Xi Wan was speechless at Li Yan's low IQ.

Li Yan:"..."

Xi Wan narrowed her eyes and looked at Li Yan. Seeing that she was petrified, her big eyes did not blink, as if she had heard some explosive news.

Xi Wan was silent. Maybe Gu Cheng liked this news of hers. In her eyes, it was indeed explosive news.

Li Yan took a while to recover. She opened her mouth and felt that her throat was a little hoarse. After a long time, she spat out a few words, but they were as light as clouds and smoke. In the blink of an eye, they floated in the air.

"Xi Wan, did Gu Cheng tell you that this account is his? " Li Yan was still unwilling to give up and continued to ask Xi Wan.

Xi Wan pointed at the push phone on Weibo: "from VERTU smartphone. ".

Li Yan was completely silent.

In her eyes, Gu Cheng had always been a gay honey. She was very relaxed with him. She could even easily tell him secrets that women and women could not tell... so when she was guessing which secret admirer it was.., she did not even think about Gu Cheng.

But Xi Wan said that Gu Cheng liked her.

She could not bear the thought of such a gay lover suddenly turning into a straight man and chasing after her!

Xi Wan sat up and looked straight at Li Yan. "The whole world knows that he loves you, but you're still lying to yourself. "

Xi Wan's words were so powerful that it was like a bomb exploding in Li Yan's mind.

Li Yan's voice was hoarse.

Silence was brewing in the air.

Li Yan felt at a loss.

She was good-looking and had no lack of suitors since she was young. She didn't feel anything when those people confessed to her. At that time, it was also because her heart was on Jiang Yi. But ever since she walked out from Jiang Yi's body, she had received many confessions one after another. She didn't feel anything, but now, she heard someone telling her with certainty: Gu Cheng likes you.

She was at a loss.

She was at a loss.

She didn't know what she was feeling at this moment. She only knew that she wanted to be quiet.

"Zizifu. "

Her phone lit up.

Li Yan took a look. It was Gu Cheng.

Li Mengran suddenly felt that her phone was like a hot potato.

She looked at Xi Wan as if she was asking for help.

Xi Wan curled her lips. "where's your fearlessness? "

"I ate it long ago! " Li Yan threw the phone into Xi Wan's hand.

Xi Wan yawned a little. She entered the password and entered Li Yan's phone. The message on it said, "the car is parked in Area C, parking lot 22. Wait for me there. "

Xi Wan read it as she read it. Li Yan immediately covered her ears.

Xi Wan only wanted to say goodbye to Xi Wan by hand.

She didn't know her! [ goodbye ]

Seeing Li Yan like this, Xi Wan's sleepiness was mostly gone. Then she took her phone and started scrolling through Weibo.

She still logged into her alternate account.

SUNSET: little sister-in-law's [ smile ] .

Soon, many fans ran to Xi Wan's Weibo and left comments:

Love Xi Wan: SOFA [ love ] .

Love Xi Wan: sister-in-law, it's so late and you're still not sleeping. Are you waiting for the double 11?

Xi Wan: sister-in-law, you're with your sister-in-law. Where's Big Brother?

Xi Wan: sister-in-law, are you and your sister-in-law preparing for the hand-cutting festival?

Love Xi Wan: Haha, I'm curious what Eunuch Li did.

Xi Wan scrolled through the comments and received a message from Li Zhan.

Xing Zhi: Wife, Mwah. What stupid thing did little sister do?

As soon as Li Zhan appeared on Xi Wan's Weibo, these fans also excitedly started to scour the comments.

Love Xi Wan replied Xing Zhi: "Ah AH AH AH, THE LIVING BIG BROTHER! "! Could it be that big brother was alone in the empty room today, so his tone was so sour?

Love Xi Wan replied Xing Zhi: "Hahahaha, big brother's resentment is so strong. ".

Speaking of which, these ids were quite familiar to Xi Wan, so she picked a few people to reply.

Sunset not too late replied love Xi Wan: "I am indeed waiting for the double 11. ".

Well, when it was time, he could go back to the hotel to sleep.

Sunset not too late replied Xi Wan cutely: "He is warming my bed. ".

Sunset not too late replied Xing Zhi: "Mwah, my little sister broke down when she found out who his Avatar was. ".

On the other side, Li Zhan, who was sitting in the car, looked at Xi Wan's message and could not help but twitch his eyebrows. He looked at the time and asked the driver: "How much longer will it take? "?

The driver replied respectfully, "boss, it will take about half an hour. "

He had just gotten off the plane and was rushing from C City Airport to the stadium in Area D. it took more than two hours, but he had already shortened it to one and a half hours. In the end, the boss still wanted it to be faster. If it wasn't for the cold weather and the lack of cars.., he wouldn't even be able to make it to one and a half hours.

Li Zhan nodded. His gaze was looking at the rows of tall buildings outside the window. The neon lights were constantly flashing. Suddenly, it started to drizzle outside the window.

One drop at a time..

The car window gradually gathered water droplets, slowly dripping down.

Li Zhan looked at his phone. Xi Wan on the screen was smiling like a flower. He couldn't help but smile faintly.

Fu Fu

Backstage, Xi Wan and Li Yan's resting area was peaceful. This peace continued until 11:50 pm. Under the staff's interruption, it finally ended.

Everyone tidied up their clothes. They didn't bother to touch up their makeup and went directly to the front desk.

The atmosphere here was very lively.

Xi Wan looked at the fans who were waving their glow sticks and screaming in the distance and couldn't help but say, "they're in good spirits. "

It was so late at night, but they were still excited and didn't feel sleepy at all.

Li Yan nodded.

Xi Wan was still sleepy. She only felt better after drinking some warm water. At that time, a gust of cold wind blew through the gap, and Xi Wan couldn't help but shiver.

Zhen Yue saw this and immediately put a thick down jacket on Xi Wan. "Don't freeze yourself. " It was the easiest time to catch a cold, and it wasn't easy to recover.

It was late at night, so the temperature was naturally too low to bear. Xi Wan put on the down jacket and felt a little more comfortable.

After putting on the jacket for a while, the director arranged for everyone to sing together. After the chorus ended, there would be a countdown. When that time came, it would be everyone's wild night.

At that time, Li Yan gave Xi Wan a look.

Xi Wan followed Li Yan's Gaze and saw Zhou Liqing and SU nuanyu standing in a corner. They were arm-in-arm and chatting happily. Their posture was as if they were best friends who had known each other for many years and had endless words to say.

Xi Wan sneered in her heart. Have these two flies and dogs finally joined hands?

Zhen Yue naturally saw Su Nuanyu and Zhou Liqing together and couldn't help but whisper, "do they have the same taste? "

When Li Yan heard that, she smiled and said, "yes. "