358 pairs of 11 dog abuse

Xi Wan felt that no matter how she looked at Gu Cheng, he didn't seem like a man who liked men. She didn't know where Li Yan had heard the rumors, but she actually believed Gu Cheng was gay in the beginning. Moreover, the way she looked, she simply believed it without a doubt.

When she told her that she had misunderstood, she still had a look of disdain on her face as she defended herself, "he's two years older than my brother, and he doesn't even have a girlfriend, yet you still say that he's not gay. I'm also drunk. "

Alright, this topic ended here.

After that, the two of them returned to their room and played a few rounds of landlords together. Li Yan told Xi Wan about some interesting things that had happened recently, such as which small town in f country was interesting, which bar's bartender was especially handsome, and there were also quite a number of Huang Mao foreigners who passed her notes... ...

Xi Wan said, "you're really free and easy overseas. "

"I'm just taking some time off. I have to return to the production team tomorrow. " Speaking of this, she was very sad. She was currently filming a new movie. Sigh, she had to start getting up early and learning lines in the dark again.

Xi Wan looked up. "I have to go to the company to read the script tomorrow. "

Li Yan was speechless. "You're really diligent. You're practically a model worker. I was the first to film, but both of your movies were completed. My second movie is still in its infancy. "

Xi Wan laughed. "I can't help it. I'm just doing my best. "

"screw you. " Li Yan laughed. "speaking of which, I saw your 'happy Saturday' a few days ago. Hahaha, do you have a grudge against that Chen Jiabao? Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter. "

"I don't have a grudge, but it's true that she doesn't like me. " As for how she looked at Chen Jiabao, well, she didn't feel anything. She was just a passerby in life.

"Hahaha, her IQ is so low. She can't answer those questions! "

Xi Wan said coldly, "can you say it? "

Li Yan:"..."A hundred thousand puzzles flashed through her mind.

"You're really as annoying as my brother. You always turn on the top student mocking mode. Ah Ah AH AH, you're too annoying. I'M GOING TO STRANGLE YOU! " As she said that, she smiled and pounced on Xi Wan "As long as I'M PRETTY! What the Hell is Iq, can I eat it? "

Xi Wan laughed until tears came out, "you're so double standard, does Ah Zhan know? "

"Friendship Ends! Jiang! Xi! Wan! "

"It's okay, we still have family. " Without thinking, Xi Wan said what Li Yan said to her last time. However, after she said it, Xi Wan wanted to sew her own mouth with a needle.

"Ah Hahahaha, you admit it. " Li Yan straightened her body and looked at the embarrassed Xi Wan. She laughed proudly, "Ah Hahahaha, I'll tell my brother later, ah Hahahaha. "

Xi Wan's cheeks burned as she pushed away the "Eyesore" Li Yan in front of her. "I'm going to take a shower and sleep. "

"Hehehe, why don't you sleep in my brother's room tonight? Anyway, it's too crowded for us to sleep in the same room. Since my brother won't be coming home, it's just right for you to think of him when you see him. "

Xi Wan:"..."is this how an idiom is used I really want to thank you for thinking of him when you see him.

"really, really. Anyway, my brother isn't here. Isn't it nice to have two people in one room? " Li Yan smiled. "I believe that my brother will be very happy if he knows. Don't you want to visit his room? "

"You make it sound like I've never been there. "

"Then that's it. " Li Yan spread her hands. "Alright, I'm going to take a shower too. You can go to my brother's bathroom to wash up. "

Li Yan was definitely a person of action. As soon as she finished speaking, she ran to her own room and took all of Xi Wan's spare clothes to Li Zhan's room.

Xi Wan:"..."

So in the end, Xi Wan fell asleep on the boss'bed.


"Xi Wan, did you miss me? "

"Xi Wan, there's a party today. Are you coming with me? "

"Xi Wan, of course I love you, my dear. "

"Oh, she's just putting on a show. She's trying to get on my good side. Don't worry, my people are all yours. "

"Xi Wan... "

"Xi... "

In a daze, a heat source approached her. It was a little hot, and then it wrapped around her waist, itchy... ...

"Stop Messing around, Lin Xi... "

The scene changed

"We're just settling the score. "

"Who do you think you are? "

The heat made it hard for her to breathe. It was just like that night. The night was cold, but the stifling weather made her chest feel uncomfortable.


"Deng! "

The lights were bright.

In her daze, Xi Wan only felt that the white light was dazzling. She frowned, narrowed her eyes, and slowly adjusted to the light

A familiar, handsome face appeared in front of her.

"Ah Zhan? " Xi Wan was a little surprised.

"Why are you back? "

"Did you have a nightmare? "

Li Zhan's dark and Shiny eyes stared at Xi Wan. Then, he reached out and caressed Xi Wan's face. It was slightly cold and wet with sweat.

Xi Wan's expression changed again in an instant.

Yes, she had a nightmare again just now.

It had been a long time since she thought of the past. Maybe she was too tired, or maybe she was too tired today, or maybe Lu Jiani said that she was betrayed by love today, which made her think of herself... ...

Then, she dreamed of the seven years of entanglement between her and Lin Xi. The sweetness in the middle was completely unrecognizable in the end. It was like a chocolate covered with poison. After it melted in a person's mouth, all the sweetness became a fatal poison.

But she didn't know if she was talking in her sleep.

She also didn't know when Li Zhan came.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, " he said.

Xi Wan looked at him for a long time.

Yes, no matter what, he was here He was beside her!

The moment she woke up, he didn't ask her anything. He just touched her cheek with his warm hand and said, "don't be afraid, I'm here. ".