283 being watched

Xiao Cong gave him a thumbs up, while Gu ye looked away, blushing. It was as if he could not help but have a nosebleed if he took another look.

Then, it was not as if.

Gu Ye only felt a warm sensation in his nose. Something was dripping down. He touched it and looked.

Ah, the bright red pierced his eyes and made them hurt.

His face quickly turned into a tomato.

He really had a nosebleed!

Just because he saw Xi Wan's bikini outfit, he really had a nosebleed!

It was really too embarrassing

If his brother heard that he had a nosebleed just because he saw a woman's Bikini, not only would he be ridiculed for 300 years, his mother would also know about it, and if his mother knew about it, he would go to the never-ending matchmaking banquet In other words, if he saw more women, he would not be so embarrassed!

Gu Ye's imagination ran wild too quickly, so he felt bad.

Then, he felt lucky that the recording had not started yet. No However!

Xiao Cong was the first to notice Gu ye standing next to him. He saw Gu ye's nose bleed and drop by drop on the ground. His mouth was wide open, so wide that it could fit a local egg. "My god, your nose is bleeding! "

Gu Ye waved his hand. He was a little embarrassed and angry. Why did this kid shout so loudly for no reason? Did he think that he was not embarrassed enough?

Fortunately, the recording had not started yet. The microphone was temporarily turned off because of Chen Jiabao. Otherwise, it would be transmitted out of the studio

This was truly a blessing in disguise.

Xiao Cong's voice did not cause any commotion outside the Studio, but the expressions of the people in the studio, including the director and the others, changed slightly. They quickly ran to Gu Ye's side and asked about his well-being.

Na Layan, in particular, took out a C incense handkerchief from there. She did not mind the dirt and covered Gu ye's nose. She said worriedly, "Oh my God, there's so much blood. Quick, call the emergency doctor. "

Gu Ye waved his hand. "It's okay. I probably came to C city yesterday and was quite excited. I didn't sleep well, so I'm a little tired today. " He tried his best to find an excuse for himself.

The director and the three hosts nodded in agreement. They said something like "not having a good rest and recording a morning's sports program, it's indeed easier to get tired and have a nosebleed. " Yun Yun helped Gu ye down the stairs.

But who would believe this nonsense? You drank so much last night, and you're still so excited that you can't sleep?


Of course, these words were not said by a smart person. A CERTAIN INNOCENT PERSON NEXT TO XI WAN said foolishly, "director, you're so amazing. You drank so much wine and you're still so excited that you can't sleep. "

Don't doubt it. It was definitely a serious face.

Gu Ye's originally red face was now even more brilliant than the five-star red flag. Gu Ye chuckled. "Yeah, my stomach feels uncomfortable. "

Gu Ye stopped the nosebleed and then the crowd began to walk towards the water court.

As soon as they came out, countless fans were extremely excited. They jumped and shouted, "Oh my God, wow wow wow wow, bikinis, benefits, benefits. Wow, celebrities are celebrities after all. Their bodies are so good. "

"Yeah Yeah, Oh my God. Every man has ABS. The super handsome one looks like Xiao Cong. Oh my God, his skin is so white. I always thought he was the Gigolo type. I didn't expect him to have six-pack ABS. "

"six-pack is nothing. That Dong guy next to him. Oh my God, he has eight-pack ABS! "

"Yeah, who's the other guy who's not that famous and is also handsome? He has a great figure too. "

"Yeah, yeah, and those female celebrities. Oh my God, Jiang Xiwan's figure is too good. She's so tall and thin in person, and her skin is so white. I'm the Brightest Whiteness, right? Also, her waist is so thin, her legs are so long, and her breasts are so big. ". "Oh my God, how can there be such a woman? Ahhh, I don't want to be a woman anymore. "

"Wah, Wah, Wah, Chen Jiabao's breasts are even bigger. From this angle, I think of two small watermelons. She's also so white, and her waist is so thin. I remember that she was a little chubby before, but now she's also so thin. AHHH, I want to lose weight. "

The fans were very enthusiastic and chattering. They did not hide their discussion and it was very clear to everyone's ears. They could not help but blush.

The bodyguards on both sides opened the way, but they could not resist the enthusiasm of the fans. Xi Wan's arm was touched by several fans. She smiled at the enthusiastic fans.

"Oh my God, it's Jiang Xiwan, it's Jiang Xiwan, she smiled at me! "

"Nonsense, she smiled at me! " Another fan retorted.

Then they became even more excited.

Fortunately, there were quite a lot of bodyguards on the fruit stand, so they cleared the way quickly and sent them all the way to the recording venue of the water amusement park.

After entering the venue, everyone finally let out a sigh of relief. It was always weird to be surrounded like a monkey.

The first game of the water court was played in a pool that was 1.2 meters deep. The first game was everyone playing basketball in the water. The members of the blue and red teams then shot into each other's basket. The basket was not high, and it was only one meter above the water level. The resistance of the water was a little high, so the difficulty was also there.

Du Di's spoon soon blew, and the players of both teams soon began the game.

Chen Xueqiang led the blue team and NA Layan led the red team, respectively sending Dong Xu and Xiao Cong to snatch the small ball that Du di threw in the air. Dong Xu was quite athletic. She hit the ball to her team and the small ball flew towards blue.

Blue was an experienced Otaku with athletic ability. Cough, cough. So when the ball flew over, blue subconsciously dodged it.

Xiao Cong, who was waiting for an opportunity, was very fast. He appeared behind blue at some point in time. Then, he took the ball, ran directly to their basket, and shot.

Chen Xueqiang wanted to jump up and intercept the ball, but there was resistance on the surface of the water... ...

So, in less than thirty seconds, the red team won a point.

Na Layan happily sang a song of celebration.

Chen Jiabao also twisted his waist, but there were two balls in front of his chest, which were quite eye-catching.

Then, the ball was in XI WAN's hands. Xi Wan took the ball, but they attacked from both sides. Xi Wan dove directly into the water like a fish, passing through everyone's legs. When she came out again, she was already under the basket. Then, with a leap, the ball circled the basket once and went in.

Gu Ye was stunned. He could not stop replaying that scene in his mind.

The scene of her jumping out of the water was too elegant. The transparent water flowed down from her white skin like a broken pearl. When it fell into the water, it rippled.

Under the sunlight, the water droplets were like transparent crystals. They reflected the light of the rainbow, making people unable to take their eyes off them.

However, such a good Xi Wan did not belong to him. He could not help but think of that lucky man, and his heart ached.