor, motionless.
Ray rushed forward, about to check if he was still alive—
Then, the notification sounded again.