Werewolf Mania

The loud words, "Stand Up" Ray said rang through their minds. The room was now silent from the words shouted. Something about the voice gave off the feeling that they needed to listen to it, otherwise, they didn't know what might happen. 

Fenny, who was closest to Ray, who was looking at him, was the only one out of the VIP members that could tell what he was about to do. As Ray looked up at the stage, he could see it in his eyes. He was ready to fight. The other VIP members were nobles, merchants, and high ranking officials in their kingdoms. Most of them had never even seen or participated in a battlefield. 

For Lenny though, it was different. As a guild leader, he saw this look in peoples' eyes too many times.

"Bony, we need to leave now," Lenny whispered to his guard. 

"What do you mean, boss? What's he going to do with no equipment or weapons?" 

Fenny pulled him by the collar. "Just listen to me and leave right now."