288. Ming Ri was sick

"Your boyfriend is very lucky. " Ming Ri smiled bitterly.

Xi Wan lowered her head. "It's also my luck. " Xi Wan then looked at Ming Ri who was standing up and looking out the window.

His back was lonely.

The sunlight outside the window was very good. It was golden and bright. The wind blew and shook the curtains. Ming Ri's figure seemed to be covered in a layer of golden light. It was hazy.

Silence was suppressed in the air.

Ming Ri was still the same. He didn't want to talk about it. Even if you asked him again and again, he would subtly change the topic. In other words, his mouth was as tight as a clam's shell and he couldn't pry it open.

Looking at Ming Ri like this, Xi Wan could only sigh. She drank all the water in her hand and got up "maybe I'm being rude, but I just want you to know that we're friends. If your condition isn't right, I'll also care about you. It's getting late, so I'll go back to my room first. "

"okay. "

Xi Wan left Ming Ri's room. She felt a little depressed. If it was her previous self, he would definitely tell her the reason without hesitation.

In the end, she was too anxious. After all, Ming Ri did not know that she was her.

Back in the bedroom, Xi Wan lay on the bed, took her phone, and went on Weibo. She saw that Weibo was trending, and news related to "records of the Geisha of the Tang Dynasty" had already flooded the screen.

For example, a photo of Xi Wan's eyes posted by the official V of the Tang Dynasty. There was a beauty in the north, and Gu pan was shining. One was the theme song recorded by the Geisha of the Tang Dynasty, which was first listened to in one minute and 20 seconds. Another was the photo of her and Gu ye posted by NA Layan, Xiao Cong, and her with blue, with the caption "scholar and beauty, yeah. ".

A series of posts related to the Tang Dynasty were either trending or trending topics. Xi Wan knew that the Tang Dynasty's public relations announcement had already begun.

Of course, there was also a post about the nine squares taken by passersby when they went to the amusement park to record. Each photo was of a bikini, one for each of the nine people. There was also a caption: "My luck is really good. I actually ran into happy Saturday when I went to the Amusement Park to record an outdoor program. All of them are so fit and love love love. ".

This Weibo Post had more than 10,000 reposts and comments. The comments and artists that were less controversial were naturally all harmonious comments. On the other hand, the artists that were more controversial online had a lot of fans and haters gathered together. It could be said that it was very lively.

For example, Xi Wan's fans: "My God, my goddess is so white, her legs are so long, her breasts are so juicy, and she's so beautiful. Lick Lick Lick Lick. ".

Xi Wan's haters: "Tsk, after brushing her face, is she here to brush her figure? " Her breasts were so big, who knew how many men had touched them. It was disgusting.

Thus, Xi Wan's Fan replied to Xi Wan's comment: My Goddess is beautiful and hot. Your idol has never had such a hot body in his entire life. If you don't accept it, hold it in!

Thus, they started to argue.

For example, Na Layan's Fan: My Ge Ge is bright and eye-catching. I like it.

Na Layan's comment: The old woman has come out to cause trouble again. Her figure isn't that good, but she still does the three o'clock pose all day long. Can she learn from Jiang Xiwan? She replied to the three o'clock pose, and it made her vomit.

Thus, Na Layan's fan replied to Na Layan's comment: If you can do it, then go ahead. Who told you to watch it? Change the channel.

Hence, they argued.


After Xi Wan finished reading these popular Weibo posts, she switched back to her alternate account and heard a notification sound. She opened it and saw that it was from Li Zhan.

Furthermore, this message was sent this morning.

"Bikini? "

Xi Wan:"..."

Xi Wan did not know what to reply for a moment. After thinking about it, she replied, "I'm wearing a lot of team uniforms. ^ "

Xi Wan felt a little guilty about her last smile. But on second thought, what's there to be guilty about? Isn't that normal She had worn bikinis before, no matter how hot they were. This was nothing.

She didn't expect Li Zhan to reply so quickly.

"hehe. "

Xi Wan:"..."

"Aren't you supposed to be on lunch break? " Xi Wan changed the topic.

"Ding Dong"

Xing Zhi: "Hehe. "

Xi Wan: "Hehe your sister! "!

Of course, she would never type these words and send them to her Boss. After all, she had seen her Boss'stinginess and ability to hold grudges.

Sunset not too late: "Ah Zhan, Mwah. "

Xing Zhi: "Mwah. "

After chatting for a while, Xi Wan's originally depressed mood because of Ming Ri became much better. After that, she fell asleep in a daze. When she woke up, it was already midnight. Her stomach was empty.

At this time, there was nothing to eat in this place. Xi Wan might as well get up and make instant noodles. Suddenly, a muffled Moan made Xi Wan Frown.

It came from outside the door.

Xi Wan opened the door and listened carefully for a while. It came from Ming Ri's room.

Xi Wan frowned and went to knock on Ming Ri's door. "Ming Ri, Ming Ri. "

However, Ming Ri still did not open the door. It was Yang Feng's bedroom not far away. The door opened and he was wearing a nightgown. When he saw Xi Wan knocking on Ming Ri's door, he was shocked.

Xi Wan saw Yang Feng walk out. "senior brother Yang Feng, you came at the right time. Ming Ri seems to be sick in his room. "

Yang Feng came in the afternoon, but he was told that he did not need to film today. He went out to have fun with his friends from the production team for a long time. It was already past nine when he came back and washed up. He finally fell asleep in a daze He heard a series of knocks on the door. When he opened it, he saw that the owner, Jiang Xiwan, was knocking on the door of the male lead of the production crew.

The first thought that flashed through his mind was, was she trying to cuckold the boss In the end, she directly said that Ming Ri was sick.

Alright, it was because his thoughts were dirty.

After all, there were too many things in the entertainment industry. He was one of them and had long been used to it. The sudden change made him feel embarrassed for a long time.

"Okay, junior sister. "

Then, he knocked on the door as well. Finally, the door opened. Ming Ri's face was Pale, and his face was covered in cold sweat. His clothes looked like they had been picked up from the water. He held his stomach and said, "you guys... "

Yang Feng was also shocked. "junior sister, hurry up and call someone. "

Xi Wan nodded and helped Ming Ri into the room. There were wine bottles all over the floor, and the smell of alcohol filled the room.

Xi Wan swept open the wine bottles and found Ming Ri's phone on the bedside table. She used the password to enter Ming Ri's phone. Soon, she found Ming Ri's manager's phone and called him.

The manager quickly answered the phone. When he found out that it was Xi Wan, he was shocked. But when he found out what had happened, he quickly hung up and rushed over.

At the same time, Yang Feng changed his clothes and walked over. He asked Xi Wan if she had called.

Xi Wan nodded.

In a few minutes, Ming Ri's manager and assistant came over. They supported the vain Ming Ri and walked downstairs together.

The car was already waiting downstairs. The group got into the car and quickly disappeared into the night.