Boss 170 was patient

When Xi Wan saw the words on it, she was in a daze.

There had been a period of time when they had not contacted each other. Ever since that day, he had sent a text to tell her to keep warm, but she had not replied. He had sent that text to the bottom of the sea, and after that, they had not contacted each other again.

Now that she saw his name appear in her reality again, a feeling that seemed like a lifetime had passed enveloped her heart.

The phone in her hand was still vibrating.

The people in the car saw that Xi Wan was staring at the phone in a daze and did not pick up the call. They were a little confused and looked at Xi Wan in confusion.

Xi Wan said to them, "you guys go first. I have a friend coming to pick me up. "

He Min instantly understood and then looked at Zheng Nuo.

He wouldn't be so tactless to disturb Xi Wan and boss, right?

Zheng Nuo looked at Xi Wan for a long time. "then I'll go with them first. " He turned his head. "I'll squeeze in with you guys. "

Everyone was confused, but in the end, they squeezed out a seat for Zheng Nuo. In their hearts, they were full of doubts.

Speaking of which, everyone knew Zheng Nuo's identity. After all, he was a character that often appeared in the entertainment circle. Most of it was news about him dating female artistes. He was Xi Wan's manager because he wanted to pursue Xi Wan. Initially, he thought that he was a playboy. He thought that chasing Xi Wan was just a whim. He probably dumped Xi Wan as soon as he got her. It was the same as before.

However, after spending time with Xi Wan, everyone realized that he seemed to be serious about Xi Wan. Sometimes, he looked at Xi Wan affectionately. That gaze could melt people. However, it seemed that Xi Wan didn't like him. Instead, she liked Ming Ri.

At this moment, Xi Wan wasn't going back with Ming Ri. Logically speaking, it was a good opportunity for Zheng Nuo. However, he didn't accompany Xi Wan. Instead, he squeezed into a car with them and went back to the company.


After the two nanny vans left Xi Wan's line of sight, Xi Wan lowered her head to look at her phone.

Missed calls, 3, all from the cold boss.

Just as Xi Wan was about to call back, Li Zhan called again.

Xi Wan picked up. "Hello. "

"Xi Wan, I'm in parking lot C, " his voice was cold and clear.

Xi Wan looked at the sign above the parking lot, parking lot B, then looked at the exit. It was probably on the right.

She dragged her small suitcase and found the parking lot in Area C.

At that time, Li Zhan stood outside the car, his eyes scanning every corner, especially the entrance that was connected to the underground parking lot and the airport passage.

He was tall, and he was as beautiful as jade. He also had a noble aura. Even if he stood there, he was still the focus of everyone's attention.

She quickly found him and was about to walk towards him when she heard Ming Ri's voice in Xi Wan's ears.

It turned out that the nanny car that Ming Ri's company sent was in Area C's parking lot. At this moment, he was packing his luggage and was about to get into the car when he saw Xi Wan.

"Xi Wan, you haven't left yet? "

Xi Wan turned around and saw Ming Ri's handsome face. She was stunned. "Oh, my friend came to pick me up. I'm here to look for him. "

Ming Ri looked at Xi Wan and nodded. "In that case, we'll leave first. " After he said that, he got into the car. Then, the car started and left the garage, heading towards the exit.

At that time, Li Zhan also noticed Xi Wan and walked towards Xi Wan in large strides.

Xi Wan looked at the tall and slender Li Zhan walking towards her and was suddenly enlightened.

He quickly came in front of her, hugged her, and said in a deep voice, "you're so cruel. "

"You're cruel to me, and you're even more cruel to yourself. "


The Sky was gloomy, and large patches of dark clouds floated from afar to the top of their heads along with the wind. The wind was strong, and the weather was cold. In the blink of an eye, torrential rain poured down, splashing onto the ground and splashing large droplets of water.

From the airport to the villa in the suburbs, the speed of the car dropped to 30 km / h. The windscreen wiper was set to its maximum, but it was still unable to withstand the water curtain blocking their view.

However, the weather at three in the afternoon was as dark as five or six in the evening. All the cars on the road had turned on the danger alarm lights. The yellow lights flashed, and because the car was driving slowly, the huge traffic lane was completely blocked. The car was as slow as a turtle.

The atmosphere in the car was a little dull. The sound of the heavy rain hitting the car could be clearly heard. Xi Wan did not know what to say to Li Zhan. She only looked out of the black window, at the black roadside trees, and slowly moved back.

When she got home, it was already 4:30 in the evening. An hour and a half drive away, Xi Wan felt that someone had pressed a huge rock on her body, so heavy that she could not breathe.

After getting out of the car, she felt much more relaxed. From the time they met until now, the two of them had not spoken more than ten sentences together. Originally, she did not need to say anything when he drove, but now that they had reached the destination... ...

Xi Wan pursed her lips, thinking about whether to invite him into the house to have a seat, but she was afraid that if he really entered her house, she still did not know what to say. It would only make the two of them feel awkward, and she was even more afraid that her previous efforts would go down the drain.

Li Zhan seemed to have seen through Xi Wan's thoughts. He only said lightly, "rest well. I'll go back first. "

Xi Wan let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, bye. "

Li Zhan looked deeply at Xi Wan. After a long while, he said, "Xi Wan, running away won't solve any problems. "

After he said that, he drove away.

He looked at Xi Wan's shrinking figure from the rearview mirror and sighed. "Give her some more time. ".

Xi Wan looked at the departing car. She pursed her lips for a long time, turned around, and returned home.

At that time, Xi Wan's mother had already been busy in the kitchen for quite a while. When she saw Xi Wan Return, she was surprised and happy. She kept saying "Wan Wan" , which made XI WAN's originally low mood much better.

After that, Xi Wan went back to her room, turned on her computer, and went online. The infrastructure of the Huang village was backward, and the signal was very unstable. Because Xi Wan was there, she didn't go online much. This time, she came back home only to look up some news about the entertainment industry.

She opened all the major websites, and as expected, half of the headlines were Su Nuanyu.

The headlines MADE XI WAN lose control of her emotions.

She was just like what she said to herself before she died: I can always step on you to get the headlines, the queen's good friend, the Queen's best friend... ...

Didn't the headlines of many news articles start with the words "best friend of the DIVA" and "best friend of the DIVA" ?

For example, True Dragon Media: "former best friend of the diva, Su Nuanyu is about to give birth. ".

The scumbag Fox News was even more disgusting: It took stock of the completely different fates of those best friends and movie queens.

The first comparison was between her and Su Nuanyu.

It described how Jiang Xiwan's reputation was ruined and she died young, while Su Nuanyu was about to give birth to a son after she was crowned as the best actress. She could be said to be a winner in life.

However, Su Nuanyu, you're so pathetic. Even though you stepped on me, you didn't really rise to the top.