229. The fragility of life

Her heart, which had been tense, relaxed a lot when she saw the familiar face. She couldn't help but cry.

"I'm sorry, Xi Wan. I'm late. " Ming Ri touched the back of Xi Wan's head. "I'm sorry. "

It had been a long time since she had heard such a warm voice. The pain that had been suppressed in Xi Wan's heart was vented out again.

Ever since she was reborn, she had been wearing a cold mask. She had encountered so many repressed things that she could only hide them in the bottom of her heart.

She could not cry. Without revenge, how could she cry so happily. However, returning to this familiar embrace... ...

It was just like before. She could not hold back that familiar feeling anymore.

Pressure, sadness, depression, fear, all kinds of feelings flooded in, as if they were going to drown her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. " Ming Ri apologized again and again, patting Xi Wan's back continuously to comfort her.

He comforted her gently and she sobbed softly.

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped.

After crying for an unknown amount of time, XI WAN was tired from crying. She was also dazed. When Xi Wan woke up again, her hands were on the IV drip. Beside her were He min, who had changed into a new set of clothes, and Ming Ri.

He Min looked at Ming Ri with less fanaticism than before. She said to Xi Wan, "you just had a high fever. The doctor said that it was because of the rain, and your clothes were wet. It was inevitable that you were sick. "

"How is Zheng Nuo? " Xi Wan's voice was a little hoarse because of the high fever.

He Min was stunned for a moment. "He just had a cut on his head, and then he received ten stitches and a prophylactic shot. He'll be fine after a few days of rest. "

Xi Wan nodded.

He Min said again, "you don't know. You were unconscious just now. I was really scared to death. If anything happened to you, how am I going to explain it to Boss? " Boss was really too handsome. She only told Boss a few times about Xi Wan's situation Boss had already gotten someone to raise her salary by 1,000 yuan!

Xi Wan: "explain what to Li Zhan? "

"You're his girlfriend. I didn't take good care of you! Of course I let him down! " Boss had already raised her salary by 1,000 yuan. It could be imagined that boss wanted her to take better care of Xi Wan. But she didn't take good care of Xi Wan. She let him down too much!

Xi Wan Heard He min say the words "his girlfriend" very heavily. She looked like she was saying, " ... " So boss was trying to turn everyone around her?

He Min looked at Zheng Mingri, who was sitting silently at the side. "Sigh, I think the next time I go back to B city, I won't be able to face boss. So, Xi Wan, you have to put in a good word for me in front of boss. "

Xi Wan Thought of Li Zhan, and her heart felt warm.

The man with a warm smile said to her, "Wan Wan, I'm very happy. "

The man with a faint smile on his lips kissed her twice and said, "if you weren't shy, I wouldn't let you go so easily. "

In the morning, they were still affectionate, but in the afternoon, she encountered such a soul-stirring thing.

She still couldn't forget the face of the driver who had fallen down the mountain because of fear.

Life was really too fragile.

She didn't know if that person had the luck like her to be able to survive again. But no matter what, every life was so precious that people treasured it.

"Did the person who fell down the cliff survive? "

"..."He Min was silent. How could he survive? After hearing that the car was pulled up by the fire truck, his entire body was distorted, and the people inside were also completely disfigured.

"They all went to heaven. " After a long while, He Min said, "I hope they don't suffer in heaven. "

Xi Wan lowered her head.

That's right, it was such a high place.

While she was in a daze, Ming Ri had already peeled an apple and handed it to Xi Wan. "Don't think too much. Eat An apple. "

Xi Wan took it and took a bite of the apple that was as sweet as honey, but her mouth was filled with bitterness "The car that fell off the cliff, I saw the thick fear and despair in his eyes. "But I could only watch helplessly as he fell, unable to do anything. "Even when the huge rock crashed towards the taxi, my mind was blank. If Zheng Nuo hadn't hugged me, I would be the one who had to rest for a few days after being stitched up ten times. "It was me who harmed him. He suffered for me. "

Ming Ri placed his hands on Xi Wan's shoulders. "Xi Wan, look at me. "

Xi Wan raised her head and looked into Ming Ri's eyes.

Her dark eyes were filled with worry. "Don't take all the responsibility on yourself. You're a girl, you don't have that much strength. Besides, this is a natural disaster, you can't stop it. "

He Min nodded. "That's right, Xi Wan. Don't think too much. This has nothing to do with you. Besides, if Zheng Nuo finds out what you're thinking now, he'll definitely be depressed again. You have to know that he originally thought that he was a little useful. "

Xi Wan smiled bitterly. "thank you. "

Just then, Xiao Yinzheng came in with a bowl of thick chicken soup. "Xi Wan, you're awake. Are you better? "

Xi Wan nodded. "I'm better. I made you guys worry. "

Xiao Yinzheng didn't mind. "fortunately, you're okay. It's really a blessing in disguise. " Then, Xiao Yinzheng put the chicken soup on the bedside table. "You must be hungry. have some chicken soup. "

Xiao Yinzheng said again, "when I received the news of your accident, my legs were really weak. Fortunately, I'll go to the Temple and light some incense to thank Bodhisattva later. "

Ming Ri laughed. "That's true. Otherwise, the female lead would have been hospitalized for a few days, and you would have lost more than half of your budget. "

Xiao Yinzheng smiled. "That's right, that's right. So, thank God. Thank you Xi Wan. Of course, thank you to Zheng Nuo, who was bravely injured to protect Xi Wan. "

Xiao Yinzheng and Ming Ri's conversation finally made the atmosphere in the ward much more relaxed. Then, Xiao Yinzheng said, "I'll go over to see Zheng Nuo. "

He Min nodded. "I'll go too. " But just as she said that, she looked at Ming Ri and then at Xi Wan. She looked worried and said to XI WAN, "I'll be back soon. "

Xi Wan naturally received He Min's gaze. She couldn't help but sigh. What kind of bewitching soup did Li Zhan give he min that she couldn't even care about her prince charming and only focused on whether or not she was having an affair with him?

Bah Bah Bah Bah. She and he min had only drawn half a character. How could she use the word "having an affair with him" ? Moreover, bewitching soup... ...

The words he said flashed through her mind again. "I gave you so much bewitching soup, why didn't you fall head over heels for me? "

At the time, his voice was so seductive that it made her want to say, "actually, your bewitchment is very powerful. "