Xi Wan smiled when she heard Xiao Yinzheng teasing her. "Any other girl would have recognized you. "

The policeman sitting next to them also smiled and said, "it's already good that these hooligans recognized the celebrity and stopped attacking. "

"Do they often come to the police station? " Why did the policeman say that he was familiar with their appearance.

The policeman sitting there smiled awkwardly and didn't say anything. He seemed to be very secretive.

The car was silent until the police station. The police chief was surprised when he saw Xi Wan and Xiao Yinzheng coming over again. He was shocked when he saw Xiao Yinzheng's face full of color.

"What's going on? " During the questioning, he saw eight or nine hooligans walk out from under another police car, especially that dazzling yellow hair.

The police chief immediately frowned and looked at the police officer who came with Xi Wan and Xi Wan in confusion.

Before the police officer said anything, Huang Mao acted like they were familiar with each other. "Officer Cheng, Hehe, hello. This is actually a misunderstanding. It's all a trick. I'll talk to them. Actually, it's just... "

"There's so much nonsense. Go take a statement first. " Officer Cheng didn't have the patience to talk nonsense with Huang Mao. Instead, he said to Xi Wan and Xiao Yinzheng gracefully, "Mr. Xiao, you can go to the infirmary to treat your wound first. "

On the other side, the gangsters were immediately unhappy, "Officer Cheng, we were also injured. Why do we have to take a statement first? This pretty boy is going to the infirmary. Why? I say, you are civil servants of the country. You should at least treat us ordinary people fairly, right? "

Officer Cheng looked at the gangster who was talking.

"Ada! " Huang Mao shouted.

The gangster looked away and continued to Mumble, "I didn't say anything wrong. The injury on my face is worse than that pretty boy's, okay? Ouch... " as he said that, he pretended to cover his face exaggeratedly.

Officer Cheng said to his two stunned subordinates, "what are you waiting for? Bring them in to take their statements. "

"Okay. "

Naturally, Xi Wan was also brought into an office by the police officers and told them what happened.

Although the police officer who took the statement answered Xi Wan's questions very seriously, he knew who was right and who was wrong. After all, the gangsters from the other side could come in seven or eight times a year. If the person behind them didn't have some background.., they could stay in the detention center for more than half a year.

When they finally finished taking the statement, the hooligans arrogantly said to the police officers.., "Hey, busy police officers, when can you let us go? We've been here for hours and haven't even eaten lunch. "

"Yeah, it's just a few words. Is there a need to make such a big fuss? We didn't kill anyone and start a fire. "

"right, it's just killing and starting a fire. Without evidence, we can't detain people, right? Besides, we just had a fight. ". "seriously, aren't you guys making too much of a fuss? If you really did this to every fight, I don't think you guys would need to be police anymore. Just work hard to build a police station. Otherwise, there would be no place to release people. "

"That's right, police sirs. We are all good citizens who abide by the law. You guys are going too far by holding us here and not letting us go. "

These strange voices made the faces of many police officers present turn ugly.

One of the female police officers said, "If you guys were law-abiding, you wouldn't be here right now. "

Huang Mao immediately looked at the female police officer and said in a very frivolous manner, "Aiya, I say, sister, it's not right for you to say that. Look, the two here are also at the police station. Are they also people who have violated the law? Oh, and you guys are also here. Aren't you good citizens who are law-abiding? "

The female police officer was stifled by Huang Mao's fallacy and her face turned red. She simply rolled her eyes and ignored Huang Mao.

Huang Mao looked at Xi Wan and Xiao Yinzheng and smiled in a flattering manner, "I say, two big stars, we were impulsive this time. After all, we booked the private room first. Everyone has been working all morning, and their stomachs are about to flatten. In the end, they found out that their private room had been robbed, and there was no place to eat. They would definitely be angry. When they are angry, they are impulsive. Moreover... Look at my brothers' faces, they have as many wounds as big star Xiao. Can this matter be settled privately? "

Xiao Yinzheng said, "Heh, they are almost settled just because they have been injured? What logic is that? ! If I had known earlier that I would be so humble and ask for help, why didn't I think before I made my move "... Besides, can their faces be compared to mine "? I can earn tens of millions just by relying on my face, can they?"

The blondie was speechless and had nothing to say in response.

When the other gangster who got injured heard Xiao Yinzheng ridiculing their faces in such a contemptuous manner, he was displeased and couldn't help but say, "you're a singer, not an actor. Why are you relying on your face to earn a living? "

Xiao Yinzheng couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Who said that a singer can't earn a living by relying on his face? "

At that time, Xiao Yinzheng's manager also rushed over anxiously. When he saw Xiao Yinzheng's handsome face, he was stunned, he immediately screamed like a pig being slaughtered. "which bastard slapped your face like that! Oh my God, what should we do about the endorsement commercial in two days! "

Xiao Yinzheng's gaze shifted to those hooligans.

His manager immediately glared fiercely at these hooligans, "You guys are pretty good. Do you know how much our Yinzheng's face is worth? 20 million, 20 million! Do you know? Some of you might not even be able to earn this much money in your lifetime! You guys should be glad that our Yin Zheng has a lot of things to do. He only accepted two events, which added up to only 10 million! But now, it's going to be ruined! Very good! Very good! You guys actually dare to make a move on our Yin Zheng's face. Fine, fine, fine. If I don't sue all of you until you go bankrupt, I'll have wasted so many years in the entertainment industry!"

The words of Xiao Yinzheng's manager instantly silenced the chattering hooligans. Holy Shit, it's really that valuable..

Everyone looked at Huang Mao in unison.

Huang Mao was also an experienced person. After all, he had half a foot in the entertainment industry. He knew that many managers and artistes had powerful backgrounds and methods, especially people like Xiao Yinzheng, who was already a godly person. He could not be easily offended, however..

When he thought of the huge amount of cash he would have to pay later, Huang Mao felt extremely regretful that he did not recognize Xiao Yinzheng back then!

Especially his savings, which were at most a few million. If he were to pay tens of millions like Xiao Yinzheng's manager, he would definitely be hacked to death by brother long and third brother.

He was so nervous that he had to send a message to brother long.