However, even though their attention had been shifted a lot, the Internet trolls were working overtime to create false rumors and ambiguous statements. For example, "indeed, the friendship in the circle is very fragile. Look at Jiang Xiwan and Zhou Liqing... " If they broke up, they would break up. However, Li Yan and Jiang Xiwan seemed to have only started contacting each other after they graduated from university. Could they really be best friends?

This statement made many people lick the beautiful photos of the two people in the marketing account as they muttered in their hearts, "these two opponents who are evenly matched in all aspects should not be good friends. There is more flavor to them than good friends. ".

As a result, the two people were not good bestie trending, and it remained high.

Zha Lang also had no moral integrity. Sky Shadow paid to take down the trending, but the other side was pushing and stalling, stammering. What they meant was that this trending was bought by people on the topic list and could not be taken down. They would discuss it in a few days.

Lisa was angry. She knew that this was definitely the work of the rival company. Huafeng was the most likely, but it did not mean that the other companies did not fish in troubled waters. In any case, if the two most promising female leads of the company were to really fall out, the loss of reputation and popularity would always be sky shadow.

Lisa could only anxiously track down the person who spread such a rumor. On the other side, Li Yan, who had received the news, directly posted a photo of her and Xi Wan on her Weibo and posted it.

Li Yan v: There are always a few clowns who can't stand to see other people's good.

At the same time, Xi Wan also directly forwarded Li Yan's Weibo.

Jiang XIWAN 06V: I don't like to explain this kind of thing twice. They are my friends, they will always be my friends, not my friends. We will never see each other again! / / Li Yan v: There are always a few clowns who can't stand to see others being good.

In an instant, Xi Wan's Weibo was filled with:

Goddess, we understand. Mwah, dear heart

Goddess, don't be angry. There are a lot of people who are jealous these days. Mwah.

After Xi Wan forwarded their Weibo, many friends in the other circles also forwarded their Weibo.

Xiao Cong v: Sei said that you two are not best friends If it wasn't for the fact that both of them have boyfriends, I would have thought that the two of you are lilies? Pick your nose / / Jiang Xiwan 06V: I don't like to explain this kind of thing twice. They are my friends. They will always be my friends, not my friends. We will never see each other again! / / Li Yan v: There are always a few clowns who can't stand to see other people being good.

Therefore, under Xiao Cong's Weibo, there was a line: Holy Shit, prince charming, you actually know the word "lilies" . It's amazing.

Gu Cheng V: Hug, don't be angry / / Li Yan v: There are always a few clowns who can't stand to see other people being good.

Gu Ye v: Xiao Yan and XI WAN's relationship is super good. Ps: On the right, you're pretending to be cute again. You're a 30-year-old man, do you have the nerve? ! / / Gu Cheng v: Hug, don't be angry / / Li Yan v: There are always a few clowns who can't stand to see others get along well ...

At the same time, Zheng Yinyin also posted a Weibo Post.

Zheng Yinyin v: I treat both girls as my daughters. Do you think their relationship is good? / / Jiang Xiwan 06V: I don't like to explain this kind of thing once or twice. They are my friends. They will always be my friends. They are not my friends. We will never see each other again! / / Li Yan v: There are always a few clowns who can't stand to see the good of others.

With such a vast lineup of reposts, the passersby finally believed it. This was another incident of hype. It was probably Sky Shadow's warm-up for the golden flower awards. The two of them nominated together. There wasn't much to see, so everyone could disperse.

After this Weibo farce ended, the golden flower awards began in City B.

At that time, the official Weibo of the Golden Flower Awards Organizing Committee Authorized Media Platform B television, CCTV's film channel, and online media giant Dacheng to broadcast simultaneously.

That afternoon, Xi Wan and Li Yan went to the company's dressing room to get styled.

After Chen Ke finished putting on makeup for the two of them, they joked, "who are your male partners? "?

After Chen Ke became Xi Wan's makeup artist, he found out that the relationship between Xi Wan and Ming Ri was fake. Thinking back to when he put on makeup for Xi Wan on the set of "twin stars, " it was because she was Ming Ri's girlfriend that he took care of her a few times. Knowing how careful he was, he felt very regretful that Ming Ri didn't get a beautiful woman. After all, Ming Ri was almost the same age. It was time for him to find a girlfriend.

Li Yan said with a smile, "do you still need to think about it? I'm Ming Ri's Son. As for Xi Wan and Cong Cong, this lineup will definitely look very strange to the outside world. "

When they were on their way to the golden flower awards ceremony, Zhen Yue scrolled through Weibo and saw the latest news from a gossip marketing account.

Entertainment Industry Skinner V: I got a big news today. It's about this little flower star who participated in the golden flower awards. There are pictures and the truth. I'll see you tomorrow.

Throughout the day, the netizens'mood was very high. After all, today was the golden flower awards ceremony day. Everyone was scrolling through Weibo together, wanting to see the golden flower awards'grand occasion.

Moreover, those who loved gossip and entertainment had an unknown number of entertainment industry related marketing accounts on their home page. Therefore, when this Weibo post was posted, it immediately blew up a lot of people.

Who Was it F * CK!

A little flower girl That shouldn't be my goddess. My goddess is a flower girl.

PITCHY legs That shouldn't be my goddess. My Goddess is married.

The comments were one after another. Countless people were guessing which little flower girl pitchy legs was. In the end, they guessed it was Xi Wan's comment. The number of likes was surprisingly at the top of the hot comment list.

The next two, three, and four were all guessed to be contracted by Xi Wan. There were even people who directly said, "It should be Jiang Xiwan. Didn't the news of her and Li Zhan being together a while ago keep spreading? " "and this time, Jiang Xiwan forwarded Li Yan's Weibo. Did you guys notice that Ming Ri didn't even forward it? It must be that Ming Ri knew he was cheated on and broke up with her. "

"I also think it's Jiang Xiwan because the interaction between her and Ming Ri is so rare. I followed both of them on Weibo, but in the end, I didn't see any interesting interaction. "

Of course, there were also Xi Wan's fans retorting, "the two of them are fine, but you guys are making wild guesses again. Is it interesting? "

"exactly, why are there so many people wishing for bad things to happen to them? Could it be that after the two of them break up, it's still your turn? "

As they were guessing and arguing, the golden flower awards'red carpet ceremony officially began.

At that time, the long red carpet extended towards the rostrum. On both sides of the rostrum, there was a dense mass of media. The photographers were holding up their food, squatting, standing, and flashing lights from time to time.