Su Nuanyu's face was gloomy and she did not say anything.

Actually, she knew about Yin Xiaoxiao's drug addiction and prostitution. However, this was her private matter and she had no say in it. Moreover, she was born cautious and never did such things in the limelight. She did not expect that she would be pecked by the geese in the end. Sometimes, she would make a mistake and sometimes, she would make a mistake. The usually cautious Yin Xiaoxiao actually capsized in the gutter.

However, what did she have to do with her capsizing? These netizens who did not know anything and only knew how to join in the fun actually came to her Weibo to talk nonsense!

There were even some b * Tches who said that she had a black heart and black eyes!

These B * Tches! They did not read much when they had nothing to do and only knew how to read people's gossip. If it was possible, they really wanted to splash a few cups of boiling water on them.

She, Su Nuanyu, was a woman who was going to reach the peak of the entertainment industry. How could she do such a stupid thing and ruin her future!

Creak creak creak

The little assistant shivered. She only hoped that Su nuanyu would quickly walk out of her own world and not reveal such a terrifying appearance again. After all, this was the set, a place where people came and went. Although the place where they were standing was quite remote now.., but who knew if someone would pass by and see their appearance?

Su nuanyu clenched her fists and clenched them tightly. Her nails dug deep into her flesh. With her makeup and clothes today, she looked a little strange.

The little assistant only felt that the air was exceptionally heavy, pressing down on her until she could not breathe.

Perhaps it was best for a voice to appear now.

Perhaps if one was sincere, everything would be fine. However, a rough voice sounded like the sound of the sky

"Senior Nuanyu, the next scene is about to start shooting, " a little scene manager shouted in this direction.

Su Nuanyu squinted her eyes, looked at the timid assistant, then changed her expression and walked towards the center of the set again.

The small assistant couldn't help but silently complain in her heart: If she could bring her acting skills from life to the screen, she would definitely not be inferior to her best friend, Jiang Xiwan. No, she would definitely be better.

If Xi Wan heard this small assistant's ridicule, she would definitely nod in agreement. Yes, Su Nuanyu's acting skills were just better than hers. Otherwise, as a person who knew how to act, how could she not see that Su Nuanyu was treating her.., in fact, she had always been pretending to be polite.

Fu Fu

Today, Xi Wan had no chance because yesterday, some netizen had stolen a photo of them and a foreigner on facebook and posted it online. This had caused a series of heated discussions, and even.., there was also a growing trend.

Fortunately, there was even more breaking news in the circle. The attention and topic about her and Li Zhan had faded, and so far, no one had dug it up.

But even so, there were still a few lively accounts between her and Li Zhan, and Ming Ri kept leaving comments. Fortunately, Tian Ying's public relations team and Ming Ri's Public Relations Team were not to be trifled with. The attention of the topic and the focus of the masses had already been shifted.

At that time, Xi Wan and Li Zhan were also driving to the mansion.

Yesterday, they had seen on the news that Xi Wan and Li Zhan had actually experienced a terrorist attack in country F. This had scared a few old people at home, so they called them directly and asked them to go to the old mansion to explain it clearly.

The two sighed. Previously, they had been afraid that they would be worried, so they had not said that they had encountered terrorist extremists in city P and even on the plane back to their country.

The car drove into the heavily guarded compound.

At the Li Zhan family's old residence, Zheng Yinyin and Grandpa Li were standing at the door, waiting eagerly. Obviously, they had been waiting for a long time.

When Xi Wan and Li Zhanfang got off the car, the two old men, one each, surrounded them tacitly and held their hands.

Zheng Yinyin held Xi Wan's hand and could not help but say, "The last time you went home, why didn't you tell your mother that you were attacked by terrorist extremists? If I didn't read it on Weibo, how long would you two kids have been hiding it? "

Xi Wan smiled awkwardly and looked at Li Zhan. Her meaning was, "you can comfort her on this matter. "

"Mom, aren't Xi Wan and I doing fine? And we didn't tell you because we didn't want you to worry. "

"But... " Zheng Yinyin was at a loss for words.

GRANDPA Li said, "you're twisting words and logic! Don't you know how worried and sad your family would be if they found out about this from someone else? "

Li Zhan:"..."

Xi Wan Hurriedly said, "GRANDPA, we were wrong, but we were really afraid that you would be worried if you found out. "

When grandfather Li heard his granddaughter-in-law say this, his anger subsided a little, but he still glared at Li Zhan. "In the future, don't hide such important matters from your elders. "

"understood, Grandfather, " Xi Wan and Li Zhan said in unison.

After entering the house, the fragrance of food wafted through the air. It was obvious that the Auntie at home was cooking. There were already more than ten dishes on the Western dining table in the dining room.

Zheng Yinyin pulled the two of them to sit in the living room for a while. Soon, the dishes were set. Father Li was working overtime today and wouldn't be coming back for dinner, so in the entire ancestral residence, only the four of them had dinner together. However, there were at least twenty dishes on the table.

Xi Wan:"..."

Zheng Yinyin still eagerly picked up the dishes for Xi Wan and Li Zhan. The reason was that the two of them had suffered abroad and needed to make up for it.

Although this reason caused Xi Wan and Li Zhan to be thunderstruck, it had only been a few days since they had gone abroad. How bitter could it be?

However, this was how mothers in the world were. Their sons and daughters would come back after only a few days. In the eyes of their parents, they were all suffering..

Faced with their mother-in-law's eagerness to pick up the dishes, the young couple still worked very hard to pick up the chopsticks.

Xi Wan's appetite was not small to begin with, so under her mother-in-law's attack, she unknowingly ate two bowls of rice and some dishes.

Suddenly, she remembered the day before yesterday when the company weighed her. She seemed to have gained two pounds and made up her mind to lose weight..

After all, there were very few female celebrities who exceeded 100. Although she was 170, there were many female celebrities who exceeded 170, but not many of them exceeded 100 pounds. This was really a sad story.

"Mom, I've had enough, " she said to Zheng Yinyin.

Zheng Yinyin glanced at Xi Wan. "with your skinny body, how can you not eat more? "

"I'm not skinny. I put on weight two days ago. "

"How is that possible! " Zheng Yinyin had an expression that said, "you can't fool me. You've lost a lot of weight since the first time I saw you. Ah Zhan, it's fine if you can't take care of yourself, but you can't even take care of your own wife. "

Li Zhan:"..."

He silently took the Arrow from his mother, then lowered his head and picked up a steak. "Xi Wan, eat more. "

Xi Wan:"..."