The next day, the weather was clear. The film crew went to Lincheng t city's seaside for filming.

Xi Wan got up early. Because she and Li Zhan were still in the limelight these few days, she didn't dare to let him send her off with his Mercedes.

In the morning, He Min drove her to the company in her buckled car. At that time, the other staff in the nanny van had also arrived.

Everyone set off together and headed towards t city.

The car drove on the road. After getting on the highway, every two hours, it entered the area of t city. After getting off the highway, it drove on a section of the asphalt road near the sea. The ten-lane road was pitch black. At a glance, it looked like black silk. It was straight and endless.

However, when one turned their head, they could see an endless Sea of light blue and the scenery of the sea and the sky. They could not help but feel relaxed.

Xi Wan's haze over the past few days had become much brighter because of this.

It was rare for the driver to turn on the car radio. When he switched channels, he just happened to hear a piece of music. It was none other than the theme song of Xi Wan's "records of the Geisha of the Tang Dynasty. ".

The driver felt that the sound was Xi Wan's, so he stopped and listened to the radio specifically.

Not long after, the voices of male and female anchors came from the radio.

The host (female) : "Welcome back. This is FMxxx. Recently, other than the constant headlines in society, the entertainment industry has also been filled with bloodshed. "

The host (Male) : "Sigh, why do you say that? "

The host (female) : "some time ago, the news about the terrorist attack on p city kept blowing up everyone's screens. Not long after that, the original Song "White Dew for Frost" that we just listened to, Jiang Xiwan, was reported to have experienced the terrorist attack on P city. "That's fine, but in the end, a small celebrity from country m posted photos of him, Jiang Xiwan, and the mysterious black-haired young man. "

The host (male) : "The mysterious black-haired young man? "

The host (female) : "Yes, the mysterious black-haired young man. You have to know that even with the current human flesh technology, they still haven't exposed the identity of the black-haired young man. However, there are rumors online that this black-haired young man is Jiang Xiwan's boss, Li Zhan. "

The host (male) : "Jiang Xiwan's boss, Li Zhan? Why are the two of them going to P City together? "

The host (female) : "This is just a rumor online. Otherwise, why would they say that the black-haired guy has a mysterious background? However, rumors don't come true. If this black-haired guy is really Li Zhan, then the problem is here. "

The host (male) : "The problem is here. I know this. Jiang Xiwan is Zheng Mingri's girlfriend. If she goes to Paris with her boss behind her boyfriend's back... "

The host (female) : "Haha, the entertainment circle is really messy. "

The host (male) : "Yeah, the entertainment circle has always been messy. Otherwise, why would there be a huge case of an artiste taking drugs and prostitution? Among them, there are quite a number of famous celebrities. For example, that man so-and-so and Man Mingyi. He was my idol when I was young."

The host (female) : "Yeah, Yin Xiaoxiao is a senior that I really like. So in the end, the entertainment circle is still messy. "


The two hosts sang and chimed in. Time flew by and the car soon arrived at the designated location of the production team.

At that time, the production team had already set up a perimeter. The staff of the production team and the company had also set up a cordon. At the same time, everyone was working very hard to move the equipment.

Xi Wan and the others got out of the Nanny van.

The Autumn Sea breeze was chilly and carried the unique salty smell of the sea. Those who could not get used to it would suddenly have a physiological reaction and vomit.

At that time, a flash had been lit, but because the sun was shining brightly, the team did not care. They only thought that the media reporter had noticed the appearance of a star and secretly took a photo.

It was autumn at the moment, and it had been a holiday. However, as far as the eye could see, there were people coming and going on the beach. It was very lively.

Xi Wan felt a little cold. Seeing that the filming crew hadn't started yet, she simply went back to her nanny van. Fortunately, she had been taking an afternoon nap, so there was a thin woolen blanket in the van.

She got in the Van and approved for a while, then instructed Qian Mengfei to call her over when it was her turn to put on her makeup.

Qian Mengfei nodded and took a cup of boiling water from the filming crew. He handed it to Xi Wan and then hesitated.

Xi Wan was originally squinting, but when she saw Qian Mengfei constantly swaying in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but ask, "what do you want to say? "

Qian Mengfei revealed an awkward smile.

"Xi Wan. "

"Yes. "

"that... that last night... "

"Oh. "

"Ah Qing came to look for me. "

Xi Wan narrowed her eyes. "And then? "

"She has always been regretful. Her relationship with you is no longer the same as before, so she has always been repenting. Hua Yu and I were both pierced by her demonic voice. "

"Yes. So? "

"She begged me to come and say something nice to you. Actually, I don't know how to say it either. After all, you were the one who was betrayed. " Qian Mengfei rubbed the back of his head, "Hehe, I just wanted to say it. It doesn't matter if you forgive me or not. Anyway, I'm on her side. When the time comes, I'll be able to report to her. "

Xi Wan nodded. "I got it. "

"right, Su Nuanyu's makeup is almost done. Xi Wan, you can leave now. "

Xi Wan nodded. She put the blanket aside and got out of the nanny van.

The Sea breeze blew on her body. It was bone-piercing. Without the protection of the blanket, Xi Wan, who was only wearing a short-sleeved shirt, shivered.

Xi Wan turned her head to look at the sea. It was a faint blue color. The sea water moved with the wind. The waves on her face rose and fell, revealing a sparkling white light under the golden sunlight.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

Sometimes when the wind was strong, the waves hit the rocks and created countless waves. Many tourists who had come to play had already put on their swimsuits and went into the water to play.

The Wind, the water, the laughter, all mixed together.

Of course, Xi Wan heard more and more screams, "AH AH AH Fu Jiang Xiwan, look here, look here Fu Fu"

Xi Wan looked in the direction of the voice. There were many tourists standing outside the cordon, waving to her and jumping over the Jaffa

Xi Wan smiled and waved to them.

The screaming got worse.

Xi Wan went into the dressing room.

At that time, in the dressing room, Su nuanyu's makeup was finished by Chen Ke, but he was still criticizing Su Nuanyu, "Su Nuanyu, you have to be clear. Your face is yours, not mine, okay? If you continue like this, I'm telling you, no matter how good the makeup products are, they won't be able to save your moon's surface! "How many times have I said it? Please be more professional and go to the beauty salon diligently. Sleep early and wake up early. Why do you treat my words as a whisper? "!"