326. I really want to bite you to death

"I know you may mind, but Xi Wan, in this circle, there are many times when you can't help yourself. You have to learn to adapt to it, because it won't adapt to you, " sister Lisa said earnestly, "So don't refuse, Xi Wan. "

"Moreover, your 'Tang Dynasty' will be released soon. If you don't have the help of Ming Ri, the excitement will take some time to subside. At that time, your public image will definitely be damaged. Most importantly, the box office might suffer a terrible loss. You don't want your efforts to be destroyed because of this incident, do you? "

"On the other hand, after hyping up your relationship with Ming Ri, I believe that this is a very good, very powerful promotion. To be honest, although this 'Tang Dynasty' is a big IP, your group of main actors are mainly newbies. You've been slandered by many people since before the filming, so there are still some people who don't really like you. As for the box office, I'm actually still a little worried. No matter how good the filming is, if the audience doesn't watch it because they don't like the actors, what a pity. On the other hand, tomorrow will stand up and protect you, so that some people will change their impression of you. I believe that you will definitely make a good start. "

"Sister Lisa... "

"I know what you want to say, but now we have no choice but to release it. So think of the good side. Be Good. "

Sister Lisa Hung Up.

Xi Wan sighed.

At that time, Li Yan's phone call came in.

"who were you on the phone with just now? You've been on the phone for so long? "

"Sister Lisa. " Xi Wan rubbed the space between her eyebrows. In the current situation, she was indeed on the hook. There was no way for her to step down. She could not clarify on Weibo: "sorry, Ming Ri is not my boyfriend. Firstly, it will really slap Ming Ri in the face. Secondly, her public image will definitely fall to the bottom. ".

The only way was to hurry up and shoot a few more scenes so that everyone would remember that she was Jiang Xiwan and not "Zheng MINGRI's girlfriend! "

"Xi Wan, what's going on between you and Ming Ri? "

"He helped me get rid of the scandal. I'm having a headache. Sister Lisa just called me to try to stir up a relationship with him. I'm going crazy. "

"Uh... Ming Ri is actually so good to you? He won't like you? "

Xi Wan: "I only like Li Zhan. "

Li Yan blushed. "It's useless to tell me that. If you want to tell my brother, I guess he should be at your house by now. When he saw the news just now, his entire face changed. You have to pray for yourself. "

Xi Wan:"..."

She sighed and hung up the phone after chatting with Li Yan.

"Wan Wan, Ah Zhan is here. " Jiang's mother called her from downstairs.

She hadn't washed up since she got up. She had been busy scrolling through Weibo and chatting with other people. Now, her boss was already downstairs.

She cried.

After taking care of herself, Xi Wan went downstairs. She saw Li Zhan sitting at the dining table. He was eating breakfast and chatting with Jiang's mother.

He had come to her house for breakfast. It was obvious how anxious he was.

Mother Jiang saw Xi Wan going downstairs and smiled. "You've been waiting for so long. Ah Zhan has been waiting for so long. Come and have breakfast. "

Xi Wan nodded.

The breakfast was porridge with side dishes, and mother Jiang had personally made egg tarts. Xi Wan was not in the mood and did not know the taste of the food. She simply used some and stopped eating.

Li Zhan raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xi Wan.

Xi Wan curled her lips and smiled to please Xi Wan.

Then, the two of them went out.

After getting into the car, Li Zhan helped Xi Wan to fasten her seatbelt. Then, he lifted Xi Wan's hair and placed it behind her head. "My wife is quite charming. Another peach blossom has stuck to her. Let me count. One is Zheng Nuo, one is Gu ye, and now there's another Zheng Mingri, HMM... "

"Xi Nuo, you are my peach blossom. "

After hearing this, Li Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly. "Oh? "

"Really, I'M NOT LYING TO YOU! " As she said this, Xi Wan very flatteringly kissed him. "You have to believe me. I'm not that easy to woo. "

Li Zhan touched his chin. "Then what about this big peach blossom that's publicly sticking to me in front of outsiders? "

Publicly sticking to a big peach blossom... ...

"Lord Zhaoming Ri, you're really... ". ...

Xi Wan was so bitter. "What Lisa means is, temporarily... temporarily... "

Li Zhan narrowed his eyes. "For now? "

Xi Wan:"..."that seemed to be the case.

"hehe. "

Xi Wan shivered.

He pursed his lips, looked forward, and drove towards the set.

Xi Wan saw Li Zhan, who was suddenly depressed, and didn't know what to do for a moment.

If she clarified, it would hurt Ming Ri's face, the credibility he had accumulated in front of the public, because she had been swept clean, and she had even slapped his face until it was swollen. Her image would also fall to the bottom, and she would have to get up again It would definitely take more effort than countless rookies.

If he didn't clarify, it would hurt Li Zhan's face. He and himself had finally gotten together, but he had to hide behind the scenes and even watch his girlfriend be labeled as someone else's girlfriend... ...

Xi Wan bit her lip. "I will... " before she could say the word "clarify, " she suddenly rushed forward and was pulled back by Meng.


A sudden brake.

Li Zhan suddenly turned his body and grabbed Xi Wan's head. He lowered his head and kissed her lips.

As the world spun, he heard him say, "Jiang Xiwan! I really want to bite you to death! "

After a long time, the lips parted.

His eyes were black as he looked at her, like a pool of water from the abyss, causing her to sink into it, unable to extricate herself. His breathing was still in her ears. His voice just now was like someone had used a repeater, constantly replaying in her mind: Jiang Xiwan, I really want to bite you to death.

"I will clarify. "

"There's no need. " Li Zhan shook his head.

He knew better than anyone the consequences of Xi Wan's clarification. Not to mention facing Yang Feng and Han Zi, and also facing Zheng Mingri's countless fans... ...

Xi Wan's image would fall to the bottom.

It could only be said that that damned Zheng Mingri was too cunning!

Xi Wan looked at Li Zhan and didn't know what to say for a moment.

His forehead was pressed against hers, and the tip of his nose was pressed against hers. "You just have to remember that you're mine alone. As for the one in front of the stage, I'll treat it as you're acting. "

Xi Wan looked at Li Zhan and couldn't help but kiss him. She said Hoarsely, "thank you. "

Thank you for believing in me.

"But it's only three years, three years later... "

Xi Wan smiled. "Okay. "

"But you and him must have nothing to do before the New Year! " Li Zhan said domineeringly.

"Okay. " Xi Wan smiled, her eyes curved.

Knock, knock

Someone knocked on the car window.

The two of them turned their heads and saw a traffic policeman standing outside, waiting patiently.

Xi Wan and Li Zhan:"..."

Rolling down the car window, the traffic policeman looked at Li Zhan. "You can't park here. Leave quickly. "

Only then did Li Zhan drive again towards Xi Wan's production team.