237 Nissan's unkindness

Chen Xueer's role as dream immortal only had a five-minute set, but it was a very interesting character. Dream immortal was a character that was both good and evil. At first, she was just an ordinary fairy from the heaven. Then, she was ordered by the Queen Mother to go down to the mortal world to look for Yao Guang. In the end, she was teased by a group of lechers. At that time, the Supreme Devil Realm was just a mortal who had reincarnated There was no memory of the Supreme Devil Realm. He saved dream immortal, and dream immortal's heart was attached to the Supreme Devil Realm.

However, the supreme being of the devil world had obviously saved her casually and was not interested in her at all. However, Meng Xian was determined to follow the supreme being of the devil world. It was only later when the supreme being of the Devil World's memories gradually recovered that Meng Xian realized that she had fallen in love with someone she could not fall in love with.

She had no regrets. She had even done many wrong things for the supreme being of the devil world. She had betrayed the heavenly court for the love she loved.

However, the supreme being of the Devil World did not accept her love. He had even hurt her heart time and time again. However, she had no regrets following behind the supreme being of the devil world.

In the end, when Ling Xiao was fighting with the Supreme Devil Realm, Meng Xian used her body to block Ling Xiao's attack and died with a smile.

The Supreme Devil Realm looked at Meng Xian who died with a smile on her face and finally went crazy. He fought with Ling Xiao crazily and both sides suffered heavy injuries. After that, they agreed to fight to the death in the eastern sea one month later.

The entire drama also entered its climax.

In this drama, Meng Xian was deeply in love with the Supreme Devil Realm, but the Supreme Devil Realm always seemed to ignore her. It was just that after Meng Xian died, he went crazy. This made many people who received the script very confused. Did they have love or did they not have love.

If they did, there were no signs at all in the early stages. If they didn't, why did the sovereign of the devil realm go crazy in the later stages Could it be that she was going crazy because of Ling Xiao's attack?

Everyone asked the author of the original novel, who was also the screenwriter of this movie, Lan Xue.

Lan Xue said mysteriously, "if you say there is, then there is. If you say there isn't, then there isn't. " Then, there was no other response.

But no matter what, the dream immortal was still a very interesting character. If this kind of character were to be acted well, if the female lead was still a bad actor, or if she was slightly worse than the actor who acted as dream immortal, then the character of dream immortal would definitely be more eye-catching than Yao Guang.

Nowadays, the tastes of many audiences were a little strange. Some people specifically picked supporting roles to love, and they called it "being unique. ".

Xi Wan touched her chin. No wonder Chen Xueer came to play this role.

After changing her costume, Xi Wan went to the set again. At that time, Chen Xueer and Li Feng, who played the supreme of the Devil Realm, were already starting filming.

Even though Chen Xueer was married, when she acted as a young girl, every frown, smile, and whine she made were all very decent. Li Feng, who was acting with her, was from year 88. He was seven years younger than Chen Xueer, but the two of them did not seem to have any sense of harmony.

Many of the staff around them praised, "as expected of a big-name movie queen. When she acted, she did not hold back at all. "

"That's right. She acted really well. Look, Li Feng was brought into the scene by her. "

"That's right. Li Feng acted especially well today. The scene just now was passed in one go. "

Li Feng and Yang Feng were both idol actors. They had good faces and knew how to behave. As a result, they were extremely popular. They acted in a few movies and all of them were quite popular. However, when it came to acting skills, they were not as good as the big-name actors and actresses.

Although their acting skills had improved a lot under the guidance of Ming Ri and Xi Wan over the past few days, it was still difficult for the two of them to enter this "into character" state when they acted with others. Especially when they acted with actors whose acting skills were worse than their own. They were considered lucky to get three or four "cuts" .

However, Li Feng was acting with Chen Xueer today, so he quickly got into character and passed the first hit. It had to be said that Chen Xueer's ability was still very good.

Chen Xueer's manager stood outside the stage with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He looked very satisfied as he said to his assistant beside him, "our Xueer's acting skills are really getting better and better. " Although he was talking to his assistant, his voice was so loud that it could be heard from ten meters away.

At that time, makeup artist Mo Mo was outside the stage with her makeup. When she heard Nissan's words, she was very unhappy. She couldn't help but say to another makeup artist, a min, "it's such a tragedy that Chen Xueer has such a manager. She's always causing trouble for her. "

A Min had been watching her makeup outside the studio the entire time. She didn't know what had happened in the makeup room just now. She was very confused. "What's wrong? "

"Tsk" Mo Mo was very disdainful "He's just a frog who sees the sky from a well. ". "You don't know how stupid he is. Just now, when I was putting on makeup for Chen Xueer, he looked at the foundation in my hands and asked me what brand it was. When I said it was from the skin key, he looked at me with disdain and said that our Xueer only used C incense. At that time, I really wanted to use the foundation to burn his face. "Forget it. He even said that I used his Xueer's face as a color Palette. I used a random brand. " Mo Mo was very angry "If it wasn't for Chen Xueer's good temper and her apology, I would definitely change into a foundation of 30 yuan and burn it on his artist's face! " "Oh right, he even looked at Xi Wan provocatively and asked Chen Xueer not to act too well. Otherwise, he would steal the spotlight. ". "Hehe, look at him now. He's like a rooster. He's showing off so much. "

"There's no choice. It's because Chen Xueer's acting is good. Her manager has the right to be proud. "

Mo Mo said, "I don't deny that Chen Xueer's acting is good, but compared to Xi Wan, I feel like something is missing. When I was watching Xi Wan's acting, I was completely focused on watching her. But now that I'm watching her acting, I can still chat with you. "

"So you're saying that our Xueer's acting is not as good as Jiang Xiwan's? " At some point, Chen Xueer's manager stood behind the makeup artist Mo Mo and looked at her with a gloomy expression.

Mo Mo was shocked by Chen Xueer's manager, Nissan, who suddenly spoke up. Seeing that he was looking at her with an unfriendly expression, she looked at a min who was also shocked. The two of them looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Nissan stared at the makeup artist, Mo Mo, and repeated his question gloomily, "so you're saying that our Xueer's acting is not as good as Jiang Xiwan's? "

There was no answer.

Nissan's face was very ugly. "Ha. " Then he looked at Jiang Xiwan, who was sitting under the umbrella at the other end. He stared at Mo Mo and raised his voice so high that almost everyone outside could hear him "She's just a beautiful newcomer, and she actually dares to say that she's better than Xueer. HOW SHAMELESS! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience shifted their gazes to Xi Wan.

At that time, Xi Wan was playing a game on her phone when the noisy discussion around her suddenly disappeared. She could not help but look up, only to see that everyone was looking at her.

Did something happen?