When Xi Wan saw this keyword, her first reaction was, "who leaked the information? "

Ming Ri and Su Nuanyu had always kept their relationship a secret. Other than a few people who were particularly close to them, no one had ever said anything about it, especially after she "passed away" and Su Nuanyu got mixed up with Lin Xi, ming Ri and Su nuanyu would be strangers, so naturally, they wouldn't expose this matter.

So, now that such a keyword could be found on the Internet, who leaked it?

The second reaction was that it must have been Su Nuanyu who exposed it. That was because Su Nuanyu had retweeted a post on Weibo that my ex-taiji's ex couldn't possibly be a friend. It was obvious that she was preparing for today.

If she wasn't exposed today, then this piece of information would undoubtedly cleanse some of her dark history

"It was all Zheng Mingri who hired the troll army to smear me because he was a Taiji's ex. "

However, after Su Nuanyu exposed this piece of information today, although Su Nuanyu couldn't cleanse herself, at least she dragged Ming Ri into the mire.

In the end, it was because of her that Ming Ri was in such a predicament.

It was also at this moment that Xi Wan's phone kept on ringing with messages. Xi Wan logged out of the browser and looked at the messages sent by her friends.

He Min: "Oh my God, Xi Wan, Ming Ri's idol actually dated Su Nuanyu, that B * Tch. It's too disillusioned. "

Li Yan: "D * MN, Ming Ri's idol who didn't even fall for me back then actually dated Su Nuanyu, that Weirdo. I don't know what to say. "

Qian Mengfei:"[ bawl ][ bawl ][ bawl ][ shock ][ shock ][ shock ] I'm the one who's gloating over Su Nuanyu, this * * * * Exposed by someone to have an indecent video. On this side, the male idol that I've always been a fan of actually has an affair with Su Nuanyu. Too disillusioned, how to do, Xi Wan, I can not accept."

Sun Huayu: "Xi Wan, did Ming Ri Really Date Su Nuanyu? Really? "

Xiao Cong: "I go, my prince charming and Su Nuanyu also dated Ah, what rhythm is today? "? "Why is the news getting more and more explosive? I thought brother Ming Ri only liked you and my ex-goddess, but in the end, he ended up dating my goddess' best friend... but this best friend is a little disgusting. I wonder if my goddess knows, Sigh. "


The new messages kept coming one after another. Thinking about how they had just sent Xi Wan a message to gloat over Su Nuanyu's indecent video, they burst into tears in the blink of an eye.

Even Xi Wan's other assistant, Zhen Yue, could not help but send a message to Xi Wan asking, "Xi Wan, Xi Wan, I can't believe that Ming Ri had a relationship with Su Nuanyu. This is too unexpected. But didn't Su Nuanyu repost my ex's post on her own Weibo? "? "At that time, everyone was guessing who Su Nuanyu's ex was. Now that they found out it was Zheng Mingri, I saw that there were already people on the Internet saying that Prince Charming Ming Ri was unwilling to be cheated on, so he took revenge on Su Nuanyu. Is that true? "

Xi Wan didn't know how to reply, so she logged out of Wechat, found her address book, and called Ming Ri directly. But after a few calls, it was either "the user you are calling is on the phone. Sorry, please try again later" or "the user you are calling is not in the service area. "

Xi Wan was upset.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, the car drove into the underground garage.

Walking out of the garage, Li Zhan turned on the lights at the door. The Milky White light elongated the shadow of the person.

There was no moon, no stars, only clouds.

The night wind blew, and the rustling of the trees in the courtyard could be heard, along with the Chirping of insects.

Xi Wan held her phone and called Ming Ri.

Li Zhan unlocked the door with his fingerprint and opened it. When he saw Xi Wan still standing on the spot on the phone, he shook his head and sighed. "Wan Wan, it's cold outside. Come in. "

Xi Wan came back to her senses and saw Li Zhan waving at her. She nodded and walked into the house.

The interface of the phone was still displayed. "Ming Ri, he's calling. "

Li Zhan glanced at it and saw a few words on it. "What's wrong? You didn't look right just now. " Li Zhan was driving just now and didn't know that Ming Ri's relationship with Su Nuanyu had been exposed.

Xi Wan shook her head and continued to look at the phone records. However, the voice on the other end kept reminding her, "I'm sorry, the subscriber you are calling is not in the service area. "

It was still not in the service area. Xi Wan felt a little puzzled.

Li Zhan looked at Xi Wan who was so worried about Zheng Mingri and couldn't help but feel jealous. Although he knew that his wife didn't love Zheng Mingri at all, he could tell the friendship between her and Zheng Mingri.

Xi Wan had to hang up. Her usually calm face was full of worry and anxiety.

"Wan Wan, it's late. Go to bed. "

"But I'm worried, " she said, holding her head. "Just now, his phone was still ringing, but after a while, it turned out to be out of service. "

Her right eyelid kept twitching, just like two years ago tonight. Then, two years ago tonight, the real her was gone.

She couldn't say how she felt, but she just felt uneasy.

"He's a man with a team behind him. What's there to worry about? " Li Zhan was full of jealousy. "You, on the other hand, are still pregnant. I'll give you a warm glass of milk later. You go to sleep obediently, okay? "

Xi Wan nodded.

After returning to her room and washing up, Xi Wan sat on the bed and took her phone again. There were still countless messages on it.

Xi Wan's mood was even worse.

Opening up Wechat, she saw that the people in the group were discussing the most about Su Nuanyu's indecent video and the fact that Su Nuanyu had dated Zheng Mingri at the Jin Shi awards today.

Many people who used to be fans of Ming Ri said directly, "I didn't expect someone like Ming Ri to be like this. I want to quit being a fan. "

People in the entertainment industry all expressed this kind of attitude. Presumably, those fans who were not in the industry were probably even more angry.

Thinking about this worriedly, Xi Wan could not help but take out her computer and go on her Weibo.

Sure enough, on the right side of the column, the top and second most popular topic was # Su Nuanyu and Zheng mingri's relationship # # su nuanyu's indecent video # .

These two topics were trending in real time and the amount of reading was shocking because the third most popular topic was # Jiang Xi's second anniversary of her death # , and the amount of reading on this topic that had been on the list for a month.., it was actually the same amount of reading as # Su Nuanyu and Zheng mingri's relationship # and # Su nuanyu's indecent video # , these two topics that had only been on the list for a few hours!